"Follow martial uncle's law."

Xuanhai people bowed.

The performance of Ye Feng and Liu Runze, xuanhai looked in his eyes from head to foot, but the dark shadow at the last moment left a touch of doubt in his mind.

"The last sword, it seems... Where have you seen it... Why do you look so familiar?"


The defense line in front of the valley has been broken through, and the human and animal fighting has turned into the interior of the valley.

The war was unprecedentedly fierce. In this war, more than half of the assessors were killed and injured. There were also a group of people like Ding Tianhe who ran away. At the moment, there were only four or five hundred people who could stand and fight.

When the situation was at stake and everyone felt that the defeat was irreparable, suddenly, a warrior killed a monster, suddenly feeling a light pressure.

He looked around and suddenly found an amazing situation, which made the martial artist cry loudly.


"Why, why are those monsters retreating?"

Soon, everyone noticed the scene, everyone showed an unbelievable expression on their faces, and the sound of laughter filled the sky.


"We stopped the animal tide... It was defeated, ha ha ha."


As the animal tide receded, Ye Feng and Liu Runze's faces were full of surprises.

Both of them did not expect to cause such a situation. Ye Feng inspired the seed of knife intention to defeat the void channel, just to force the powerful animal claw to leave to protect themselves. Unexpectedly, the wrong circumstances led to the collapse of the animal tide.

This is really unexpected.

At the thought of the crisis he had just encountered, Ye Feng was still terrified. If the dark shadow didn't break out a powerful sword at the end and repel the attack of animal claws, it can be said that his little life would basically be explained here.

Still think things too simple.

While agreeing with Liu runzhe to catch the thief and the king first, Ye Feng never thought that the object he wanted to hunt was so powerful.

The purple robed elder of wanjuezong said that the most powerful monster in the secret territory is only level 5. By calculation, it is almost the strength of the intermediate level of the earth level.

Such strength, with the full cooperation of Liu Runze, Ye Feng consciously had the opportunity to kill it. However, unexpectedly, the strength of the broken void attacking its own claws completely exceeded the expectation. Under the attack of the claws, there was no force left to resist.

In the end, the elder of wanjue sect doesn't know that there is such a thing in the secret territory?

Or did they know they had it but didn't tell?

At this moment, Ye Feng's heart was heavy.

forget it.

Since the animal tide has retreated, it has completed this task without danger.

Ye Feng stood up, arched his hands at the dark place and said, "the grace of saving lives is unforgettable. Thank you for your help."

However, there was no response nearby. I didn't know that the shadow had left, or continued to hide in the dark.

"The beast tide has collapsed. Now is the best time to earn points. Ye Feng, why don't you and I hunt down monsters separately?" Liu Runze looked at the fallen monsters and his eyes were full of war.

Ye Feng naturally wouldn't have any opinions and nodded.

"Take care, I hope to see you among the inner disciples." after a fist, Liu Runze pursued with his sword.

"Take care!"

Looking at his far away back, Ye Feng didn't stop. He walked fast and rushed into the scattered monster team

A large number of monsters retreated. The strength of the beast tide is far lower than before. Now it has begun to retreat. Countless monsters have fallen into chaos. From time to time, martial artists chase them out and hunt them for points.

The surviving warriors are now in high morale. At this moment, everyone turns into a god of killing, chasing after the beast tide.

They want these monsters to know who is the master of all creatures.

They want to release all the oppression they have suffered these days.

In the fierce attack of the beast tide, all those who can fight up to now are talented people selected from a hundred. They are powerful, and the number of points displayed on the token on their head is amazing.

None of them is below 5000.

In this way, the problem comes. Monsters within tens of thousands of miles are either killed in the outbreak of animal tide, or most of them escape into the depths of the secret territory. If you want to continue to obtain points, you can only find monsters tens of thousands of miles away.

This is the fourth day of the secret territory, that is, there is only the last day left.

Even a martial artist who is good at speed body method cannot travel thousands of miles a day and hunt monsters thousands of miles away.

It is impossible to gain points by killing monsters.

In this way, we can only put our ideas on the heads of the nearby martial artists.

For some people, having the current points is enough, but most people are not satisfied, because no one knows how many points wanjue sect's internal and external disciples need. The numbers are different in each session. In case, the points are not enough.

Besides, even if you don't make other people's ideas, you can't stop others from making your ideas.

"Go to hell."

A tall young man inspired his sword spirit and killed the last top-grade mysterious monster, with hundreds of numbers jumping on his head.

"Ha ha, happy." just as he laughed wildly, suddenly, a teammate who had fought side by side slashed his weapon on the tall young man when passing by his side.

"You... Why?" the tall young man stared round his eyes, covered his wound and fell unwilling.

"Sorry, brother, who makes your points so attractive?"

The weapon was pulled back from the tall youth, and the blood splashed. His former teammate looked ferocious and showed a cruel smile.

With the tide of demons and beasts receding, the scene of human warriors killing each other is staged in the secret place all the time.

The whole sky was covered with blood again.

At this moment, for the sake of interests, those who had joined hands to fight against monsters and beasts showed their ugly and greedy human nature one after another, fighting each other and screaming one after another.

Ye Feng was also watched.

And it's not just one or two who stare at Ye Feng.

Although he showed his great strength in the tide of fighting animals, he couldn't stand the particularly "shining" number on his head, more than 28500 points.

Moreover, many people also know that they can get 10000 points from Fang Hao as long as they kill the congenital seven.

They don't know that Fang Hao has died under Ye Feng.

That's about 40000 points.

You only need to kill Ye Feng. You can get the number of inner disciples at your fingertips.

It's so tempting.

At the moment, Ye Feng was surrounded by a group of martial artists, one, two, three, four, five, six in all.

In the eyes of these six warriors, Ye Feng is simply a mouth watering sweet pastry

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