Ye Fengwen silk, more than ten feet away, did not move. He quietly waited for the other party to grasp his side with this claw. As soon as he raised his hand, he held his arm.

Then, under the horrified and inexplicable scream of the flying star sect disciples, they shook with the trend. Their original posture like a sick eagle turned into a lazy sloth in the scar face and one eyed longan.

The whole body of the flying star sect disciple was shattered by the great power passed by Ye Feng.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Feng's soft body was flying in the clouds. It flew up for dozens of feet and hit a rock. With a sound of Peng, it sputtered a large amount of blood.

Scarface and the one eyed dragon stood foolishly aside and lost their souls.

These two disciples of flying star sect, one is born with five weights and the other is born with six weights.

Neither of them can provoke. When they meet such masters, Scarface and one eyed dragon can only kowtow and beg for mercy and kneel down to call Grandpa.

But these two powerful masters are as fragile and unbearable as eggs in front of the fat sheep they like.

One blow, one blow.

Throw it at will and kill the other.

What I saw just now completely numbed the nerves of the two brothers, Scarface and one eyed dragon, so that they didn't even have the courage to take a step.

"Crazy, it must be an illusion."

A moment later, the one eyed dragon shook his head and said a few words gently.

"Illusion? Hehe, you think too much."

I don't know when, Ye Feng has come to them, looked at them and said with a slight smile.

"No, don't kill us."

Scarface's whole body strength was evacuated, and his knees softened and knelt down. Pa pa... He knocked his head several times.

The Cyclops also knelt down to one side.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Ye Feng didn't let them go.

These two guys are obviously not good goods. Keeping them will only harm people. It's their luck that they fall into the hands of Ye Feng, but who let them buy the news of the treacherous man in the restaurant and even treat Ye Feng as a fat sheep.

"I... we are willing to hand over all the spirit stones and our storage ring..."

Life is long and close. Seeing Ye Feng kill two flying star sect disciples without blinking, scar face doesn't have the courage to continue bargaining, so he hurriedly says.

"No, after killing you, I can take it myself." Ye Feng said.

The words made both of them paralyzed.

"Little brother..."

"Who is your brother?" Ye Feng's voice was fierce and slowly approached them. With each step forward, the amazing killing intention perceived by scar face and one eyed dragon would be stronger.

Such momentum, even the strongest congenital they have ever met, can't break out.

At the thought that their two brothers actually regarded such a powerful master as a fat sheep, and their scar face and one eyed dragon turned white, they regretted it.

"No, don't do it, just let us go, i... I'd like to tell you a great secret." scar said with cold war on his face and teeth.

When Ye Feng stopped, his face showed a joking expression: "Tianda secret? What Tianda secret?"

"In fact, there are no exotic treasures in the crow mountain, but... There is a devil in the huge hole in the hillside..." scar's face clenched his teeth and said intermittently.


"No mistake, the big devil who kills without blinking an eye."

"To tell you the truth, our brothers used to be the elders of Dahe gang. Dahe Gang is also a famous big gang around here. It has been rampant for many years. We have been near crow mountain many times, so we know some of the inside stories..." scar face said helplessly.

"Two years ago, we accidentally entered the cave. The situation inside was terrible. There were blood everywhere and bones like a mountain, filling up a lake... Moreover, hundreds of martial artists poured into Sifang town these days. They only saw someone go in, but they didn't see anyone come out. It must have been swallowed up by the devil who ate people and didn't spit bones in the cave..."

Scar's face looked frightened and said honestly.

The one eyed Dragon said, "hundreds of people, and even several super masters in succession... They also went in and didn't come out."

These words made Ye Feng's eyebrows cold.

The one eyed dragon is a congenital double. The super master he said must be a master of the virtual world.

But if all the masters of the virtual world have gone and never returned, things will be big, and there may be an unknown secret.

"So, young master, you'd better leave as soon as possible. There are no treasures in this place. Even if there are, there are definitely powerful demons guarding it..."

"Have you two ever seen the devil in the cave with your own eyes?" Ye Feng pondered for a long time and stared at them fiercely.

"No, you don't think about it, young master. Super experts will never return. Small characters like us will die if they see the devil. Over the years, people often hear screams from the cave..."

The two men looked at each other with deep fear in their words.

Ye Feng suddenly moved in his heart and asked, "to be honest, how long have these screams lasted?"

"Three years?"

"No, no, no, four years..."

"Either three or four years, there will be several years."

Scar's face trembled and began to recall, "many martial artists were inexplicably missing near Jianfeng City, and there was no reason to find out. Dahe gang was implicated and had to move to other places. Our brothers were forced by their vitality to do business without capital. This place is remote. Our brothers used to like to bring their favorite fat sheep here for slaughter."

"Two years ago, our brothers took care of a fat sheep again. When we were about to leave, we heard screams from the mountains. At first, we thought we had met our peers..."

"Some people came to Sifang town to grab jobs. Naturally, we had to find out. As a result, we followed the voice into the cave, but we were scared to death."

"What's the situation?" Ye Feng frowned.

"The whole cave is full of blood, and there is still a very strange smell. Not long after entering the cave, we met an old acquaintance... An existence we can't afford to offend, but we have drained our essence and blood and turned into a mummy."

Scar's face trembled all over, and the one eyed dragon's eyes were full of fear. It seemed that they were frightened to recall this matter at the same time.

"In this way, we dare not go further and escape down the mountain at one go. Since then, we dare not come here again. Even the area near crow mountain rarely comes. If we hadn't met you, Hei hei..." scar's face smiled.

It naturally means that if they had not met Ye Feng, they would not have appeared here this time

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