Ye Feng twisted his steps and used Kunpeng's nine day body method to quickly dodge. He narrowly avoided the fist shadow raid, but he was still scratched by the fist shadow, his clothes were cracked, and a deep bone blood mark appeared on his body.

Zhao Jiang's figure turned around and let out a low drink.

A thick blue fist shadow at the mouth of the bowl was sent out in an instant. At the same time, his steps moved and appeared in front of Ye Feng, blocking his way to avoid, making him unavoidable.

When Ye Feng's mind turned, a red and a purple light flowed on his body surface, and his strength increased again.

Then he shot a ball out of his hand and met the blue shadow.


The ball flew upside down and exploded in mid air, in which countless thunder arcs were fired out, eliminating the shadow of the blue fist.

Just when Ye Feng was happy, at the next moment, a figure flashed like a ghost, stabbed in his chest, looked down, and was pierced by Zhao Jiang's fist.

Ye Feng's figure disappeared in the battle space.

This is the result of Ye Feng's hard work for more than half a year.

Today, although he is far from Zhao's opponent, he can fight back occasionally.

In the past six months, in addition to fighting with Zhao Jiang regularly, taking medicine day after day and honing various martial arts skills in space, his cultivation has risen to the middle of the congenital eight fold, and his strength has been greatly improved compared with the first time he fought with Zhao Jiang.

More than half a year in time and space, but less than four or five days have passed.

In other words, after only four or five days, Ye Feng succeeded in quenching Lei Yuan's body, and the realm of body refining climbed to the fifth realm, and his cultivation also improved to a higher level.

Such achievements are almost impossible for other martial artists, but Ye Feng is not satisfied.

Cultivation is too bad.

If this short board is not made up, it can not be Zhao Jiang's opponent at all.

Now, only as soon as possible into the virtual, congenital eight fold, has to start to prepare for the virtual.

After thinking about this, he couldn't continue to immerse himself in hard cultivation. The figure flashed and came out of the hall where Lord Yan Xifeng shut him up.

As soon as he went out, he met Wu Liyan outside the hall. Seeing Ye Feng's figure, Wu Liyan came forward unexpectedly and said, "younger martial brother ye, have you passed the customs?"

Ye Feng nodded and asked, "where's the peak master?"

"The peak master is not in the peak. He asked me to wait for younger martial brother ye here and said that younger martial brother ye would be closed for a period of time. When you come out, let me hand over this token of wanjue sect's inner disciple to younger martial brother Ye. The peak Master said that younger martial brother ye would be closed for a few days. Unexpectedly, you came out so soon?"

As he spoke, Wu Liyan felt a silver waist token from the storage ring.

Wan Jue sect's factotum disciples wear ebony waist token, while the external disciples wear bronze. This silver waist token is worn by the internal disciples and represents their identities. In addition to finding sect points, there are other unknown functions in the waist token.

Ye Feng got 140000 in the secret realm of assessment, which is converted into zongmen points, that is 140000.

Integration can not only buy all kinds of spiritual grass, materials and tools in the sect, but also exchange for skills and enter some special cultivation places for cultivation. It has many functions.

Ye Feng took the token and put it into the storage ring. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "senior brother Wu, I want to form my own power alliance. I don't know how to operate?"

"Build your own power alliance? You?" Wu Liyan was surprised.

"That's right."

"That's not an easy thing." Wu Liyan shook his head and looked at Ye Feng strangely. "To form a power alliance, you need to be recognized by the main peak alliance hall, and then you need to meet the conditions of at least ten people. These are even better. The most important thing is that it takes one million points to form an alliance."

One million points, let alone congenital disciples, are inner disciples above the virtual realm. It's very difficult to accumulate this number.

Moreover, for most martial artists, instead of spending so many points to form a power alliance, it's better to go to the Sutra pavilion to exchange one or two advanced skills.

In particular, wushuangfeng disciples have basically zero martial arts and skills. If they want to obtain powerful secrets, they can only exchange points for this way.

"OK. I see. The task of earning points is to get it in the merit Hall of the main peak?" asked Ye Feng.

"Yes... But younger martial brother ye, do you really want to form a power alliance?"

Wu Liyan wanted to say something, but as soon as he looked up, he saw that Ye Feng's figure had swept hundreds of feet forward and soon disappeared.

This speed is so fast

Wu Liyan was stunned, then smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then his heart was bright. What younger martial brother ye did may not be understood and imagined by a martial artist of his own level


After leaving Wushuang peak, Ye Feng swept directly towards Lingyun peak.

Lingyunfeng is the core of the whole wanjue sect and the location of some public facilities. Chen Jie has taken Ye Feng to the merit hall to take over the task, so it's easy to find it.

Carrying a tall and large stone tablet, Ye Feng was dressed strangely. As soon as he entered the gate of the merit hall, he attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Feng didn't care. He walked casually in the hall of merit and virtue, and roughly checked the situation in the hall.

The first floor of the hall of merit has a radius of tens of thousands of feet. On a huge jade tablet in the middle, countless religious missions are displayed.

There are all kinds of things.

Searching for people and things, picking spirit grass, killing monsters and so on.

Ye Feng was almost dazzled. He stayed inside for a whole hour before he roughly sorted out the task of wanjuezong.

It is roughly divided into five grades, and below 500 points is a low level.

500 to 1000 points are intermediate.

1000 to 3000 points are advanced.

3000 to 5000 points are the top.

In addition, there are sometimes unique tasks with more than 5000 points.

Any disciple, including the factotum disciple, can pick it up here.

However, when receiving the task, you must pay 10% of the reward as a deposit. For example, the top task with 5000 points needs to pay 500 points. If it is not completed within the specified date of the task, I'm sorry, the points will be confiscated, and the task will be released again.

The model is fairly fair.

Ye Feng observed the task jade Bi. On the first floor, there are mainly primary and intermediate tasks, and there are many high-level tasks, but top-level and unique tasks are rare.

He took out the identity token issued by the zongmen and looked at the task like others. The light in the token flashed and the deposit to be paid was automatically deducted. The task on the jade wall of the task was erased and then appeared in his identity token.

After waiting for half an hour, Ye Feng was quick in hand and eyes. He connected seven or eight tasks, all of which were top-level.

Seeing this scene, other disciples nearby naturally whispered with great dissatisfaction

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