"These are top-notch spirit stones. One is equivalent to a thousand pieces."

Yan Siya explained, "when martial uncle Zhao attacks the realm, you will practice meditation next to him. It will be of great benefit to you to witness the virtual realm master attack the king realm."

"I'll stay and won't disturb old Zhao?" Ye Feng said suspiciously.

"How good are you?" Yan Siya smiled. "Well, martial uncle Zhao will soon start to attack the king's realm. I will protect the Dharma for martial uncle Zhao and take care of yourself."

In the room, Mr. Zhao Da sat cross legged, closed his hands, pulled the spirit tools in the spirit stone to form a vortex, and quickly absorbed them into his head.

At the same time, a powerful pressure that was more than ten times stronger than before suddenly spread out from the meridians and muscles in his body. For a time, his whole body was like being put into a raging fire, wrapped in a blazing flame, making the surrounding temperature rise violently.

Looking at Mr. Zhao Da like a fire man, Ye Feng flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes. It turned out that the great master was also a fire attribute Wu pulse.

With Ye Feng's perception, we can naturally clearly sense the fire Yuan gas surging out of Mr. Zhao Da's body. At present, we murmured in a low voice: "it's really good for me to understand that a master with the same attribute attacks the king's realm. Now such an opportunity can't be wasted."

He also sat down cross legged and slowly observed and understood.

This kind of opportunity is hard to buy. Imagine which virtual realm master would let others stay around when he attacked the king's realm? It's a matter of life and death.

Mr. Zhao Da didn't treat Ye Feng as an outsider. Secondly, Ye Feng had no other place to go and could only rely on it.

The surrounding vitality whirls rapidly, and a stream of pure and incomparable energy penetrates from the spirit stone. Finally, it is poured into Mr. Zhao Da's body. With the passage of these pure energy, the original crystal clear and exquisite spirit stone slowly fades. According to this degree, I'm afraid that in a short time, there will be a huge energy in tens of thousands of exquisite spirit stones, Will be absorbed by him.

While absorbing the energy of the spirit stone, due to the strong attraction in the body, it can also extract and absorb energy from the vitality between the surrounding heaven and earth. However, the energy directly absorbed from the heaven and earth is countless times more mottled than the energy obtained from the spirit stone, but it is more abundant and inexhaustible.

Therefore, with this two pronged approach, vigorous energy is pouring in in a continuous manner, tirelessly filling the body like a bottomless hole.

However, although Mr. Zhao Da absorbed it very quickly, the energy required for the Jin stage was too huge.

He had failed to attack the king's realm before. This time, it was even more difficult to break through. The energy required was naturally huge.

With the passage of time, the surging momentum in Mr. Zhao Da's body gradually shows signs of weakening. Especially after the last trace of pure energy among the four sides of the spirit stones was absorbed by him, he lost such a huge energy support. Relying solely on the intake from heaven and earth is not enough for the advanced needs of supply and demand.

At the time of Jin Jie, the most taboo was the lack of energy supply in the middle, which would directly lead to the failure of Jin Jie. However, in the state of cultivation, Mr. Zhao Da had no other choice but to continuously operate the skill and want to absorb more vitality from heaven and earth.

The energy of heaven and earth is inexhaustible, but after all, it needs to be transformed and purified. What can be absorbed is only a small amount, and this little vitality is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for Mr. Zhao Da, the king of the Jin Dynasty.

Breaking the king, ordinary people want to reach this point, all need a long time to accumulate.

This cumulative time sometimes reaches tens or hundreds of years, which can also see how huge the energy required to break through this barrier is. Mr. Zhao Da had a previous impact, and the accumulated unique Lingshi consumed a lot. In addition, this forced breakthrough finally led to the insufficient storage of Lingshi.

On one side, Yan Siya looked at the exquisite spiritual stone that completely transformed the waste residue, glanced at a touch of anxiety between Mr. Zhao Da's eyebrows, and pondered a little. When her palm shook, she took out many spiritual stones from her storage ring and piled them on Mr. Zhao Da's side again.

Around, the concentration of vitality rose again, and the huge pure energy filled it again.

The sudden addition of energy is undoubtedly a timely help to Mr. Zhao da. The pure energy pouring into his pores again madly finally eliminates the fatigue in his body. When his mind moves, it runs continuously in the meridians like spring water, and finally pours into the Dantian to contribute to his promotion.

Directing the energy to run along the meridians, a steady stream of vitality roared past, and finally rushed straight into the Dantian.

At the moment when the surrounding vitality was about to return to normal, the strong suction burst from Mr. Zhao Da's body suddenly stopped. His body trembled slightly, his pores contracted slowly, and imprisoned all the sufficient energy absorbed without spilling.

Above his head, a fist sized red light suddenly rose like a bright sun, emitting a hot and dazzling light, illuminating the whole inner room.

"This is Mr. Zhao Da's martial spirit? What is this martial spirit? Why is it like a ball?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's heart trembled suddenly. He could feel the terrible power condensed in the red ball above Mr. Zhao Da's head.

It seems to see through what Ye Feng thought. Yan Siya said calmly: "the martial soul has become a pill. The master advanced king is to condense the virtual shadow of the martial soul obtained from the original soul injection into a pill. The next step is the real key step. Breaking the pill into a God and giving birth to a truly powerful martial soul, which means that the advanced success..."


She didn't go on.

In Mr. Zhao Da's body, a huge momentum rushed into the overhead ball like a sharp blade after completing the operation, as if he wanted to help the soul wrapped by the fiery red ball break out of the cocoon.


With the infusion of this force, the red ball suddenly trembled, a low buzzing came out quietly, and finally echoed in the inner room.

"Bang, Bang..."

Quietly, a subtle and rhythmic sound sounded in the ball. Listening carefully, it was as mysterious as the beating of the heart. It seemed that there was a life that was about to be bred.

At this moment, not only Mr. Zhao Da himself, but also Yan Siya and Ye Feng were full of expectations.

However, at this moment, Mr. Zhao Da suddenly frowned, with a look of pain in his walnut like face. A black air rushed into his body, instantly formed a small thing similar to a skeleton in mid air, and grinned at the four sides

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