However, there were too many faces surging over in a short time, which made it difficult for Ye Feng to keep up with the speed of the Dementor needle. In this way, it is inevitable to be in a hurry and fall into the disadvantage. The two psychic masters quickly entered the struggle. Donghuangchong wants to devour Ye Feng's spiritual energy by relying on ghost faces, but Ye Feng can't help exterminating these ghost faces with the help of a Dementor needle. Now it depends on who can't support them first.

Once Ye Feng loses, it will be doomed. It is really possible that, as donghuangchong said earlier, the spirit will be detained and will never be reborn, and he will become one of those faces.

This was the most thrilling scene Ye Feng encountered. The degree of crisis was not under the virtual environment experts such as Tongming and iron floating at that time. Opposite, the ghost childe donghuangchong also showed a trace of surprise on his face. Boy, it seems that your mental strength is not weak. You can persist for so long under the soul eating black fog of young master. However, you are unlucky to meet young master! When the Eastern Emperor smiled, the bronze bell in his hand could not help shaking. Every time he shook, the faces would be like beating chicken blood, becoming particularly crazy, making it too late for the Dementor needle to block the assassination. Every ghost face was trained by the soul. He sealed tens of thousands of pieces in the gray black fog. Gradually, Ye Feng felt dizzy. He knew in his heart that this was the reaction of the shock of spiritual energy. It's not that Ye Feng's spiritual strength is lower than that of the other party. In fact, the spiritual secret method of Dementor needle is too low, and it is forced by spiritual force, which is too far from the secret method driven by the increase of spiritual tools.

If you dare to kill my son of the eastern royal family, I will certainly take away your soul and refine it into a ghost face in my soul eating black fog, so that you can work for me forever. Well, if you can hold on for so long, your mental strength must be extraordinary. It can greatly enhance the power of soul eating black fog... Chatter... The Eastern Emperor filled with a strange smile and flew a drop of blood essence into the gray black fog with a little finger in his left hand.

Suddenly, as if sharks smelled the smell of blood, the faces became more violent in an instant, and the attack became more crazy. no Ye Feng sent out a fierce roar in the dark, and the spiritual power was called to the extreme in an instant. The soul taking needle was flexible like a match. He did his best to stab and explode the faces that wanted to devour the spiritual energy one by one. His eyes were closed. Now the spirit is fully invested in the fierce battle, and there is no time to call other forces to fight back. Ye Feng knows that if this continues, he will eventually lose. Now he seems to be guarding a city. However, the faces besieged by all sides are invincible. Once a gap is broken through, there will be signs of large-scale rout. At that time, it will really be over. We must find a way to change the crisis in front of us.

He could not be flustered, let alone anxious. He slowly relaxed his mind, reluctantly separated the spiritual force driving the Dementor needle, and suddenly injected it into the body's military pulse. At the moment of spiritual power injection, the eternal green pulse seemed to be activated, and the vitality surged around the whole body in an instant. Vitality is useless at the moment. Ye Feng is not enough to fight against the soul eating black fog and break out a physical attack to hurt donghuangchong. But what Ye Feng wants to give is just a signal. Just a signal to the fire lion to attack and kill the enemy.

The spirit of fire yuan was injected into the fingertip of Ye Feng's right hand, and then a dim fire light rose. At the moment of spiritual power injection, this fire detonated in an instant. Give me... Kill! The fire light and the idea transmitted by Ye Feng rose almost at the same time. Like the confused flame lion king, the black and gold body suddenly vibrated and raised to the sky with a deafening roar. It recovered from its loss, turned its huge body into a stream of flame, and hit the body of the Eastern Emperor who was trying to urge the soul eating black fog. The fire lion will not attack others, but now Ye Feng has given instructions.

Boom! The Eastern Emperor Chong shot a trace of horror in his eyes and wanted to dodge the attack of the flaming lion king. Unfortunately, at the moment, he was also in a state of extreme concentration. He couldn't help controlling his body and was directly hit. His body was knocked away, and his mental strength was short, which immediately interrupted the connection with the gray and black fog. The grimaces that crazy rushed to Ye Feng disappeared, and the gray black fog shrouded on Ye Feng's side rolled back like the ebb tide. But even if the body was hit again, the left hand of the Eastern Emperor was still not relaxed. He firmly grasped the copper bell in his hand and was about to shake again, commanding the ghost face to attack.

Unfortunately, it's late. A flash of time is enough, and Ye Feng's spirit has returned to Qingming. In an instant, a huge fire suddenly lit up the whole sky. In the fire, Ye Feng's angry face made the Eastern Emperor tremble. Hoo Hoo! While the heavy sound of breaking the air sounded, the terrible flame had killed the body of the Eastern Emperor with violent power. Ye Feng, who was full of anger, seized the opportunity to escape from the illusion of hell and launched a strong attack on the ghost childe who set himself in. Almost fell into a terrible situation. Donghuangchong has completely annoyed Ye Feng. As soon as he makes a move, it is the killing move in the flame knife... The flame soars to the sky. And it was also a knife with fire element attribute added by the sub cremation God decision. If it weren't for the flaming lion king, this time, Ye Feng absolutely capsized in the gutter and plotted against each other in his best spiritual field. At the moment, he was obviously angry and wanted to cut the Eastern Emperor into meat and mud. Donghuangchong showed a trace of pity in his deep eye socket. Instinctively, he decided to pinch his hand and close the gray and black fog. At the same time, his figure retreated and flashed back like a ghost. In addition to the spiritual secret of soul eating black fog, donghuangchong's martial arts cultivation is also good. The movement is fast and the body response is also very agile, surpassing most martial artists of the same level. But the next moment, his face changed.

Ye Feng's flame knife light was as fast as his shadow. It was obviously far above him. So fast! After a cry of surprise, the gray black fog wrapped around his palm suddenly erupted again, forming a gray black armor shape on the outside of his body, just like the vitality armor, wrapped his body tightly. Your mental strength is outstanding and your speed is so fast. I don't believe it, and your strength can be strong enough to break the soul eating black fog armor... However, before you finish speaking, donghuangchong regretted and gave a scream full of pain.

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