At this time, Duan Tianming's heart is full of chagrin and shame.

He regretted why he didn't discover the attempt of Kui laoguai in time. Ye Feng was targeted by Kui laoguai only to help qianniao Zhai fight. If Ye Feng didn't appear, qianniao Zhai would be defeated today. There would never be too many disciples who could survive.

But as an elder of qianniazhai King's territory, he couldn't protect Ye Feng's life.

At the thought of Wang Haoran and Duan Qinglin's explanation, Duan Tianming's heart is like a knife twist. He has failed to live up to the great trust of the two martial brothers and let a statue possibly become a righteous Optimus Prime and die unexpectedly

"Ye Feng!"

Under the mental scanning, Duan Tianming finally found the figure of Ye Feng lying at the bottom of the pit.

Duan Tianming sighed slightly and closed his eyes painfully.

The last glimmer of hope was dashed.

Before the break of dawn, Ye Feng was expected to have a life-saving spell such as "thousand mile instant charm". Although he seemed to be hit by the bloody brilliance of the Old Quebec monster, he had actually escaped. But now, since Ye Feng's figure was found at the bottom of the pit, it announced that his last hope was also dashed.

This son was really killed.

Because Duan Tianming knows that maybe the great power contained in the bloody brilliance of Kui old monster can be borne by ordinary martial artists, but the ability to devour vitality is the smell of death that even he has to do nothing and dare not touch.

Those who are hit by the breath of death and the martial arts in the empty environment will die without life.

This can be seen from dozens of tall trees on the edge of the huge pit to dead trees in an instant.

"Pa Da..."

A slight abnormal sound came into Duan Tianming's ears. He closed his eyes slightly and opened them quickly. After frowning, his eyes showed some surprise.

The sound of "pattering" just heard was that a light red crystal as big as an egg broke on Ye Feng. With the fragmented light red crystal disappearing into Ye Feng's body, Duan Tianming felt in horror that the vitality of Ye Feng at the bottom of the pit did not disappear too much.

"How is this... Possible?"

Without the virtual realm martial arts, they can still keep alive under the breath of death inspired by the Quebec old monster.

But a triple warrior in the virtual world did it.

In an instant, Duan Tianming stepped out tens of feet and rushed straight towards Ye Feng.

On the way, he had taken out all kinds of elixirs. As long as Ye Feng had a little vitality, duantianming would not give up. Even if he used the elixir pile, he would bring him back to life.

Ye Feng was hurt by his qianniao Zhai. Anyway, qianniao Zhai must give an explanation.

His figure flashed in front of Ye Feng. He looked at his body lying at the bottom of the stone pit, covered with blood stains, and didn't dare to delay for a moment. He stretched out his finger and directly ejected a black pill as big as a longan into Ye Feng's mouth. At the same time, it stimulated a thick yuan force to protect Ye Feng's heart.

After these two movements, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead, he carefully stretched out his right hand and put it on the pulse of Ye Feng. A trace of very subtle yuan force explored the past.

Just now, he wanted to explore Ye Feng's injury with mental strength. What shocked Duan Tianming was that his spiritual power could not invade Ye Feng's body, only those scars on the body surface could be detected.

To put it more simply, the spiritual power to reach the king's realm by breaking the sky and dawn can't find out everything about a triple warrior who cultivates virtual realm.

This is unheard of.

But on second thought, duantianming, with a bitter smile on his face, was relieved.

Isn't there enough supernatural things that happened to this boy?

With the feeble yuan force in Ye Feng's body, Duan Tianming's face became more and more suspicious, and his eyes were full of shock, as if he saw the impossible.

"Miracle... What a miracle..."

The boy brought him endless surprise.

Although Ye Feng's body looks miserable and bloodstained on the surface, these are some injuries, which can't hurt the root. With the strength of the body of the martial artist in the virtual environment, as long as he doesn't break his hands and feet, the general injury can recover in a few days.

Duan Tianming is worried about the inside of Ye Feng's body and the great damage brought to Ye Feng by the smell of death from the Quebec old monster.

However, after a yuan strength test, he found that the internal organs, Wumai, Dantian and other important organs in Ye Feng's body were intact. Except that the yuan strength in his body was slightly exhausted and the meridians suffered a strong shock, the boy didn't suffer much damage at all under the bloody brilliance of the Kui old monster.

After confirming that Ye Feng only suffered some skin trauma, Duan Tianming's hanging heart fell down completely. At the same time, he also looked at Ye Feng three points higher in his heart.

This son has infinite talent and infinite Qi.

This is the fatal blow of a strong king.

Kui laoguai, an old devil, will not be soft hearted. Under the explosion of death, even if the sky is broken, he should be cautious. If he is careless, he will be seriously injured.

And Ye Feng only suffered a little skin injury after being hit completely?

It's incredible.

When Duan Tianming was checking Ye Feng's body, the magic flame dragon lion, who was interrupted by a punch from the Old Quebec monster, limped to Ye Feng.

It seems that Duan Tianming feels the goodwill sent out by Duan Tianming and understands that he is treating Ye Feng. The magic flame dragon lion does not roar because of pain. He squats quietly behind Ye Feng. There is worry in the huge lion's eyes. Seeing that Duan Tianming is also moving in his heart, he takes out several healing pills and uses them in the wound of the magic flame dragon lion.

Sometimes, people really can't compare with monsters. Monsters can be loyal to their masters and devote themselves to their masters, even if they pay the price of their lives, but it's normal for human warriors to cheat and even kill each other, even between brothers of the same sect.

This is also the reason why qianniazhai can become the strongest sect of Royal beasts. They have always had some special feelings for monsters.

For example, loyalty and purity.

With the eyesight of the king of qianniazhai at dawn, I naturally saw the extraordinary influence of the magic flame dragon and lion at a glance. The waves in my heart fluctuated and sighed.

Dragon beast.

Maybe it can only be called a half dragon beast.

This kind of strange beast has more powerful strength and broader promotion space than ordinary spiritual beasts. Qianniazhai has a large number of heavenly level spiritual beasts from the king's realm to the congenital realm. However, there is no dragon beast in the whole sect. Instead, it is a disciple of wanjue sect in the virtual realm, with a half dragon beast.

This... Really makes elder Duan ashamed.

Ye Feng once again brought Duan Tianming some curiosity and mystery, and made him say something like "incredible" for the third time.

He was able to defeat the eight peak strongmen with the triple cultivation of the virtual realm, break through the 16 person evil spirit array, and then escape for so long under the pursuit of the strongmen of the king's realm. Unexpectedly, he still had a top-grade half dragon beast pet.

What kind of great secret does Ye Feng hide?

But who doesn't have some secrets to get to them?

Chance, chance, you can get it


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