
Jiao Miao's body was smashed into the army, and a group of horn demon soldiers were still confused.

They didn't understand why the horned demon family suddenly flew overhead and seemed to be shouting something, but they died before they finished.

"Soldiers! I'm the grandson of the horndemon king!"

Before they could understand it, a roar of anger rang out, and the king's court army remembered it. That's what Jiao Miao said.

"I'm Jiao Luan. When the Lord is gone, you'll listen to me!"

Jiao Luan rose from the palace in the center of the army. His breath was as grand as the sea and he was imprisoned with dignity.

Surging blood and evil spirit flowed. Jiao Luan seemed to be the most terrible demon God. No soldiers dared to look at him, and they all lowered their heads in fear.

This is the majesty of the demon king's strength and the suppression of the demon family by the killing demon king.

Jiao Luan took over the huge imperial army after the horn demon king fled.

This is part of the plan of Ye Feng and Jiao Luan.

At the moment, Ouyang Qinge, Wu Hengyu and others led the Shengting soldiers to look at this scene coldly.

They didn't attack again. The strength of the holy court soldiers was not enough to compete with the horn demon court army of tens of thousands of soldiers.

At the moment, Zhao Zhenyang and others who took the pill sent by Ye Feng have come to Ouyang Qinge.

Ouyang, who was in a coma, and Gondor, who was seriously injured, also recovered at the moment.

Although they are still injured, they are already capable of fighting. The pill given by Ye Feng is very useful.

Jiao Luan easily obtained the command of the king's court army. At this moment, he turned and looked at the people of the human holy court.

Zhao Zhenyang and Jiao Luan looked at each other, and a strange light flashed, but they didn't speak and communicate.

On the contrary, the five people and one demon who looked at each other showed a look of rage.

"If you dare to offend my Terran holy court, die for me!"

"Yes, the horndemon court should be destroyed!"

"Jiao Luan, do you want to be the new king of the Jiao demon family? Then I'll kill you myself! The Jiao demon family can't have a king. If there is one, I'll kill one!"

Zhao Zhenyang and others shouted angrily.

These words made the Wangting army a little frightened. They had fought with Zhao Zhenyang and others and knew the combat effectiveness of these Terrans.

As for Ouyang ChuChu and Gondor, it was the terrible existence of fighting with the horndemon king for a long time, and the king's court army was afraid.

They all looked at Jiao Luan. After the demon king left, Jiao Luan became their backbone.

"Hum! The Terran holy court? It's just a mole ant. The horned beetle is as timid as a mouse. Frightened by Ye Feng, he abandons the army and runs away. I won't!"

Jiao Luan disdained to drink, and the horn in his mouth was the contemporary horn demon king, Jiao Luan's grandfather.

Hearing that jiaoluan called Jiaomo king, a group of Jiaomo soldiers were surprised, and then looked forward to jiaoluan.

Being able to say such crazy words either proves that jiaoluan is a madman, or jiaoluan is a more powerful existence than the contemporary horndemon king.

If Jiao Luan is more powerful, the king's court officers and men don't mind supporting Jiao Luan and becoming the new horn demon king.

After all, for the demon clan, they will follow whoever is strong. Only fists can conquer everything.

"Today, the soldiers have been hurt too much. I don't want them to die again."

Jiao Luan looked at Zhao Zhenyang and others, "I will retreat, but this time, I just want the soldiers to recuperate. If I come again next time, you will all die! The human holy court will be destroyed!"

As soon as he said this, the officers and men of the horndemon clan became more and more crazy. They stared at hornluan.

Jiao Luan's retreat is for their soldiers? In the horned demon clan, the lives of soldiers are worthless, like weeds on the roadside, countless.

What really matters is always the royal family of the royal court. No one cares how many soldiers are killed or injured, even if they are dead.

At this time, Jiao Luan had already arranged his confidants in the Wangting army and began to publicize Jiao Luan's deeds.

These deeds reflect the story of Jiao Luan's strength, kindness and care about the soldiers.

Let the Wangting army listen to the crazy eyes and look at jiaoluan one by one with great excitement.

In this regard, Zhao Zhenyang and others are full of disdain. They bloom a bright light of stars.

The terrible majesty of the saint swept the world, and the violent power shook the sky.

"Talk big! You can't take any soldiers today. They are all dying here!"

"Those who violate my holy court will be punished even if they are far away!"

"Jiao Luan, I will kill you myself and cut off your head as a night pot!"

They drank angrily and rushed to jiaoluan.

Seeing this, Ouyang Qinge and Wu Hengyu wanted to keep up, but they heard the voice of Gondor's divine knowledge.

"Don't move, just watch."

Ouyang, Qin Ge and others looked at each other and felt some doubts.

But Ye Feng told them that if they left, they would listen to Gondor.

Therefore, Ouyang Qinge and others did not act rashly, but stood in situ and watched.

In the face of the murderous Zhao Zhenyang five, Jiao Luan was not afraid at all. Behind him, an indomitable virtual shadow of the murderous devil appeared and came straight up.

"Wangting army, March south!"

While meeting Zhao Zhenyang and others, Jiao Luan also gave orders to the Wangting army to let them leave.

But the direction of leaving is not to return to the king's court. The king's court is in the west, but Jiao Luan let them go east.

Wangting army is puzzled, but now jiaoluan's war is about to break out.

And Jiao Luan promised to take them away safely, so they decided to listen to Jiao Luan.

Under the roar of jiaoluan's confidants, these Wangting troops went south in a muddle, completely forgetting that they could have fought with jiaoluan.

After all, Ye Feng has left. If Jiao Luan is really powerful, he can lead them to destroy the holy court. He can even wait for Ye Feng to return and kill Ye Feng.

But under the bewitchment of Jiao Luan and his confidants, these Wangting troops didn't turn their brains, but hurriedly listened to the order and fled to the south.

At the same time, the battle between Jiao Luan and Zhao Zhenyang also broke out.

The battle they saw was one-sided. Jiao Luan was so powerful that he couldn't lift his head to suppress Zhao Zhenyang's five people.

Chong Xiao's blood, evil spirit and the heroic ghost of the killing devil set off Jiao Luan like a supreme demon God.

With magical powers, fists and swords, Zhao Zhenyang's five people struggled to resist.

If they hadn't worked together, they would have been killed by Jiao Luan.

Ouyang, Qin Ge and others look strange. Their strength is not bad. They can easily find that the battle between jiaoluan and Zhao Zhenyang is completely thunder and little rain.

Seemingly fierce, in fact, they are colliding with gorgeous but useless magic powers, just like acting.

But in the eyes of the Wangting army, they can't see the clue. On the contrary, they really feel that jiaoluan is extremely powerful.

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