"Hahaha! Devil, eat your grandpa's sword!"

"Big star Luo sword technique!"

Only a few miles away from Ye Feng's location, there was a sound of hearty war.

Ye Feng's ears moved, and his eyes immediately showed a little joy.

This sound sounds very familiar.

Is it difficult to

He quickly picked up his strength and quickly swept towards the sound.

Sure enough, when he turned around a mountain depression, his sight suddenly opened. Ye Feng saw a tall and uninhibited figure in a mountain, which was a good friend of Tianlong's Secret territory - Xingxiang Guanlin Turk.

At the moment, Lin Tujue, who looked excited, was waving the seemingly broken and rusty iron sword in his hand. A strong sword intention broke out from the sword and attacked the two demon sect disciples in blood red robes opposite.

Lin Tujue also went down the mountain to kill demons under the order of his school.

Now the list of killing demons has been opened, and the disciples of the seven holy places of Shinto and other forces are competing to join the WTO to hunt demons of the demon sect and earn points for hunting demons. They want to leave a big name on the list of killing demons.

Lin Tujue, as an outstanding disciple of astrology and one of the four famous young talents, also participated in it.

However, because he didn't go down the mountain for a long time, although he killed many demon disciples along the way, the score of killing demons was only more than 900 points, and he managed to reach the top 100 of the list of killing demons.

Lin Tujue is open-minded on the surface, but arrogant in the heart. Therefore, he has made extra efforts to investigate the demon sect during this period.

This time, we found several demons here. Naturally, he won't let go.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Two men in blood robes with pale complexion and scarlet lips saw that Lin Turkic sword was so overbearing. After looking at each other, they immediately joined forces and pushed forward with four palms.

In front of them, a burst of blood fog suddenly filled up, condensing a bloody barrier, which forcibly blocked the strong blow of Lin Tujue.


However, the sword of hard resistance against Lin Turk, even if the cultivation of the two demon sect disciples also reached the seven levels of virtual environment, they couldn't help but have a sweet throat and spit out a mouthful of reverse blood.

After feeling the strength of Lin Tujue, the two demon sect disciples saw a trace of fear from each other's eyes, and they all stepped back and threw a pill into their mouth.

Lin Tujue's ragged Taoist robes fluttered in the air, and the sparse dust also flickered and danced with his body, looking awe inspiring.

"This person should be Lin Tujue, one of the four little talents of the Yuan Wu Zhengdao, with great strength..."

"Elder martial brother, we might as well withdraw first, report to the elder and ask him to deal with this broken Taoist!"

The two disciples of the demon sect obviously recognized the identity of Lin Tujue. Although the young Taoist wearing a ragged Taoist robe and carrying a broken sword had the same seven levels of cultivation as them, the two people knew that even if they joined hands, they would not be the enemy of Lin Tujue.

This is still on the premise that Lin Turks have not released their martial spirits.

"The demon sect evil doer who killed thousands of knives might not be able to help you if you stay in the dark and have a good local mouse. Now that you show up, please stay with me!"

Seeing that the two demons of the demon sect wanted to escape, how could Lin Tujue let them leave like this? The rusty sword in his hand once again showed an amazing vitality light. It was seen that they were terrified again, and their bodies exploded and retreated towards the distance.

"The big Luo star is like a sword, seven killing and fighting!"

At this time, Lin Tujue's move was a powerful killing move with profound artistic conception. The powerful sword spread over the sky. With the supreme sword intention, a sword light attacked the two people who fled back like lightning.


Seeing Lin Tujue's killing move hit, the two demon sect disciples were in front of their backs and didn't dare to keep it any more. Two cold Viper ghost virtual shadows appeared above their heads, which immediately increased their speed.

The sword awn inspired by it has a tendency to catch up with it.


The sword of "seven killing and fighting" was successfully dodged by the two people who moved faster. The powerful killing move fell into the woods below and bombarded a huge pit.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the demons and demons of the evil gate who galloped away quickly, Lin Tujue couldn't help scolding.

The two men's martial spirit virtual shadow both had a great increase in speed. Under such blessing, their speed exceeded Lin Tujue, which made Lin Tujue's killing move fail. It seems that they can't catch up.

Just when Lin Tujue was helpless to shake his head and was ready to give up, on the side, a more powerful yuan force fluctuation attacked from the right at this moment, which surprised Lin Tujue.

"Jingtao cloud expelling palm!"

A loud drink came.

Ye Feng, who suddenly swept out of the forest on the right, intercepted and went straight to the two demons who fled towards him. There was a thick yuan force on his palm.

"No, the broken Taoist has helpers."

Suddenly, a righteous warrior rushed out of the body, which scared the two people to increase their vitality and prepare to escape quickly.

However, when one of them looked at it, he found that the martial arts appeared only after the virtual environment was rebuilt three times, his face became loose and turned to show a trace of cruelty.

When did the triple garbage in the virtual world dare to intercept two triple garbage in the virtual world?

"I don't know what to do."

"Kill him!"

At present, the slightly older man in a blood robe glanced at his maple leaf with contemptuous eyes, his blood color appeared, and the cold yuan force condensed in his hands.

The sleeve robe waved up and down, and the blood light attacked Ye Feng when Walton.

"Since you are in a hurry to die, I will help you," said the man.

On the blow of the seven heavy martial arts in the virtual world, Ye Feng bent a funny arc at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were cold.

His figure didn't stop at all, and he went forward directly, which made the sarcasm and contempt in the blood robed man's eyes even worse.

Dead and alive waste.


The distance between the two sides narrowed in an instant, and at this moment, the yuan force condensed on Ye Feng's palm was finally completely stimulated.

"Jingtao cloud expelling palm" was like the wind rolling the residual cloud, blowing a fierce wind and directly scattered the blood light group played by the man in the blood robe. Even if it was obstructed by the light group, its power still did not weaken much.

The disdain and contempt in the eyes of the two demon sect disciples turned into horror and shock in an instant.

At this moment, they know how stupid they are.


The turbulent yuan force bombarded the current man in blood robe.


The demon sect disciple suddenly spewed out a mouthful of counter blood in the air, and the virtual shadow of the viper's soul on his head suddenly illusory down, and one fell upside down from the air.

Even the companion behind him was blasted into the woods below by the palm power of "Jingtao cloud expelling palm" issued by Ye Feng.

How dare you resist your heaven level martial arts skills?

Replace it with a virtual environment, and the nine levels are still barely strong.

Ye Feng smiled, revealing a neat white tooth, holding his chest with both hands and falling in front of them

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