Seeing that the two or three hundred flying monsters fled back like death, Liu Runze saw the fixed figure on Ye Feng's head: 11350 points. His face was a little ugly and shook slightly, and his heart gave a sneer.

After a great war, I also increased nearly 2000 points, and the token data reached 7100.

However, compared with Ye Feng, the congenital seven heavy Xiaowu, this gap has become larger and larger.

Moreover, Liu Runze saw with his own eyes that these were the points obtained by Ye Feng's hunting and killing monsters. His ground level spirit beast was a pet. Just now, he was just guarding the front side and didn't attack.

This leaf maple is really powerful.

No wonder Fang Hao can eat flat.

While Liu Runze shook his head and sneered, who didn't notice that Fang Hao, the eldest son of the Fang family mentioned by him, was staring at Ye Feng with a gloomy face and extremely strong resentment on his face.

"What kind of skill is this? What kind of martial arts? Why is it so powerful? Besides the idea of seed knife, this boy can also use such exquisite fire control moves? It seems that it's not as easy to deal with him as he imagined..."

"It seems that... We have to find another helper..."


The monsters flying in the sky have just disappeared in the eyes. Before they fully recover their strength, the rolling monsters are approaching on the ground.


The roar was startling, and the evil spirit swept into the sky. The monster who ran to the place was not yet close enough, which made many martial artists show fear on their faces.

Whether in quantity or strength, running monsters are much more powerful and terrible than flying monsters.

It can be said that at this moment, it is the real time to see the truth.


The sound of monsters running is like thunder. How spectacular the scene of tens of millions of monsters running side by side. Except here, it is difficult to see such a thrilling scene in the whole Yuan Wu continent.

"We must stop this first wave of impact, otherwise, once the human wall collapses, it will become a very difficult thing for people and formations to unite again."

Ye Feng's eyes were awe inspiring and looked at the animal tide transmitting to Liu Runze.

"What are you going to do?" asked Liu Runze.

"You and me, go up and resist the first wave of impact. As long as you and I don't retreat, the people behind will continue to rush up, and our human wall will be more and more dense! When the formation is completely stabilized, I believe the victory will be closer and closer..." Ye Feng turned to Liu Runze and shouted, "do you have the courage to move forward ten feet with me!"

This excitement made Liu Runze's face sink and blurted out: "I'm a XUANBANG expert. There's no reason to be afraid of you, a congenital seven."

"Ha ha, good!"

Ye Feng laughed wildly. Under the gaze of a frightened eye, he suddenly walked forward and stood at the front of the team, followed by the flaming lion king.

Liu Runze on the other side jumped ten feet after a cold hum.

Just a few moments after they stood still, the first wave of land monsters had approached.

This long-distance attacking land monster has wolves and leopards. Its grade is basically about level two or three. Its strength is equivalent to that of a congenital martial artist.

Their slender and vigorous bodies are full of explosive power. Their fingers have sharp claws as sharp as a blade. Sen's white tusks are exposed outside, and their green eyes are full of killing and bloodthirsty. Their desire for the blood essence and vitality of martial artists has lost their intelligence at this moment.

At this moment, the only thing left in the minds of these monsters is the idea of tearing the warrior's body and drinking blood.

"Well come!"

Ye Feng took the lead, the Qi of fire yuan in his hand was surging, and the blood god armor formed a red mask to cover the shadow of others. The whole body of the flaming lion was burning with rolling flames, and then he ran into the monster group with Ye Feng.

Liu Runze also took out his housekeeping skills. The long sword in his hand should be a high-grade magic weapon. At this moment, with the infusion of vitality, it has changed into a huge sword shadow with a length of tens of feet.

One sword sweeps across, and the sword Qi is invincible.

His sword technique is open and close. Every sword can bring golden light.

Two people and one beast, like two nails, pushed into the front of the beast tide, attracting the attention of all the monster beasts in the front.

The first wave of monsters rushed towards the two people and formed two battle groups with them as the center, blocking the way of the monsters.

As a result, the speed of the beast tide attack has slowed down greatly, which has brought invaluable buffer time to the rear fighters.

"We are all geniuses selected by countries on the mainland. How can we fear a group of animals?"

"Follow those two masters and kill them!"

"Kill monsters and earn points..."


Seeing this scene, both the warrior guarding in front of the valley and the warrior avoiding into the valley were aroused by the masculinity and blood in the blood. Some people shouted loudly, raised their weapons, ran up quickly and joined the fighting team.

Sure enough, as Ye Feng expected, as long as you delay the first wave of the monster's impact, a warrior will launch a counterattack.

At this moment of life and death, no one will fear and no one will continue to escape.

Because they also know that Ye Feng and Liu Runze have won them the best opportunity to fight back. If they are not timid and cowardly, what qualifications do they have to become a member of wanjue sect, one of the seven holy places?



There was a sound of shouting and killing. The golden light was shining and the blood flow was vertical and horizontal. The entrance position in front of the whole valley has completely become a Shura hell.

All the martial artists killed happily and incisively. After more than a dozen breaths, a large area was cleared in front of them, and the points on many people's heads increased.

Liu Runze danced with a sharp sword, and the huge sword light burst. This kind of rampant killing is most suitable for his open and close attack. The virtual shadow of his huge sword is suitable for killing the enemy on a large scale. Coupled with his superb cultivation of semi emptiness, killing Wolverine and clouded leopard, which are only equivalent to eight or nine innate weights, can only be described as slaughter.

One man and one sword are unstoppable.

The speed of killing the enemy is terrible.

However, Liu Runze inadvertently took a look at Ye Feng, but let him take a cold breath again.

Ye Feng turned into a fire shadow and rolled with a raging flame. The flame was as large as the fire lion on the ground level next to him. Where the number of monsters was the largest and most dense, each of the two regiments had a large fireball with a radius of several feet.

In an instant, only two charred marks will be left on the ground. All monsters close to the two big fireballs evaporate into pieces of golden light.

The fireball rolled over and the golden light appeared. It was very beautiful.


More than 20 monsters died on the spot. Then Ye Feng moved and appeared in another place where monsters were concentrated. The figure fell from the air

Roaring... More than ten monsters flash golden light

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