Ye Feng stood on the nine days. Beside him was Jiao Luan, who sat in the void and was full of magic Qi turbulence.

Jiao Luan's own strength is infinitely close to the demon king's realm, and the distance breakthrough is only natural.

Now, although the code of killing demons has been revised, the lives of nearly 300000 demons still allow Jiao Luan to accumulate huge and extremely terrible power in a short time.

This killing force is enough for Jiao Luan to break through the realm of the demon king and soar to the sky.


Jiao Luan broke through in front of Ye Feng, and his breath sounded like wind and thunder.

Compared with Qijiao Zheng and Yusha Xin's breakthrough in the battle, jiaoluan's safe breakthrough is obviously better, and the benefits obtained after the breakthrough are also more.

The evil Qi kept coming in and out of jiaoluan's body, just like a wild dragon. The wind and thunder moved together, and the world changed color.

"Kill, kill!"

Whispers came from the void, as if they were from ancient times, passing through time and years.

This strange whisper, accompanied by waves of killing breath, surrounded jiaoluan, and a creepy virtual shadow emerged behind him.

It is the virtual shadow of the killing devil, indomitable, with 18 arms and 16 wings, and his face looks like Jiao Luan.

At this moment, looking at the killing devil like Jiao Luan, Ye Feng's eyes could not help narrowing slightly. He unexpectedly felt a trace of pressure.

Of course, this pressure does not come from jiaoluan. Even if jiaoluan is the Tianjiao of Jiaomo family, it is just so for Ye Feng.

In fact, even if the killing devil is achieved, it is only the double heaven of the devil. For Ye Feng, it is no different from mole ants.

The source of pressure is actually the virtual shadow of the killing devil. Although the virtual shadow is against Jiao Luan's face at the moment, the momentum does not come from Jiao Luan.

At the moment, Ye Feng couldn't help thinking that the creator of the killing demon code was obviously the first killing demon king.

It is not clear whether the other party is dead or alive, but it has become the most noble existence of the demon king, which can prove the power of the killing demon king.

Presumably, the strength of the killing devil is not small. It is rare that Jiao Luan condenses the virtual shadow of the killing devil, which can bring a trace of pressure to Ye Feng.

At the same time, the vision of jiaoluan's breakthrough is obviously much stronger than Yusha's heart. Similar whispers and killing breath never appeared when Yusha's heart broke through.

Does this mean that Jiao Luan's talent is far stronger than Yu Shaxin, or his talent in killing is stronger.

There is also a more bizarre possibility, that is, after Ye Feng's improvement, the killing demon code, which takes killing the demon family as the source of strength, is its level higher?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. The cultivation conditions of the killing magic code were completely aimed at the Terran.

He changed the cultivation conditions of the killing devil code. If he raised the level of the killing devil code, it would be too outrageous.

If so, the killing devil who created this skill at the beginning may be the biggest demon traitor.

With the continuous condensation of the virtual shadow of the killing devil, the smell of jiaoluan is also rising sharply.

When it reached a level, it stopped, and then it continued to solidify. Jiaoluan seemed to change from a stove to an ocean, and its momentum became more and more deep and introverted.

When everything was silent, Jiao Luan, who had closed his eyes for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and a deep cold light flashed in his eyes.

"My Lord."

The increase in strength brought by the breakthrough did not make Jiao Luan forget himself. He came back and bowed to Ye Feng at the first time. His attitude was extremely respectful.


Ye Feng looked at Jiao Luan and nodded with satisfaction. Jiao Luan's strength grew well, which was not weak compared with Yu Sha's heart.

If yu Shaxin achieves the killing demon king and reaches the early stage of the demon king's double heaven, jiaoluan is at least the middle stage.

There must be many factors, but maple leaf doesn't care.

"Now, if you want to carry out the plan, you just need to wait."

Ye Feng smiled calmly.

Hearing this, Jiao Luan's breath was obviously short. He had been waiting for this day for too long and had been looking forward to it.

"In that case, the small one will leave first."

Jiao Luan immediately resigned. He was going to finish the task arranged by Ye Feng.


Ye Feng waved his hand and disappeared.

Jiao Luan saluted respectfully to the air again, and then his killing intention bloomed. He went to the corner demon court like a shell.

On the other side, Ye Feng has appeared over the taboo Castle Peak. He stands proudly in the air and overlooks the people of jiuzong.

"Lord Zhenshen!"

Seeing Ye Feng's Terrans, without exception, all showed a fanatical look.

Ye Feng's presence here represents Yu Shaxin and Jiao Zheng. The dangers brought by these two new demon kings have been solved.

When the frightening threat of the Terrans is eliminated, their awe of Ye Feng is deeper. All this comes from Ye Feng's unfathomable power.

In the final analysis, the world still speaks with strength.

Before, the people of the nine sects were so angry with the nine sects' leader's kneeling down to Ye Feng. Now they are so impressed that they even feel that their sects' vision is far-reaching.

Such a strong existence can afford the nine Patriarchs to kneel down and bear the voice of the true God.

"From now on, you will be the only true God of our human race. The nine will kneel down to you forever."

The leader of the holy fish sect, Yu Wanrong, did not hesitate. He was the first to kneel down and worship.

Seeing this, the other patriarchs who were lucky to survive all looked at each other, and then did not hesitate to salute with Yu Wanrong.

Then, all the surviving Terrans on the battlefield knelt down piously.

Their worship of Ye Feng has reached a degree of fanaticism. In such a crisis, when the end is almost coming.

Ye Feng appeared, directly changed the world, created miracles, almost miracles, how can they not be excited and revered?

"Get up."

Ye Feng looked at them with indifferent eyes, and his expression didn't fluctuate at all, as if the experience in front of him was just a piece of cake.

Such a proud attitude, but more people worship, more and more convinced of Ye Feng's strength.

The battle between man and devil finally came to an end. Ye Feng came to the place outside the Qingshan sect and sat alone in the hall. Below, he knelt down to the four surviving patriarchs.

Qingshan patriarch, qingtianshi; Jinmu patriarch, Zuling; Holy fish sect leader, fish Wanrong; The leader of cold blade sect, Wu Hengyu.

Only four of the nine sects and nine patriarchs survived, and the other five fell in the battle.

Looking at the four patriarchs who knelt respectfully in front of him, Ye Feng's eyes were indifferent, but he was thinking in his heart.

Speaking of it, many of the nine patriarchs are called waste firewood in Ye Feng's eyes.

In other words, Ye Feng is very dissatisfied with their attitude. Most of the sects established with the original intention of guarding the Terran have been decadent, and so have their leaders.

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