The wave of vitality shocked half of the world, and the boundless killing intention invaded. The distance between Ye Feng and Weituo was only tens of feet. The overwhelming martial spirit almost wrapped Ye Feng in it. With the Hukou's vitality, Ye Feng was torn apart at any time.

Except that the five deacons and the flaming lion continued to stagnate in place, others, including some congenital warriors watching the battle on the periphery, saw this scene and staggered back out one after another, unwilling to be affected by the aftershock.

Huo jing'er, the third prince, and the injured long Yuantu were pushed out of a safe distance by Han Chong in time.

Seeing a black tiger shadow rushing over their heads, they all held their breath and their nervous hearts were about to jump out.

"Ye Feng, you must be all right!"

Huo Jinger's expression was dull and her mouth murmured prayers.

The power displayed by Weituo's strike shocked the people nearby.

At this moment, even the five deacons could not help nodding, showing a trace of appreciation in their eyes.

If ye Feng could barely catch the blow just now, Wei Tuo was angry and his power was more than double that of the original. Even an old virtual realm master like the fifth deacon had to retreat from the blow.

Such an attack power is beyond the imagination of congenital martial arts.

If you fight hard, you will die.

Escape, there may be a chance of life.

A red leaf maple stood in the air, looking like he had no intention of running for his life.

His behavior was not beyond the expectation of others. The excitation speed of the martial spirit was far higher than that of ordinary martial artists. In an instant, it could reach hundreds of feet. He was born with two things. He could not waste time in the air, and his escape was in vain. It was impossible to escape the pursuit of the martial spirit.

In that case, it's better to save your strength and wait for death.

However, looking at Ye Feng's appearance, his eyes were filled with a trace of firmness, without any fear, and he seemed to have no consciousness of waiting to die.


What does he want? At this point, does he still want to resist?

Everyone's hearts were filled with great shock and surprise.

Who could have thought that even under such circumstances, Ye Feng was still unyielding and fearless, and had to fight to the end

This guy... Is really stubborn

"Hahaha... Boy, I'd like to see what kind of waves you can make if you don't wait to die in such a situation... Die!"

Wei Tuo sent out a violent laugh and sent his vitality into the soul of the martial arts. The giant tiger jumped to the top of Ye Feng's head, took a big mouth and bit it at Ye Feng.

"Since you want me to die so much, it seems that I don't need to be soft hearted."

Ye Feng had the strength to answer. His voice disappeared, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Poof..." just when everyone was a little confused, suddenly, Ye Feng spread his hands forward, and a bright light suddenly grew up.

There was a shrill scream in front of him.

There was a vague light and shadow forming in the howling, and the surrounding temperature was violent hundreds of times in an instant. At this moment, Weituo's soul had rushed to


In the blink of an eye, the dark giant tiger collided with the fuzzy light and shadow like a fireman.

For a time, the fire was booming, and the impact position almost became an extremely brilliant extreme light spot.

Everyone couldn't help closing their eyes.

"What is it?"

Weituo was surprised, but the surprised expression on his face had not disappeared in time. Suddenly, he felt that he had lost contact with the Wu soul.

In an instant, Vito's face changed greatly.

The martial artist enters the virtual realm and injects the soul to achieve the virtual realm master realm.

The soul of a warrior can be said to be the essence of the master's deposition. Once it is formed, it is like a part of your body. If you want to make it like your arm, you can never do anything like it.

If such a thing really happens, there is only one possibility, that is, their own martial spirit is quietly destroyed.

It is inevitable that the martial soul will disappear and the realm will fall back to the innate state. Moreover, it will be hundreds of times more difficult to re condense the martial soul next time than the initial soul injection. Unless there is a special opportunity, it can basically declare that there is no possibility of promotion to the virtual realm in this life.

What is this vague light and shadow?

How could it be so easy to destroy the soul of the black tiger who has instilled a full Yuan force and is attacking with all his strength?

Is Ye Feng not a congenital double, but a hidden king master?

At this moment, Wei Tuo was scared out of the sky. He held a lucky heart and tried his best to communicate his black tiger martial spirit. But at this time, the light was shining in front of him. In a sky of fire, the vague light and shadow of unknown object rushed out with a violent and sharp scream.

They are too close.

Before Wei Tuo made any response, the shining light and shadow had rushed into Wei Tuo's chest. In full view of the public, his powerful and ferocious figure made a "hiss" sound, and instantly vaporized into nothingness

"How... How did this happen?"

"This is... Innate fire spirit..."

Seeing this scene, the pupil of the five deacons who controlled the flame Lion King not far away contracted, and his eyes flashed with horror. An idea suddenly flashed in his mind. At the moment, he could not afford to continue to subdue the flame lion king. With a flash of dark robe, the figure suddenly disappeared hundreds of feet away.

After the fuzzy light and shadow fell on Wei Tuo, he stood in place for a while, and then rushed to the martial artist on the side.

A group of warriors brought by Weituo didn't understand what happened. They were trying to save Weituo, so they were attacked by this light and shadow, and then vaporized into nothingness like Weituo.

There is no residue left.

Hua Tianli turned around and ran away, but how fast could he be? He was caught up by the shadow of fire in an instant. As soon as he jumped, there were no people.

Even the screams were too late.

In the more than half a year when Ye Feng was trapped in storage space, he was aware of the essence of blood that came out of the surrounding warriors. At this moment, he became more violent and bloodthirsty like a beast who escaped from the cage.

This kind of heaven and Earth Spirit, the lack of intelligence, only incinerates all the instincts to absorb the essence and expand oneself. For it, without partners or enemies, what it sees is "the essence of heaven and earth".

The more powerful the warrior is, the more attractive it will be. If the five deacons didn't run away at the first time, I'm afraid the big black market figure would die here inexplicably.

How could Hua Tianli think that Ye Feng had such a fierce thing in hand? The villain who fought against Ye Feng everywhere finally disappeared. He died so that there was no residue left. After vaporization, he left a pile of white ash, which was blown by the wind and disappeared in an instant

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