At this time, Ye Feng's Ruby vine medicine was not completely absorbed, and at least half of it was left.

Of course, if ye Feng is willing, he can continue to absorb and directly improve his cultivation to the middle and late stage of jiuzhong or even the peak.

To improve the martial arts level, every step must be solid. Although the general promotion speed of triple jump is very cool and energetic, and it can improve some strength in a short time, the hidden dangers left behind are equally huge.

Once the breakthrough is reached, the hidden danger of false foundation will break out, resulting in promotion failure and even obsession.

Ye Feng won't do such a stupid thing. He knows that only one step at a time can he climb the peak of Wudao.

After a short adjustment, he collected the ruby vine with a lot of medicine into the storage space, stood up and threw a fist at the sky: "sister magic dance, I Ye Feng will be promoted to the virtual world as soon as possible and come here to find you again."

"Now, say goodbye!"

Before the voice fell, Ye Feng's figure was like a runaway wild horse, flying away towards the bottom of the mountain.

In the middle of the air, deep in the clouds, the magic dancing witch with an extremely angry figure stared at the figure of Ye Feng, who was about to disappear, and her face still hung with a smile.

But her eyes are sharper than before. If you look carefully, you can still find a trace of cruel coldness in her charming eyes.

"Do you think jiujue Tianbei can hide it from me? I'm so familiar with your breath. I know that you must have left that real evil spirit..."

"Ha ha, Yan Mo, I'm looking forward to it. What conspiracy are you playing with this little dot?"

"But no matter what tricks you play, Ben Mengji will accompany you to the end..."


At the foot of the mountain, Li Yingfa and others are waiting anxiously.

Ye Feng has been away for at least more than an hour. Just now Li Yingfa told him that he could return as long as he insisted on half an hour, but now after so long, wushuangfeng disciples have to worry.

The appearance of Ye Feng has made wushuangfeng have some hope. In case of an accident here, it's really sad.

Just when a group of people were at a loss and didn't know whether to look for Ye Feng or continue to wait, suddenly, a figure flashed, and Ye Feng appeared on the side of them.

"Younger martial brother Ye Fengye, you are back." Li Yingfa and others are very happy.

"Younger martial brother Ye is not hurt?"

"How's the Hunyuan demon pig?" several people chirped.

"Well, I'm not hurt. The demon pig was led to the top by me and should not come down. Elder martial brother Li, all the miraculous medicines here have been picked?" Ye Feng made up a lie.

"OK, but I still have to report this to the peak master. There is a top-grade monster in the medicine garden. After all, it is a serious problem. If you are not careful, the medicine garden will be destroyed." Li Yingfa said as he opened the light curtain of the medicine garden.

A light door appeared, and Ye Feng sent them out of the medicine garden in turn.

However, before they had a firm foothold, a very arrogant and domineering voice shouted in their ears.

"Ma Dan. This group of garbage finally came out."

"Why did you go in so long? It's delaying elder martial brother Zhao's time."

"According to the old rules, half of the collected elixirs should be handed over, and then if we waste so long time, we have to charge at least 20% more."

Three warriors in lingyunfeng costumes formed a semi encircling circle, surrounding a group of people in wushuangfeng.

Behind the three, there are two others standing.

One of them was a tall middle-aged man with a mountain like breath and a mountain like figure.

His face wore a lofty expression, full of pride, and he did not hide his contempt for the disciples of wushuangfeng.

When Li Yingfa and others saw the middle-aged man, everyone's pupils shrank, giving birth to a suffocating feeling.

It's troublesome now. In the past, the strongest people who robbed the spirit grass were just one or two empty places. However, the middle-aged man in his thirties brought them extremely powerful pressure and overwhelming, almost making them out of breath. His cultivation must be very strong.

How can you afford to provoke such an expert?

It seems that we can only be exploited by them this time.

"What are you doing foolishly, a bunch of rubbish? Don't come to meet my main peak disciple, senior brother Zhao Tongming."

"Ha ha, they must be subdued by elder martial brother Zhao's momentum. Elder martial brother Zhao is a triple expert in the virtual world. I'm afraid they can't even speak in front of elder martial brother Zhao."

Most of the three outer disciples of Lingyun peak entered the virtual cultivation. Behind them, in addition to Zhao Tongming's triple virtual environment, the other is the single virtual environment.

The five people all looked at Ye Feng with extremely arrogant eyes, as if the identity of Lingyun peak disciple was far higher than wushuangfeng.

"Listen, according to the past practice, 50% of the protection fee. But this time you delayed so long, which delayed elder martial brother Zhao's time, and you have to charge an additional 20%

"A total of 70%. If you hand it in, you can leave safely. But if anyone dares to say no, hum, don't blame us for being cruel."

The three and a half disciples looked at each other and laughed, full of ridicule and disdain.


"70%?" Li Yingfa and others turned white.

Wushuangfeng's annual income basically depends on this medicine garden. If they take 70% of it, plus 30% of the total amount from canglongfeng, in other words, wushuangfeng doesn't even have a fart.

How is that possible.

"Senior brother, seventy percent... It's too much. Fifty percent, we have to leave some for us."

Li Yingfa stepped forward and bowed his hand and begged.


A slap fell heavily on Li Yingfa's face. One of them shouted proudly, "what the fuck do you dare to bargain with us? 70%, not even a point less."

"What the fuck is your identity? If you open your mouth, you'll take 70%?"

Ye Feng stepped forward and suddenly gave a loud break. It was full of frightening power, just like a thunder in the sky.

The three disciples of lingyunfeng were surprised and stepped back one after another.

Ye Feng's broken voice was so powerful that they all felt a surge of Qi and blood and impetuous.

However, after seeing clearly Ye Feng's age and accomplishments, the three faces couldn't help showing a strong angry look

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