"Fire Lin beast?"

After running forward for a while, a huge beast appeared in front of Tiefu City, but before the fire Lin beast attacked, he shot in advance.

Whew, whew, whew!

A long knife appeared in his hand, and the knife was vigorous. The Huolin beast with strength almost the top grade of the Xuan level was cut to pieces by the knife light before it could spit out the flame.

Looking back at this scene, Ye Feng's body vibrated slightly, and the master of virtual realm was really powerful.

Unexpectedly, he killed a top-grade Huolin beast on the Xuan level, but he didn't expect it. With a little fire poison and a Huolin beast, he entangled the old iron man, flashed his body and directly crossed the valley at a low altitude.

On the way, Ye Feng went to some places with strong fire poison concentration from time to time, and often there would be fire Lin animals and dead bodies in those places. After two days of running around, he had almost reached the other side of the crematorium.

Tiefu City obviously vomited blood one after another, but he never gave up. When he saw that Ye Feng fled to the crematorium, he rushed in without hesitation, and his eyebrows tightened.

Tiefu city has seen a little strange.

The places Ye Feng walked through were places with high fire poison concentration. Logically, he must have inhaled a lot of fire poison, but now he has nothing at all?

Even after inhaling fire poison, you have to call Yuan Li to drive it away. Otherwise, a little makes a lot, which may cause big trouble. How can this congenital quadruple boy be afraid of fire poison?

This boy really has something to rely on.

Looking at Ye Feng, whose figure disappeared in the crematorium, Tiefu City rarely stopped.

If you go in, you may be ambushed. If you don't go in, you must be escaped by this smelly boy.

Not reconciled.

After I got here, I vomited dozens of blood. How can I be willing to let go like this? After a short thought, Tiefu city was reluctant to give up Ye Feng. After gritting his teeth, he also broke into the crematorium.

Near the entrance of the crematorium, Ye Feng quietly lurked in a dark place and waited.

Restrained by the poison of fire, the martial arts will have a short process of blinding the six senses after entering the crematorium. After Ye Feng first entered it, he knew that old man tie would chase him in and planned everything long ago.

He deliberately found a place with two dead bodies cruising.

These two corpses are stiff, one is of intermediate grade and the other is of low grade. It's not enough to deal with the double masters of the empty world like old iron, but with the hidden leaf maple, the effect must be different.

Ye Feng let Yuanling temporarily isolate the corpse's perception of himself, hide in a suitable position and quietly observe the movement at the entrance.

At this moment, he had the heart to think about other problems.

After more than two days, I wonder if master Dong has rescued jing'er,

This time, the iron family was uprooted. It was inevitable to shock the King City. Maybe it would also shock the whole Yuan Wu continent. It was a big accident.

However, Ye Feng doesn't regret it at all.

For the people close to him, Ye Feng won't frown when he goes up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire.

If the events of that day made him do it again, he would not hesitate to break into the iron family castle again.

Ye Feng must let all those who are aimed at him know where his bottom line is.

The dragon has an inverse scale, and those who touch it die.

His inverse scale is his relatives and friends. If anyone moves Ye Feng's inverse scale, he must be prepared to make the corpse flow into a river, even if the other party is a big family, a large family, even the royal family.

You can move me, but not my women and relatives.

So he will kill tiehualong cleanly. Even if tiehualong is not the executor of this matter, he is obviously one of his accomplices who want to deal with himself.

After killing tiehualong, Ye Feng felt that his breath was much smoother in his chest. But this matter is not over. He wants to kill situ Ba and Mo Yixiao. He wants everyone to know what can be done and what can not be done, even if you are a royal child and a noble in heaven, it is the same in front of yourself.

Thinking of this, the spirit felt that the vitality at the entrance fluctuated violently, and the old iron man was coming in soon.

Ye Feng held the shattering knife with a touch of perseverance in his eyes. At the same time, the blue streamer of the starting point has begun to brew at his fingertips.

The iron old fellow six iron floating city is an old traveller.

After protecting his whole body with vitality armor, he did not relax his vigilance, and the speed of entering the crematorium was not very fast. It's no wonder that it's easy to suffer when you take a cut and gain wisdom, especially between such scene changes.

For the first time, he lost Ye Feng. The second time, he broke a tree and his nose and eyes were swollen.

Now it's the third time.

He didn't have the yuan spirit to cover his breath. As soon as he entered the crematorium, the strong vitality fluctuation of the virtual realm master attracted the attention of two dead bodies.


One before and one after, two corpses were stiff and rushed towards Tiefu city at the same time.

The iron old man was surprised.

He watched Ye Feng come in, but there was no Ye Feng in front of him. Since Ye Feng entered before him, it must be Ye Feng who had to deal with the dead body. How could he suddenly disappear?

Of course, now is not the time for him to think about these problems. Low-level corpses are easy to deal with. Intermediate corpses have about one weight of strength in the virtual environment. In addition, it is not very easy for Tiefu city in the middle of the virtual environment to clean up two corpses in order to resist the attack of fire and poison.

"Ma TA Kunlun!"

Tiefu city was full of energy, and the long knife in its hand turned yellow. Countless strong winds rushed out, accompanied by the sad light of the knife, which made people's scalp numb.

This is one of the three moves of the iron king. At that time, tie Changkong also used it when fighting with Ye Feng. It can be said that it has great power. Especially when it is exercised in the hands of the master of the virtual realm, the power naturally increases by an unknown number of times.


White light burst out, and the low-level corpse was stiff. One arm was cut in two.

Then Tiefu City roared, his body jumped out, cut the huge knife in his hand, and the blood flashed. With another "click" sound, the low-level corpse was stiff, and a huge hole was opened in his body.

Tiefu City wielded its sabres like the wind and killed the corpse. It was quickly cut to pieces. With a crash, the low-level corpse fell to the ground and turned into a piece of debris.

Killing a dead body makes Tiefu city look quite relaxed.

But at this moment, the attack of another intermediate corpse is imminent.

"Iron Xuan Xuan kills!"

The long knives in the hands are full of vitality and talismans.

With a long sword of earth yellow radiance, he chopped heavily on the blood claws of the middle-level corpse. The yellow earth attribute Wu pulse yuan force poured into the body of Tiefu city from head to foot, making him like a soldier and servant.

"Click, click, click!"

The fierce collision sounded, and the corpse was stiff with a blood claw, which was twisted to pieces under the "iron Xuan Xuan killing" of Tiefu city.

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