The little old man Yan Feng gave a cold hum in his nostrils and sighed. He didn't say anything more.

Yan Xi knows what the situation is without twin peaks. If it goes on like this, the branch strength is bound to be weaker and weaker, and there is no hope to rise.

A peak without new disciples, what about revival?

But Yan Xi, after all, is the leader of one peak. Let him compete for a group of wuzhe who don't want to join wushuangfeng and forcibly join wushuangfeng. He can't do such a thing. And it's not without a lesson. In the last few sessions, several martial artists were arranged to enter wushuangfeng, but as a result, nine times out of ten they found an excuse to leave.

If you can't keep their hearts, can you keep their people?

Yan Xi was helpless to close her eyes and stood aside. Her old face trembled. She was unwilling to stay here.

But he can't help it.

The whole wushuangfeng has no purple robed elders except himself. If he doesn't stay in town, maybe these old people who eat people and don't spit bones won't even keep a factotum disciple for him.

Oppressive, depressed, helpless

Assignment continues.

All the 1376 names were read, and the external disciples were assigned.

The main peak accounts for more than 700 people, and the other three peaks have an average of about 200, except for the words "no double peaks".

Yan Xi's old face was white with anger.

But there was no sympathy, but attracted several gloating eyes, which made master Yan Feng ashamed to find a hole to drill down.

Pang Lin was lucky and was assigned to Lingyun peak.

Next, it's the inner disciple's turn.

This time, more than any previous session, more than 50000 points, as many as seven people.

In addition to the mysterious masked woman and Ye Feng, Liu Runze also ranked among the inner doors with 73000 points.

The inner disciples have a certain right to speak, so the distribution is not as one size fits all as the outer disciples, but let these seven people choose freely.

In this way, it is naturally very beneficial to the main peak. Lingyun peak is the only one. Imagine which is not open-minded and will join other branch peaks?

Unless there is a relationship, for example, like Fang Hao, there are elders in the family who are internal elders in other branches.

Sure enough, the masked green robed woman with the highest points directly stood at the front of the main peak team.

"With 154200 points, the name is... Well, banzhimei, congratulations on banzhimei becoming the inner disciple of Lingyun peak of wanjue sect..." elder long Xiulan announced loudly.

150000 points, a figure that has not appeared in recent 10000 years. If it were not for this coincidence, it would not have been so high.

However, in any case, having such points is enough to show the strength of the masked Tsing Yi woman banzhimei.

"Banzhimei? It should be a pseudonym, but why does this woman in green give me some familiar feeling? Where did I meet her?"

Ye Feng thought for a moment, but he couldn't remember when he had seen the woman.

"Ye Feng. 1413 points."

Long Xiulan reported Ye Feng's name and points.

Ye Feng stepped forward.

Long Changlao smiled and said, "you little boy, your accomplishments are not high, but this score is much higher than the elder's expectation. The elder is very curious about you. How about joining our main peak? I can make an exception and accept you as a personal biography."

As soon as these words came out, all the other martial arts examiners showed envy, but among the old disciples gathered behind the purple robed elders, there was a sound of exclamation and introduction.

"Lying in the trough, long Changlao unexpectedly made an exception to accept a congenital martial artist as his personal biography? He's an old man, but one of the four elders of our main peak, this Ye Feng... What can he do?"

"What is he de? If you could get more than 140000 points when you joined the sect, long Changlao would make an exception and accept you as an apprentice."

"Are you kidding me? Our most powerful Bai Xu in the last session had only 28000 points. And elder martial brother Bai Xu was directly accepted by the Mingguang peak leader as a personal pass."

"You know a fart, the master of Mingguang peak and baiwangtian peak is Bai Xu's grandfather... Besides, how can this boy compare with Bai Xu?"

"Don't be jealous. 140000 points is enough to prove that this person is a genius, and long Changlao won't read people wrong..."

"Pie fell from the sky. I think he's going to faint happily..."


Listening to the voice of envy and jealousy from his ears, Ye Feng looked indifferent on his face. He didn't want to faint happily as those old disciples imagined.

He walked to the smiling old dragon's face and made a deep salute. What he said made everyone shut his mouth in an instant, and startled eyes flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you... Elder Long's favor, but what I want to join... Is wushuangfeng!"

Ye Feng said softly.

Although the voice is light, it is firm and resolute, showing the momentum of indomitable.


After a brief silence, the sound of shock sounded on all sides, rolling like a tide

"Did I hear you right... The boy turned down the proposal of the Dragon elder to accept him as his own biography?"

"Does he know what it means for elder long Xiulan to accept him as a personal biography? Just refuse? There are fools like him in the world?"

"He not only rejected the Dragon elder, but also said he wanted to join wushuangfeng..."

"Can't you be brainwashed by old man Yan secretly? It's possible to lose the garbage branch of wushuangfeng whenever it's gone..."

"Hey, in my opinion, maybe this man fought too fiercely in the secret place, causing his blood to attack his heart and his brain to become difficult..."

"Fool, real fool..."

"The fool openly brushed the dragon's face. Someone on the main peak can't sit still... I'll go. Look, the little witch witch Xiaoyu is out."

The voice didn't fall.

At the front of a group of old disciples, a girl in white came out.

The girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, with delicate facial features, long eyelashes and bright eyes. Although she is young, what brightens people's eyes is that her figure is very proud, and her bimodal chest is taller than any woman present.

The face is young, but it is very beautiful. It has the appearance of a country and a city. It can be described as a typical child face giant milk.

"What's your name?" asked the young girl in white.

"Ye Feng!"

"Ye Feng, do you understand the rules? Do you know who you're talking to? Long Changlao, but one of the four elders of our main peak, the famous King of sword repair, he wants to take you as his personal biography and let you join our main peak. It's your luck for eight years. How can you refuse?... now he's kowtowing to the Dragon elder and admitting his mistake, and then standing there obediently..."

The young girl in white has a lofty momentum in her voice, as if she was born a proud peacock. She will never let anyone disobey what she says and does.

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