When the two men grabbed the middle leaf maple mask with their fists and claws, a hot fire attribute yuan force diffused. On the fire red yuan Qi shield, a rosefinch virtual shadow spreading its wings to dance suddenly appeared. As soon as the wings vibrated, a hot breath fluctuated from the virtual shadow.


The red light flickered, and the fists and feet of the two royal warriors matched with the virtual shadow of the rosefinch rising in the wind.

The vigorous vitality collided with each other, causing a ripple wave in the air. Then, two strange cries were heard. Lin Yu and Zhu Da asked the two royal warriors whose accomplishments were much higher than Ye Feng. Their hands, heads and faces were scalded with hot heat, and their hair and clothes were lit. At the moment, they jumped and jumped, The clown flapped the burning flame.

A moment later, they just put out the flame and stared at Ye Feng with a frightened face. At the moment, in their eyes, there was no arrogance just now.

How is that possible?

How is that possible!

Lin Yu and Zhu Da asked each other and looked at each other. The boy in front of him didn't deliberately hide his accomplishments to tease himself. He was born with four weights. How could he condense the virtual shadow?

And the shadow is so powerful.

No wonder Zuo blackface regarded him as a character.

On this thought, they hurried to start, but they underestimated the enemy.

"Brother Lin Yu, hurry up, stir up the messenger and let brother Zuo and them come quickly to deal with the boy." Zhu Da asked angrily, regardless of the sharp pain on his face.

Lin Yu next to him looked frightened and hurriedly felt a messenger to stimulate him.

"Don't be so troublesome." Ye Feng put away his strength armor and said with a smile, "I didn't say I wouldn't go with you..."

"What? Would you like to go with us?" Lin Yu was surprised, and there was an indelible doubt in his tone.

"Of course. As you can see, I didn't fight back when you hit me just now, but... That's just self-protection." Ye Feng stall said.

"Let's go, boy. Don't blame us for not reminding you in advance. When we meet brother Zuo later, don't be so arrogant." Zhu Da asked.

"Was I arrogant just now? My attitude has always been very friendly. Look, with a smile..." Ye Feng's words made Zhu Dawan and Lin Yu speechless.

It seems that this is true. This boy should be afraid of his identity as a royal warrior.

But it seems to be on the road.


The three walked in one direction and soon entered a towering forest. After walking into the forest, a group of people came quickly with big steps in front.

"It's brother Zuo with a black face."

"There are so many people. Well, that's great."

Lin Yu and Zhu Dawan quickened their pace and hurried to meet.

Somehow, although Ye Feng did not show any murderous spirit and hostility, he did not reduce his fear to the two royal warriors, and even made them want to avoid them like snakes and scorpions, thinking of throwing out the hot potato behind their ass as soon as possible.

First, because ye Feng just showed his strength. Second, the boy is too calm. It seems that he will face not bad enemies, but a group of old friends who come to talk to him.

There was always a smile on his face and his voice was very gentle. The extreme self-confidence revealed made Lin Yu and Zhu Da feel numb.

It's alright now.

Not only the left black face came, but also seven or eight Royal warriors. It's unbelievable to deal with a congenital quadruple warrior in such an array.

"I've seen brother Zuo."

The two held fists, and then Lin Yu pointed to Ye Feng, who fell more than ten feet behind him, and said, "fortunately, we have brought Ye Feng, brother Zuo, smoothly."

"Brother Lin and brother Zhu have worked hard. They made their first contribution. Afterwards, someone left reported to them and asked for them." Zuo black face said happily.

"Eh, these bubbles on your faces? They seem to be hurt?" asked one of the Royal warriors.

"Skin injury, no problem, no problem..." Lin Yu and Zhu Da asked and waved their hands quickly.

"It seems that the two must have fought a war with the boy surnamed Ye. Unexpectedly, the boy can hurt brother Lin and brother Zhu. It seems that they have some strength." another royal warrior said.

"How strong can it be? It's just a congenital quadruple. In my opinion, brother Lin and brother Zhu must have been injured by carelessness..."

"Why is it congenital quadruple? I remember Prince Yixiao ordered it. It's congenital double? And there seems to be something wrong. Look at his appearance and smile. Can't you find the wrong person?"

Left black face looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

He found Ye Feng standing opposite him, looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Are you Ye Feng?" asked Zuo black face.

"Haven't you seen me the other day? There is a bald man with you." Ye Feng answered slowly.

Hearing him say the three words "bald man", the left black face immediately calmed down.

That's right.

That's the guy, but what the hell is this guy doing?

Don't you know that your side came to kill him?

"Ye Feng, do you know why we are looking for you?" asked the left black face.

"How do I know? I won't come if I know." Ye Feng said.

"Hum... You offended Prince Mo Yixiao and dared to come here with our people to see me? You really don't look down on our royal warriors." Zuo black face became gloomy.

"So it's Mo Yixiao's arrangement?" Ye Feng asked calmly. "Tell me, what do you want to do to me? Or what does Mo Yixiao want to do to me?"

"Prince Yixiao means that he doesn't want to see you again alive. But God has the virtue of living well, and we don't have to kill you. If you obediently hand over the storage ring, I can consider only abolishing your Dantian and driving you out of the powerful country..." Zuo black face said in a deep voice.

"Really?" Ye Feng said faintly, "the bald head who followed me with you seemed to have said similar words. Unfortunately, I killed him."

Ye Feng's words made a group of Royal warriors restless. The left black face also burst out with strong authority, which was obviously surprised by Ye Feng's words.

"What? You killed Ouyang Hao..."

"Then you can't stay. If you kill my royal warrior, not only you can't live, but also your relatives and friends, parents and relatives will be implicated."

"Brother Zuo, why do you talk so much with him? Take it directly and take his head back to Prince Xiao..."

"If you kill the Royal warrior, even my relatives and friends, parents and relatives will be implicated?" Ye Feng said coldly, "If you Royal warriors want to kill me, I will wait to die. Are you Royal people the only powerful country? Others are like grass mustard? If you want to deal with my relatives, friends, parents and family, not to mention a group of Royal running dogs, even Mo Yixiao, I will cut off his head."

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