After simply calming his mood, maple leaf rushed to the outline of the huge fortress in the distance.

This place is not far from the West Tang Dynasty, and his speed slowed down. Before entering the West Tang Dynasty, Ye Feng is going to find a place to cultivate.

Today, he still has a long way to go to the later stage of the triple virtual environment. When he thought of this, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Since he entered the virtual environment, the progress of cultivation has slowed down greatly, which is far less easy to break through than the congenital environment at that time.

Of course, this is also expected. The higher the cultivation, the harder it will be to improve. Everyone is the same.

In a short time like myself, I was promoted from one to three. In the eyes of outsiders, it was a demon.

The night is approaching. There are green light spots in the ancient wasteland road from time to time. Some are quiet fires floating in the field. After all, this place was still a battlefield a few years ago. Others are the pupil light from the monster.

Ye Feng is certainly not afraid of monsters, but at this moment, it's best to find a place to rest for a while.

He jumped into the air, looked up and looked around. Finally, he found a village with sparse lights dozens of miles ahead, and then flew away along the village.

"Uncle, is there any spare space in your village? I'm passing through your place and want to have a rest here tonight." before a moment, Ye Feng's figure appeared at the entrance of the village and happened to run into an elderly man. So he came forward to ask and took out a spirit stone at the same time.

The old man was startled by the sudden appearance of Ye Feng. After looking at him suspiciously, he nodded.

"Go out and have a simple rest for one night. How can I take your property back?"

The old man was very open-minded and refused the Lingshi reward given by Ye Feng. Instead, Ye Feng was embarrassed and had to bow his hands to him.

Then he followed the old man to a clean and elegant village house.

"Young man, let's have a rest here tonight. My old woman happened to cook chicken soup. Let me bring you a bowl to taste..." the old man with a crutch walked out of the village house and walked back slowly alone.

In the countryside, villagers are often simple.

This makes Ye Feng feel a little warm in his heart.

It would be great if the world of martial arts could be peaceful and peaceful everywhere, just like this old man.

Ye Feng glanced around the village with his mental strength and felt that the number of people in this small village was only 100, most of them were ordinary people, and there were only a few martial arts practitioners with accomplishments, of which the most powerful was just a middle-aged man with accomplishments in Tongming territory.

There is no congenital martial artist.

This makes Ye Feng sigh.

After a while, the only middle-aged man in the village appeared at the door of Ye Fengfang with the old man.

"Dad, it's not peaceful outside recently. Don't stay with outsiders. It's said that many villages in Beihan have inexplicable accidents..."

"When will it be your turn to teach me a lesson? I have a sense of propriety to stay with someone or not. Don't worry about it. Come on... I'm going to spill this bowl of chicken soup. Boy, please help me..."

In the house, Ye Feng heard the conversation between the old man and the middle-aged man from a distance. He couldn't help smiling. He had a good impression of the old man and the village.

In this world where the law of the jungle and martial arts are respected, people as kind as the old man are becoming more and more rare.

"Uncle, you really brought chicken soup to me at the bottom. How nice it is."

When he opened the door, Ye Feng smiled and took over the steaming chicken soup and some simple meals handed over by the old man. The strong smell actually increased Ye Feng's appetite.

He bowed respectfully to the old man.

This kind-hearted old man deserves Ye Feng's respect.

The old man's son, that is, the middle-aged man in Tongming territory, looked at Ye Feng carefully, and his originally dignified face became more cautious.

Because after his yuan force explored Ye Feng, he immediately lost any trace like a stone sinking into the sea. It is obvious that the cultivation strength of the young man in front of him is much higher than him.

"Don't worry, brother. I'm going to Xitang. I'm just passing by to have a night's rest. There's no malice."

Ye Feng explained two sentences to the middle-aged man with a smile.

He will leave early tomorrow morning. Ye Feng doesn't want to break the tranquility of this small village, so he doesn't expose his true realm.

The middle-aged man's expression slowed down and a smile appeared on his face.

When the old man came home first, Ye Feng gave the middle-aged man several spiritual stones, as well as several martial arts and skills suitable for the cultivation of Tongming territory and congenital territory, and gave him some simple guidance.

Others are generous and kind to receive themselves, one report for another, which is the basic principle of Ye Feng's life. He never stingy to his good people, reciprocate his kindness, and feed back a lot of cultivation resources to middle-aged people.

Now the world is dangerous and unpredictable. I hope the middle-aged man has the strength to protect the kind old man and this quiet village

Early the next morning.

After entering the mysterious round platform to practice all night, Ye Feng felt refreshed.

Although one night's cultivation was not enough to make him greatly improve his strength, he did not accumulate small steps and even thousands of miles. Ye Feng once again consolidated his triple cultivation in the virtual environment, making the vitality in his body more solid.

If we lay a solid foundation, we will have a greater grasp of breakthrough when we are promoted to a higher level in the future.

With Ye Feng's cultivation talent and the anti heaven effect of mysterious space, it's not too difficult for him to improve to the four levels of virtual environment. However, in addition to cultivation, the most important thing is to consolidate the foundation, which is also an important reason why Ye Feng can win more and more challenges.

"It's time to start."

Ye Feng's spirit scanned the whole village again and found that the old man was not in the village.

He could not help but frown slightly. He wanted to say goodbye to the old man, but it seemed that there was no need at the moment.

Ye Feng, who didn't care, got up and went out. All night, he was silent in the mysterious round platform to practice. It was like being isolated from the world. He couldn't feel what was wrong in this village. However, as soon as he opened the door, it suddenly made Ye Feng feel a foreboding.


His eyes narrowed, and his mental power reaching the eleventh level was released without reservation. In an instant, he covered the whole small village. A moment later, Ye Feng standing at the door seemed to find something special, which made his pupils shrink suddenly.


Something big happened

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