Elder Zipao's words made many wise warriors nod and give up their hostility to Ye Feng.

However, there are still more than half of the people, but they are not moved at all.

For them, it's far easier to rob and kill than to hunt monsters and get points. Of course, Ye Feng is not the only one they want to rob and kill, and other martial arts examiners are targets.

After a short pause, the purple robed elder added: "the assessment meeting will end in five days, and the secret place will be closed automatically. Those who are still alive will appear in wanjue square. At that time, the five peaks will select their disciples according to your token points. Finally, I warned you not to take action after leaving the secret place. Those who violate will be killed!"

There was a severe sense of killing in the voice, which shocked the bodies of all martial artists.


"Go in."

A group of disciples near the portal raised their body method and quickly flew into the light gate.

Others rushed towards the light gate.

"Brother panglin, almost, we'll go in."

Ye Feng waved to panglin, and the figure moved forward. In an instant, the figure disappeared in the light door.

"This boy is really not afraid of death."

Fang Hao, who was not far away, scoffed. When he saw Ye Feng entering the examination secret place, he flashed away with a sneer on his face. He also jumped to the light transmission door with seven or eight Fang martial artists


Ye Feng stepped into the light door. After it was dark in front of him, he soon recovered a clear and bright day.

This is the advantage of strong mental power.

General congenital martial arts people, from a small world to another space, short-term dizziness is necessary, and even those with insufficient strength will faint or vomit.

He found himself in another space, where he was in a mountain grassland surrounded by green mountains and a small lake next to the grassland.

This new space gives him the feeling that there is a special smell in the air, which seems to have a faint smell of blood. However, the vitality of heaven and earth here is stronger than that of the yuan and Wu mainland, and people feel refreshed.

Since Yuanwu County separated from the ancient continent 30000 years ago, its vitality has been seriously exhausted. The strength of several small worlds that Ye Feng once entered has exceeded that of Yuanwu continent.

"The vitality in the testing secret territory is so strong, but it can be occupied by wanjue sect. The seven holy places really deserve their reputation."

If ordinary martial arts practitioners spend a long time here, it will be of great benefit to improve their accomplishments. Unfortunately, the secret realm is only open for five days.


While he was still looking around, suddenly, several deafening roars of monsters came, and then streamers of light roared from all directions to the position where he stood.

As soon as he looked up and saw the situation clearly, Ye Feng's forehead brushed out a cold sweat.

At the critical moment, the shadow of others suddenly flashed, "Kunpeng nine days" body method was used in an instant, and the body shape suddenly disappeared in place.


Where Ye Feng just stood, there was a continuous explosion. Yuan forces with different attributes collided and crossed vertically and horizontally, forming a yuan force storm with a radius of several meters.

In just a blink of an eye, it turned into a rotten land within a hundred meters. There was a hole in the solid rock layer, gravel everywhere, and all the vegetation on it was crushed.

Ye Feng, dozens of feet away, looked at the scene. Rao was always calm and comfortable. He couldn't help but be frightened.

The foothold of this transmission is a little back.

If you didn't have a heavenly body method and strong mental power, you would have suffered a great loss under the bombardment of others, even half empty martial artists and even XUANBANG experts.

Five monsters launched this attack.

One head is the top grade of xuanjie, and the other four heads are all the top grade of xuanjie.

Such a large number of powerful monsters broke out a blow, and at the moment when they just entered the secret territory, Ye Feng estimated that only the top few could resist the attack of this intensity.

It was found that Ye Feng had escaped their attack. The five monsters each roared. The first flying tiger with wings was very angry. As soon as its wings vibrated, it rushed at Ye Feng like lightning.

To Ye Feng's horror, in the roar of the winged flying tiger, the other four top-grade monsters on the Xuan level separated from each other, forming a semi encirclement trend, and launched an attack on Ye Feng Qi.


Ye Feng was confused.

It's too strange in this secret territory space. At the same time, there are many monsters of different grades. Moreover, these monsters have extremely high IQ and launch attacks as if they were organized and commanded.

This is something that the outside world can't imagine.

However, he was surprised. Now that he had avoided the sneak attack at the beginning, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the top-grade monster of xuanjie.

A sneer came to the corner of his mouth.


A flame bomb shot away without warning. The directly fried winged flying tiger trembled and fell from the low air. Then Ye Feng cut two knives with his backhand. The short iron rod mixed with strong vitality swept across the four top-grade monsters.

The shattering knife is broken, but Ye Feng still has a short iron stick. Although it will greatly reduce the attack of the knife, it can be used to deal with these monsters.

"The flames burn to the sky!"


The red knife light was like flowing clouds and water. It cut a huge hole directly above the heads of the two monsters.

However, another shocking thing happened to Ye Feng.

Although the short iron bar almost opened the ladle for the two monsters, it didn't see the scene of blood and flesh flying and brain overflowing. Instead, it flashed two bright lights. Then, the two attacked top-grade monsters disappeared directly. Ye Feng only felt a light above his head. The word "zero" in the hanging golden token seemed to have changed.

At the moment, the other two top-grade monsters on the Xuan level have rushed to the, leaving him no time to pay attention to how many numbers become. He punched one of them with his left hand, but the short iron stick on his right hand lifted up a stick flower, chopped it heavily on the waist and abdomen of the last monster, and directly smashed it in two.

Another light flew up.

There are no corpses left by monsters, and there are no blood fragments.

The winged flying tiger who had just been blown up had taken a breath. Seeing this scene, he showed a touch of fear with great humanization. Then, the extremely unexpected thing happened to Ye Feng again.

As soon as the wings of the mysterious and unique monster shook, it made a crash and rushed directly into the air.

Run away!

And ran very crisp.

Monster can escape?

Ye Feng doesn't understand how such a thing can happen. It's not a monster. It can sneak attack, attack together, and even escape. It's a group of human warriors.

Even the thunder leopard that was slapped by Ye Feng was moaning and turned his ass

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