More than half of the room had collapsed. Situ BA's body was buried under a beam, revealing only the lower part of his body below his thighs. Ye Feng stretched out his fingers and lifted the beam in the air.

The skull of the corpse was broken, and his eyes continued to open reluctantly. He looked ferocious and his face was full of consternation.

Ye Feng angrily hit him in the air and smashed his body into pieces. Then he swam away in the broken room.

The spirit is inspired to the extreme and feels everything in it.

Indeed, there is the residual smell of Huo Jinger. Everyone has different fragrance or breath. Ye Feng who is familiar with Huo Jinger can naturally feel it. This special taste really belongs to Huo Jinger.

But that's all.

With the special breath that Ye Feng perceived, he couldn't find anything at all.

At best, it can only prove that Huo Jinger appeared or stayed in this room.

He frowned slightly.

I searched back and forth in the room, but after a long time, I still couldn't find any obvious clues.

Slowly, Ye Feng's heart gave birth to a trace of irritability.

When he was about to give up, Yuan Ling's voice suddenly came from his mind: "your mood fluctuated very badly. Why? Didn't you find it?"

"Nothing special. Is it true that jing'er successfully ran away as Mo Yixiao said?" Ye Feng shook his head after thinking for a moment.

There is no possibilities.

Huo Jinger's strength he knew very well that if she had the ability to escape, she would not have been caught so easily by them before.

"You continue to wander around the four sides, and Ben Yuanling will find out if it can help you find clues." Yuan Lingdao.


Ye Feng slowed down and searched in the small room almost step by step.

Every step he took, he had to stop and stop for a few seconds. He didn't move on until Yuanling gave a response.

Slowly, he immediately set foot in the whole room. When he appeared at a position near the windowsill, Yuan Ling suddenly said, "stop and take a step back."

Ye Feng acted according to his words.

One step back, that is, the position of the window. The window is aimed at the fence in the backyard. Outside the fence, there is a field.

"There is a special breath fluctuation. Here... Someone has come." Yuan Ling said slowly.

Ye Feng was stunned and asked, "did someone climb over the wall from the windowsill and take jing'er away?"

"How could it be!" Yuan Ling denied, "no wonder you can't perceive it. Ben yuan Ling only perceives a slight spatial fluctuation. If he guesses correctly, an expert should tear the void, enter the room and take away your jing'er."

"Spatial fluctuation? Tearing the void?"

Ye Feng's eyes were bulging and felt a little unbelievable.

If you want to achieve this step, you need to reach the cultivation of the king's realm. In Xuanyuan ancient land, President Ding Rushan clearly mentioned this problem.

Throughout the power of the Western Tang Dynasty, there are only three experts who are capable of tearing apart the void and moving the void. There are only three masters, including his majesty Mo Shen, the president of the inscriptions Association Ding Rushan and the divine dragon. Even Ye Feng, the elite of the martial arts house, has never met the head of the house, Yuan Xiaolong.

Was it one of the three big men who secretly took Huo Jinger away?


What kind of status do the three of them have? They can destroy an aristocratic family by just saying a word. Why do they need to do such a thing in person?

But Ye Feng couldn't help believing yuan Ling's judgment.

"Are you sure?" Ye Feng scratched his head and asked.

"Of course. This fluctuation is very secret and difficult to detect, but naturally it can't hide from Ben Yuanling's perception. The answer can be revealed. Wang Jingwu took the person you're looking for. Ben Yuanling thinks you can rest assured that people with such status can't find trouble with a small shrimp that hasn't been achieved in nature no matter how poor they are." Yuan Lingdao.

After listening to Yuan Ling's explanation, Ye Feng felt much more stable.

Indeed, as Yuan Ling said, it is impossible for an expert in the king's territory to deliberately embarrass Huo jing'er, an acquired martial artist. Since that person used such strange means to take Huo jing'er away, perhaps it was her chance.

I have nothing to worry about. In other words, it's no use worrying about myself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's figure drilled out of the windowsill. The fence in the backyard didn't collapse. After a slight jump, Ye Feng climbed over the wall.

He must leave.

Come and return, such a period of stay is enough for too many people to come. Now I'm sensitive. No matter which side of the force I meet, it may be very easy to conflict.

After looking at the distance, Ye Feng kept walking and was about to plunge into the field.

But... At this moment, a crisis flashed through Ye Feng's heart.

He looked up, everything was so dead, and there was no figure in his sight.

However, Ye Feng knew that the nearest martial artist had appeared on a big tree more than 100 feet to the left.

The breath emitted by this martial artist is very weak, and his breathing is also controlled very smoothly. If Ye Feng's perception is amazing, it is difficult to capture this change.

And even Ye Feng has been so close, he still keeps a latent posture, and his breathing rate has not changed.

In fact, in addition to this person, there are two martial artists who are far away. They form a triangle and surround him. These two people hide better and are far away. Even Ye Feng can't feel any smell from each other.

He just had a faint feeling.

This is the special feature of the promotion of congenital six fold. It can pursue profits, avoid disasters and feel the spirit.

Although the specific perception of vitality and things is not as good as spiritual power, for some nihility, similar to ethereal and unpredictable symptoms, it is beyond the spiritual strength.

There are two kinds of perception, one is real and the other is virtual. The stronger the spiritual power, the more real this perception presents. We can cooperate with each other and complement each other.

Ye Feng can clearly know that the breath revealed by the three warriors who don't know which force they belong to has no small killing intention. It's not just a spy sent by one of the many forces in the West Tang King City to check the news.

Which force is it from?

Situ family? Iron house? Or the Royal warrior?

They were sure that they would appear in Chuang Tzu outside situ's city and ambush here in advance.

However, whoever shows his intention to kill himself anyway will not be his friend.

It's time to kill.

From the hidden warrior on the big tree, Ye Feng smelled a slightly fishy smell, but it seemed that there was a good smell.

This is the smell of poisonous dragon grass. Maple leaf is no stranger.

The juice of this poisonous herb is natural and highly toxic. It is almost impossible for martial artists to force the poison out under the virtual environment, and it is even more deadly for martial artists below congenital.

However, it is shameful for martial artists to feed poison on swords and blades. Even in the whole Yuan Wu continent, only some invisible killer organizations will do so. For example, in the notorious "heaven and earth killing", there are a group of killers who like to smear highly toxic on their swords.

Hiding with poison feeding weapons, these people may only come to kill themselves, but how do they know to ambush here in advance?

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