
The horny devil raised his hand slightly and said calmly.


"Your Majesty, how can we retreat now?"

"If you work hard, you will decline again and exhaust again. The king must think twice!"

A word startled a thousand waves, and all the ministers and nobles of the horn demon court were nervous and dissuaded.

Those who are qualified to enter the palace are the strong ones of the horndemon family, who come out of life and death struggle and experience again and again.

They may not be extremely smart, but they are not fools. They know what withdrawal means at the moment.

Ye Feng easily beat back the fierce first attack of the corner demon king court, which will weaken the morale of the demon family to the extreme. Withdrawing troops is definitely not a good decision.

But at the moment, the horned demon king showed the momentum of saying nothing. He looked at the ministers and nobles in the palace with a cold face.

The cold eyes let the noisy palace fall into silence, and a group of Horned Demons trembled and lowered their heads.

The cold stare of the horned demon king reminded them of each other's supreme authority, raised deep awe in their hearts, and dared not say more.

"If the king says to withdraw, withdraw. Do not disobey me."

The horn demon king's tone was cold, and the whole palace seemed to turn into an ice cave, which made people tremble with anger.

"All right."

Then, the horned devil brushed his sleeve and softened his tone, "you don't need to know too much. I have another plan. I'll let the leaf maple and the Terran holy court disappear and withdraw."

Hearing the speech, the ministers and nobles were relieved. There was a cold sweat behind them. At the moment, without much thought, they bowed down and said yes to mobilize the army to retreat.

"Withdraw, withdraw?"

The four of Wu Hengyu, who had been hiding in the dark and watching, couldn't help looking at each other and felt a trace of disbelief.

The corner demon king court, which was murderous and attacked with the trend of destroying the sky and the earth, was really beaten back by Ye Feng, just like the curtain of heaven?

This is too fantastic. Wu Hengyu and his four people all have a feeling that they are still in a dream. They think they must have not woken up, otherwise how could such a strange situation occur.

But the fact is right in front of him. Ye Feng did withdraw the whole horned demon Court on his own. Such a brilliant record deserves eternal praise.

"True God, forever!"

Wu Hengyu's excited lips trembled. He really saw hope. Ye Feng's back became indomitable in his eyes, like a great God's residence, which will shine the dark future of the Terran.

"But why didn't lord Zhenshen catch all these guys and let them escape?"

Qingtianshi was puzzled. The octagonal peak hit by Ye Feng's fist and the army of millions of demons had caught up with the corner demon king court and retreated together.

Wu Hengyu and others are also puzzled about this problem. If Ye Feng's strength is enough to scare off the whole horndemon court, it is reasonable to say that there is no reason to let these guys go.

After thinking for a while, Wu Hengyu's face became more dignified. He carefully opened his mouth and said, "you say, is it possible that Lord Zhenshen was injured and is not sure to kill all these demons..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of qingtianshi and others changed. They nervously looked at the corner demon court, which was about to disappear from their vision, and quickly waved their hands.

"Don't say that again. Let's not speculate about the state of Lord zhengod."


Wu Hengyu nodded, and he didn't dare to say more.

Ye Feng didn't know the wishful thinking of Wu Hengyu and others. He watched the horndemon court retreat to settle down three hundred miles away, smiled and found Wu Hengyu.

"Do you dare to join the fun? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Ye Feng said to them with a pale face.

"Lord Zhenshen, the four of us have been granted the four pillars of the holy court by the real God. We should devote ourselves to the human race and die. Not to mention that the real God is in front of us. How can we hide?"

Wu Hengyu said seriously.

"Yes, true God, we are not greedy for life and fear death. We will shoulder the responsibility of guarding the holy court, but we will not forget the mission of protecting the Terran and dying for the Terran."

Yu Wanrong has a solemn face. This peerless woman is very admirable.

Qingtianshi and Zuling also made a statement, which made Ye Feng smile.

"Yes, it's good for you to have such an idea, but since I didn't let you fight with me, you should have confidence in me."

Ye Feng looked at the direction of the holy court, "with me, the Terran will not lose. You can guard the holy court at ease, and I will make the Terran stand on the top of the world again."

When the voice fell, Ye Feng disappeared directly, while Wu Hengyu's four eyes were crazy. They nodded excitedly, and then returned to the Terran holy court to guard the four sides of the holy court and protect the Terran.

After Ye Feng and Wu Hengyu separated, they came to the highest building of the holy court, the holy tower.

This is specially built for Ye Feng by Wu Hengyu and others. It symbolizes uniqueness and dignity.

Ye Feng didn't care about the symbol of the holy tower, but regarded it as a temporary residence.

Now, in addition to Ye Feng, there are xianyun'er, yulingzi, xianyun'er's disciples, Shen rouer and others in this holy tower.

After the establishment of the Terran holy court, the people of the Jupiter school also followed. Qianqiu Tu and other people of the Jupiter school now work in the Terran holy court.

Xianyun'er is now honored as a great doctor of the holy court, and her disciples follow her to save people and treat diseases everywhere. Xianyun'er will also choose people with good thoughts and cultivation talents to teach the cultivation methods of the medical school.

It's yulingzi. His cultivation is not high and his talent is not good. He doesn't have any special skills. Now he can only be a guard in the holy court.

However, for Ye Feng, yulingzi's cultivation and talent are not important. What matters is yulingzi's sincere heart. This is a good seedling with courage and ambition.

Yulingzi agrees with his Terran identity and is willing to fight for his fellow countrymen, so he is recognized by Ye Feng.

In fact, Ye Feng just hit the peak of nearly one hundred and eighty cents with one punch. Millions of demon families can completely destroy them.

Even the horn demon king and thousands of demon family Ye Feng can kill, but he didn't do so, but let them retreat.

This is because when Ye Feng was fighting, he suddenly thought of a problem. If he solved all the problems, the Terran was indeed not in danger, but he also lost the power to rise.

When Ye Feng finds a way to leave the disordered world, the disordered Terrans will lose their shelter, and one day they will return to their previous situation, or even worse.

Therefore, Ye Feng decided to train several talents for the Terran. They are the real hope and future of the Terran in the disordered world.

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