Except that Ye Feng barely used it once against the iron float, it is only the second time Ye Feng has used it in actual combat.

Fang Hao's arrogant attitude stimulated Ye Feng and made him feel like fighting for the length of time. Therefore, he made every effort to flourish. The sword idea seeds he used carried the feeling of immensity and immortality, which should come from the power of the mysterious short sword, towering and immortal.

After this knife was cut out, Ye Feng also realized something in his heart.

He transformed his own idea of Dao, which was very immature. He realized Fang Hao's idea of mixed hole Dao, and cut out the artistic conception mixed with the idea of the ancient sword on the silk. After a knife was cut out, Ye Feng's mind suddenly became clear, and his understanding of his artistic conception suddenly increased by three points.

If it was just a grass-roots creation, now it has a heat of about 10%.

Generally speaking, only by understanding the meaning of this Dao to the highest level of 10%, can we infer its real grade. Now Ye Feng's artistic conception power is actually... None of them.

However, although there is only one in a hundred, the power contained in this Dao is no less powerful than Fang Hao's mixed hole Dao.

Mixed cave artistic conception is the ancestral artistic conception of Fang family, and the product level reaches level 3.

As the most outstanding disciple of the Fang family, only Fang Hao is qualified to understand this artistic conception. Other Fangzhen and others cultivate the second-class cold ice sword meaning, and Fang Hao does not live up to the expectations of the elders of the Fang family. After more than ten years of cultivation, he has cultivated the mixed cave artistic conception to the seed of artistic conception.

This is also the root of Fang Hao's arrogance.

Now he suddenly realized that the powerful power contained in Ye Feng's knife was no inferior to him. Fang Hao's face solidified and his eyes also showed great surprise.

Even let him cry out: "Dao Yi seed, how can you... Understand Dao Yi seed?"

The sneering Ye Feng smiled and said, "why can't I understand it? I not only understand it, but also the grade of my sword meaning is many times higher than that of your Fang's mixed cave. If you don't believe it, take me a knife and try it."

Before the words fell, the towering and huge energy had gone directly to the idea of hundong Dao.

Two bright seeds collided together in mid air, and the bright light rose everywhere and roared. The surrounding void seemed to hit a shocking thunderbolt, and many people were shocked to fly upside down. Even though all the people present are basically congenital eight or nine masters, they can't bear the artistic conception seed power burst out by the two genius level masters and dodge one after another.

Boom, boom

The sound of the explosion went up and down, and the two figures of Ye Feng and Fang Hao also retreated at the same time.

The voice continued for several seconds before the surroundings settled down. The people were shocked to find that after a fight, although the two had stood far away, they seemed to stand high and make a judgment.

The muscles on Fang Hao's face trembled. At the moment, his clothes and clothes were marked one by one. They were in tattered condition. It was obvious that he had withstood the impact of a lot of artistic conception.

Ye Feng, who stood a few feet away from him, also had a bitter smile on his face. Only half of the broken knife in his hand was left, "bang Dang", and the upper half shook, went too far and fell to the ground.

In this artistic conception competition, it is obvious that Ye Feng has the upper hand. However, the grade of the unique broken knife of the Yellow rank is far lower than the spirit weapon treasure knife in the other party's hand, but it is cut and broken by the other party.

So it was a draw.

"This... How can it be? The knife meaning understood by the boy surnamed Ye really overshadows Fang Hao..."

"So powerful..."

"But after all, there is a gap in his birth. You see, the knife in Ye Feng's hand has not even reached the Xuan level. Now it has been cut off. With the help of the power of the treasure knife, how can Fang Hao block the next blow?"

"It's impossible to inspire the sword with empty hands..."

"Fang Hao will never miss such a good opportunity. If Ye Feng doesn't go again, it's dangerous."


"Hahaha... Although you try your best, the Deacon will watch the door for you. Today, you must let the blood of Ye splash a hundred steps."

Seeing that Ye Feng had no weapons in his hands, Deacon Niu was particularly elated. The nature of dog legs was exposed. A brisk pace rushed to the gate and became a guard dog.

"Ye Feng! Next knife, get ready to be torn to pieces by me..."

Strong momentum is brewing. Fang Hao slowly raises his arm. Inspired by the intention of the sword, the sword reveals its brilliance

He just said that as long as he took the next knife, he would let Ye Feng go, but at the moment, it is obvious that he has gone back on his word. The artistic conception power of the other party is stronger than him. Now he can beat Ye Feng with the help of weapon power. There will be no such good thing next time.

Ye Feng smiled and shook his head gently.

Dao Yi, like Jian Yi, needs to use similar weapons to produce the most powerful power. Naturally, the power of other weapons will be greatly reduced. However, Ye Feng is not flustered or afraid. He has many means to defeat the enemy.

Just now I chose to fight with the knife. I just didn't want to see Fang Hao so popular and wanted to suppress his arrogance.

Just about to take out the broken iron stick to resist the enemy, but at this moment, a high voice suddenly came from the door: "Ye Feng? Who is Ye Feng? Where is Ye Feng?"

A figure came in stride.

He is a white faced young warrior of about thirty.

The young warrior was different from others. He was wearing a green robe. There were five peaks in the middle of his chest, forming the shape of a palm. In the middle of the peak, he embroidered a big word "Wan" with gold.

Seeing the young warrior, the correct thing is that after seeing the clothes he was wearing, everyone looked solemn and looked in awe.

Even the second arrogant deacon Niu, after shaking the fat on his face, directly came forward and bowed down to salute.

Because the green ten thousand character robe worn by the young martial artist is the customary uniform of the inner disciple of wanjue sect, that is, the young martial artist has the real inner disciple identity of wanjue sect.

In the seven holy places like wanjuezong, the disciples of the inner gate are basically experts in the virtual world or semi virtual world. Those who are born eight or nine times can only be an outer gate. The factotum disciples have the innate six or seven times cultivation, and their overall strength is incomparably strong. This is the most important reason why the seven holy land level forces can surpass the secular world.

An inner disciple walked in the four secular countries. The LORD had to receive and entertain him personally. Now he suddenly appeared here, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Niu Guangxian, deacon of the other academy, has seen senior brother."

Deacon Niu shook his body, ran quickly to the inner disciple in small steps, pointed a little, and Ye Feng said: "Report back to elder martial brother, that guy is Ye Feng. He is so bold that he provokes trouble in our wanzibie hospital. If he moves, he will hurt people's limbs and destroy people's Dantian. It can be said to be extremely vicious. Now Fang Hao, the eldest childe of the northern Han family, is about to kill this insidious, vicious and shameless generation. Don't bother elder martial brother..."

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