"Old man, you're crazy!"

Master Dong shouted in horror, but he couldn't help it.

Master Dong is good at alchemy inscriptions. He is not as good as the elder of the iron family in terms of combat strength. Besides, he is determined to kill Ye Feng. The intention of the knife has been shot. Even if the spiritual impact can hurt the iron float, Ye Feng will die.

At this moment, the other of the two figures quickly threw a streamer in his hand, and Kan grabbed Ye Feng before the knife hit him.


A loud explosion, the sharp and incomparable knife intention hit the streamer, and a continuous sound wave burst out.

Ye Feng was blown up by this huge force and flew directly into the sky, swaying and floating down, and was involved in the past by master Dong.

The streamer was like a balloon, which wrapped him in it. Although he was dizzy after being blown up, it all offset the fatal blow of the iron float.

At this moment, tiefuteng also suffered from the spiritual impact of master Dong. His face turned white, his steps staggered and embarrassed, and withdrew for dozens of steps, which continued to stand firm on the wasteland.

Filled with anger, he shouted, "Bi Ying! Do you want to be the enemy of my iron family?"

With the joint efforts of the two inscription masters, tie Futeng not only didn't kill Ye Feng, but also suffered a slight injury. It can be said that the success fell short. How can the iron float swallow this tone?

"Iron floats, you stop!" Vice President Bi and master Dong, who are white haired, stand side by side, looking at the fierce iron master who refuses to stop, "can't you see? It's not that I and master Dong want to oppose you. That's what President Ding means. For this reason, President Ding even borrowed two ground level treasures, Liuyun handkerchief and Lingkong ferry..."

"No matter who I mean, the boy surnamed Ye has a deep hatred with my iron family, and I will kill him." tie Futeng stuffed several pills into his mouth, stared and was about to come forward again.

"You are bold. Don't you even pay attention to President Ding?" Vice President Bi said with a moving face.

"I won't sell when the heavenly king comes! Get away, or I'll kill you both." iron float looked ferocious, his bald head turned red, and his vitality surged in an instant. On his head, the huge wolf virtual shadow was grinning and ready to move.

Vice President Bi and master Dong are both masters of inscriptions. They are not strong in martial arts. Their combat experience is far from being compared with that of tie Futeng. Although they are one-to-two, tie Futeng does not pay attention to the two masters.

"OK. OK, let me experience the iron family's iron blood fighting spirit."

Ye Feng's eyes in the package of Liuyun handkerchief are closed. He should be stunned by the violent energy just burst. Master Dong's spirit is explored. He knows that he is no big problem and has a lot of peace in his heart.

Then he took a step forward and looked coldly at the iron float.

"It's up to you?" tie Futeng laughed wildly. "Three moves. Three moves can't kill you. I'll let you go."

"Arrogance!" master Dong must be angry. Zhang was about to go forward to fight, but vice president Bi Ying stopped him, looked at tie Fu and said coldly, "elder tie, do you really want to fight with our two old men?"

I felt the cold light in vice president Bi's eyes, and iron floated. In fact, if he didn't have to kill Ye Feng, I really didn't want to make such a stiff quarrel with Vice President Bi and master Dong.

The two of them have a high status. Bi Ying is the vice president of the inscriptions Association. Master Dong has the identity of the chief alchemy master of a powerful country. His appeal within the scope of a powerful country is very amazing. It can be said that every day, kings of counties and counties queue up to ask for medicine. If you really want to offend these two people, as long as you say hello, countless people are willing to work for them.

No family or sect is willing to offend a master of inscriptions, let alone two here.

"Vice President Bi, this boy surnamed Ye almost destroyed our iron family and killed the murderer of my sixth brother Fucheng himself. Even if I don't want to risk my life, I will kill him. In a word, you two stand by and our iron family will come to thank you. If you have to stand up for him, I'm sorry."

After a short thought, iron floating finally opened his eyes coldly.

"Your iron family is a scum, and Ye Feng just acts for heaven..." master Dong shouted.

"According to you, my iron family is dead?"

The iron floated and the eyes sank. The eyes swept towards them like a sharp blade, with a cold tone.

"Good will be rewarded, evil will be rewarded. Everything has its antecedents and consequences. Your iron family did evil first. How can you blame Ye Feng for killing? Tie Futong, if you want to fight, we are not afraid of you!" master Dong raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. "Ye Feng, we must protect."

"Chatter..." iron floated with a creepy laugh and said, "it's good for you two to protect yourself under my long knife. It's not enough to save this person."

"So, what about me?"

Just as he was laughing and talking wildly, suddenly a clear female voice came not far away, and then several people felt a strong momentum coming here.

A graceful figure floats flexibly. It looks like a graceful woman with a jade mask on her face. Look at her body method speed, such as butterflies around flowers. It's beautiful but very fast. Obviously, her cultivation is very clever.

"Who are you? Why should you meddle in the grievances between our iron family and ye?"

The iron is floating, the eyes are cold and fierce, like a sword ready to be scabbard at any time, which makes people feel frightened.

"Elder tie, don't forget that Ye Feng is the eleventh elite given by the Lord of the martial arts house. I, Yan Siya, have been added as the Lord of the treasure Pavilion of the martial arts house. How can I watch the martial arts house elite being slaughtered?" the woman with a jade mask is Yan Siya who saved Ye Feng in the crematorium. She didn't hide her identity, The voice said his origin and identity clearly.

"It's the master of Yan Pavilion." Vice President Bi and master Dong came forward to salute.

The inscriptions association has always had a good relationship with the Wu family. The two forces have always worked together to compete with the royal family, so they have known each other for a long time.

Yan Siya also saluted them.

Now there are two inscriptions masters and a master of virtual world. The strength comparison is never under the iron float. In this way, the big elder of the iron family knows that he has no chance to kill Ye Feng today.

"Well, well, the inscriptions will always work with the Wu family to bully our iron family? Pity me. The iron family is loyal to the Western Tang Dynasty and has made great contributions. Is there any justice? Is there any royal law?"

Tie Futeng was extremely angry, but he dared not let him do it at this time.

The master of inscriptions is not good at fighting personally, but it is the most powerful auxiliary profession. There are two masters of inscriptions nearby to fight against a virtual realm master with good cultivation. Iron Futeng himself may fall.

A hero does not suffer at present.

Although he was angry, he did not go crazy. When he saw that the situation was bad, he immediately retreated.

"Old man Dong, Lord Yan, can you stay with this boy all your life? Ha ha... I will kill Ye Feng in this life!"

He said cruel words in his mouth. The roaring voice of iron float didn't fall, but the whole person disappeared in the distance like a ghost

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