"Ha ha..."

After hearing what Huiguang said, Wang Haoran couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Wang Dao, if you have anything to say, why should you sell silly clothes on the court hall? Elder martial brother Huiguang is right. What's funny?" the man in heaven was dissatisfied and shouted coldly.

"Isn't that funny? It was the same little brother Ye Fengye who was brought to testify by you from thousands of miles. It was because of his testimony that I concluded that the city master of Pingliang city had the crime of breaking Qingjiang to connect with demons..."

"Now, little brother Ye Feng distinguishes right from wrong and is willing to testify to clear away the crime of breaking Qingjiang. At this time, you suddenly turn back and say that little brother Ye is not qualified to testify?"

"Could it be that he is qualified to testify only when it is beneficial to your Tianji temple and benlei temple? If it is unfavorable to you, he is not qualified to testify. What's more funny in the world?"

Wang Haoran's words were righteous and solemn, which immediately made the master of heaven and monk Huiguang disheartened and stunned.

Think about it. It's true.

Why is it valid to testify for you and invalid to testify for the imperial court of the northern Han Dynasty?

"What elder martial brother Wang said is very true. It's hard not to become a powerful country in the northern Han Dynasty. Do you let your Tianji temple and Benlei Temple talk and nonsense?" seeing that your side accounted for the truth, the voice of the Lord Duan Qinglin suddenly became stronger.

"Brother Ye Feng, please tell me exactly what happened these days. I don't believe it. In our northern Han territory, we can let outsiders cover the sky?"

Wang Haoran's tone had a strong smell of gunpowder.

It's really two guys, monk Huiguang and master Tianji, who deceive people too much.


Ye Feng, who took a step forward, was neither humble nor arrogant. He simply said what had happened in this hall. Finally, he didn't forget to add: "what I said is true, and there is no empty word."

Most of the faces present showed a thoughtful look.

Only monk Huiguang and master Tianji looked at Ye Feng with a trace of killing intention.

Wan juezong is not a good boy

How dare you challenge Tianji temple and benlei temple?

Without waiting for them to raise an objection, the Lord of the state broke Qinglin's frown, showed his majesty and evil spirit, and slapped the king's chair.

"Master Huiguang, it seems that your demon hunting association should be well renovated. The seven holy places set up the demon hunting association to let you kill the demon sect and eliminate the demon guard, not to let you deal with the demon sect like this!"

His voice was silent, but it fell in the ears of the people like a Hong Zhong Da LV, shocking people's hearts and souls.

The demon hunting association is the last dependence of the seven holy places to resist the demon sect. However, in this association of the northern Han Dynasty, there are high-level demons, and one of them is a thief of the demon sect. It is undoubtedly a big joke to spread.

At that time, Huiguang, as the general director of the northern Han demon hunting Association, must be blamed.

This move was almost completely reversed. The royal family of the northern Han Dynasty changed from advantage to disadvantage. Moreover, the fact was in front of him. He didn't even have a chance to distinguish Huiguang, the great monk, which made him look ashamed and angry. His iron face was no longer like Maitreya's smile before.

"It's not that the person recommended by you qianniazhai has a problem. Monk, I'm to blame, but you qianniazhai can't run."

"Hum! The demon hunting Association will thoroughly investigate this matter. Let's go."

He shook his wide sleeves and walked towards the door in a rage.

When passing Ye Feng's side, Ye Feng obviously felt the strong killing intention from the monk. It seems that this Huiguang passed on all his anger to him.

He is narrow-minded and short-minded. He only knows how to fight among families.

Ye Feng held his head high and his momentum did not hesitate to return to the past. The "eminent monk" of benlei temple made him despise him.

"Good! Good! Ha ha..."

Huiguang laughed angrily. His figure suddenly disappeared from the imperial court. The master of heaven also left with him. There were only a few martial artists who were close to Duanjia in the imperial court of the northern Han Dynasty.

"Now it can be said that the dark clouds have dispersed. Although duanqingjiang is confused and incompetent and has no ability to know people, there is no problem in major right and wrong. In that case, can he be released from the prison?"

When Wang Haoran said this, he was elated and obviously in a good mood.

This time not only saved Duan Qingjiang and maintained the innocence of Duan family in the northern Han Dynasty, but also severely frustrated the spirit of Tianji hall.

At the thought of the expression when Huiguang and Tianji left, elder Wang couldn't help feeling dark and happy.

And all this is because of the help of the young man in front of us.

He looked at Ye Feng and made no secret of his appreciation in his eyes.

"Lord, little brother Ye has made great contributions this time. What's rare is that this little brother is not only superior in strength, but also has a sense of justice. He doesn't hesitate to offend the villain, but we must thank him!"

"Of course. I will never forget the kindness of my little brother."

"Come here. Let Qingjiang out first. Today, the main people of our country have a big banquet to entertain elder martial brother Wang and younger brother Ye Feng..."

Duan Qinglin, with a thick smile on his face, waved his big hand and issued the order.

The lifting of the royal family crisis is also a big stone for him to put his heart down


Imperial garden of the northern Han Dynasty.

Lord Duan Qinglin held up the silver cup, looked around and said in a high voice, "this time, I, a powerful country in the northern Han Dynasty, want to thank young Xia Ye Feng for his help. Come on, let's drink this cup for young Xia Ye."

Duan Qinglin took the lead in drinking it all at once.

In his starting position, Duan Qingjiang, who was wounded, also had a happy smile on his face.

This time, Duan Qingjiang was already desperate. He was ready to be a scapegoat and sacrifice for his family.

But what he didn't expect was that under Ye Feng's proof, he was wronged.

Of course, Duan Qingjiang doesn't want to die.

"Young Xia ye, if you don't thank him for his kindness, someone will owe you a life." after he drank all the wine in his glass, tiger eyes were in tears and wanted to bow down to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly picked him up and said with a smile, "I just don't want to see good people wronged, but let the real demon sect spies be natural and happy. Moreover, I can't turn the tide alone without the full support of old Wang."

"So your majesty, the Lord, and the broken city Lord, thank you. You should thank old Wang..."

"Thank you, martial Uncle Wang!"

The white bearded and white browed Wang Haoran smiled, which was obviously very useful.

Not arrogant, not discouraged, but more upright. The two kings looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Duan Qinglin threw an olive branch at Ye Feng: "young Xia ye, the local leader consciously agrees with you. Except for the devil, the guardian road is the same everywhere. Besides, I found a lot of devil tracks in the northern Han Dynasty. Why don't you stay and subdue the devil for us in the Northern Han Dynasty?"

Monk Huiguang and master Tianji don't know about Ye Feng's killing the nine Yin and nine Yi in the virtual environment, but Wang Haoran has told Duan Qinglin.

With such cultivation, Ye Feng can do such a thing. He is not only outstanding in temperament, but also outstanding in martial arts. Obviously, he attracted Duan Qinglin's attention.

Maybe in the near future, this boy can climb to a height that they all look up to on the road of martial arts

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