"Special, what should we do? Should we be forced to give up this interception mission?"

"Lao Tzu... I'm not willing." Yang soul drank violently.

Now the situation is very good for the demon sect. He really doesn't want to leave.

"The situation has not reached the point of giving up." the ghost old devil turned his head and looked at the direction of Mo Lin, with a trace of yin and Li on his face.

"According to the only devil who escaped, the other party's combat power began to decline significantly within a quarter of an hour after using this secret method, and the strange things disappeared. Although the real dragon secret method has a strong increasing effect, it has two weaknesses..."

"Oh?" Yang soul's eyes showed expectation.

"First, naturally, the duration is not long, about a quarter of an hour, up to two quarters of an hour. Second, the martial artist who used the secret method recovered his human form after he made the last blow to kill the saint of our sect, and then fell to the ground seriously without knowing what happened."

"You mean..."

"The real dragon's secret method will cause a very serious counterattack to the user?" the Yang soul suddenly shook his body, and his voice became trembling.

Just imagine that when the time came, Mo Lin was paralyzed on the ground. The demon sect took advantage of the situation to hide and kill. It not only killed many virtual realm disciples, but even captured a king alive. It existed in the middle and later stages of the king's realm, that

The fear that originally existed in the heart of Yang soul was thrown out of the sky by him at this moment.

Feeling the more and more boundless and ancient Longwei breath from the rear, the soul devouring two old people were restless.

Even if Mo Lin will be devoured by dragon blood after casting the real dragon secret method, the premise is that they can support those two quarters of an hour under Mo Lin, who incarnates the real dragon state, until that scene appears

Just as the four martial arts masters of the demon sect had just dispersed, the changes in Mo Lin's body finally reached a critical point. His whole body trembled violently, and the atmosphere of tyranny and ferocity spread all over the world.


After a short fusion, Mo Lin, the three elders of Tianji hall, controlled the soaring power and slowly opened his eyes.

His originally dark eyes were red with blood at this time. At the same time, a surge of murderous intention swept through.


It seemed that he felt his mind was unstable and was affected by the tyranny and killing breath in the red dragon's blood. Mo Lin took a deep breath. After looking at his body, which has now become a half dragon, he shook his hands into golden dragon claws, and the huge dragon wings fanned slightly, raising a strong wind.

All the demons retreated one after another, and even the elders of the king's territory fled. How dare they continue to stay where they are? At this time, more than 100 demons' virtual territory warriors wanted to let their parents give them two more legs and flash as fast as they can.

"Escape? It's ridiculous..."

"Today, everyone in the demon sect has to die!"

Vaguely spit out a few words, Mo Lin a pair of golden vertical pupil eyes, no emotion, glanced at the bottom, and the huge golden body suddenly disappeared in place.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce and tyrannical atmosphere flashed on the side of one of the demon sect King Jingwu


East of the Forbidden City.

Astrology is now facing not only the moon demon sect, but also the mourning palace that came to support the moon demon sect after defeating Tianyin mountain.

As the top three major gates in the holy land forces of the right way, Xingxiang temple also experienced the treatment of Tianji hall at this time, and was besieged by many demon sect fighters.

When the demon sect planned to kill Tianyin mountain, it took advantage of the disadvantage that most of the martial arts in Tianyin mountain were strong in spirit and lack of close combat, and specifically sent the mourning palace.

This is the only sect in the eight sects of the demon sect that has both yuan power and spiritual power.

Even in the whole yuan martial arts world, there are not too many double practitioners.

Although the number of people in the sect of mourning palace is small, its single combat power is very strong. Its major skills tend to increase spiritual power, and its minor skills are Yuanli martial arts.

Among them, female disciples are good at spiritual enchantment. For martial artists with weak spiritual cultivation or weak mind, they can often fall into waves of psychedelia and can't extricate themselves. Male disciples are both yuan strength and spiritual strength, which has high requirements for martial arts talents. If ordinary people double practice, their mind and spirit can't be concentrated in one place at all. They can't learn well on both sides and accomplish nothing.

However, because the soul losing palace has the secret method of collecting and tonifying, it can borrow the method of collecting Yin and tonifying yang or collecting Yang and tonifying Yin to increase its two cultivation accomplishments.

This is also a reason why although the number of people in the mourning palace is small, it is highly valued by the demon sect.

This time, Tianyin mountain was severely put forward by the demon sect who is good at calculation. Their proud spiritual strength can not play a great role in front of the martial arts in the mourning palace. In the face of the spiritual impact inspired by the disciples of Tianyin mountain, the martial arts in the mourning palace have good spiritual cultivation and can easily resist it.

Once close, it's reasonable to kill Tianyin mountain disciples who are not good at melee.

Even the elders of the king's territory of the Tianyin mountain belt team were killed by the two beautiful middle-aged women in the mourning palace after they resisted the high-level spiritual power secret method exerted by their residence. Their Yang was also extracted by the other party using the special secret method and turned into a shriveled body.

The elders in the king's territory died so miserably, and those disciples in the virtual territory could not escape death.

The Yang Qi or Yin Qi is extracted alive. The corpses are scattered all over the audience. The end is as bleak as Jiugong Xuan

At the beginning, the king of astrology crushed the two kings of the moon demon sect, and even wounded one of them with a gun.

If it weren't for the help of the mourning palace, Wang Po would kill them alone, that's what happened in a moment.

However, with the participation of the two middle-aged beautiful women in the mourning palace, although Wang Po still stands in front of all the disciples of the star view, the situation is not very good.

With one to two, Wang Po has the upper hand.

One on three can also be invincible.

One to four is a little difficult. In addition, the strength of the two women of the mourning palace is higher than the strong ones in the early stage of the general King's territory. Although the war between the two sides is very fierce, Wang Po can't take care of his disciples at the moment.

More than a dozen astrology disciples were under great pressure in the face of the siege of the two martial arts of the moon demon sect and the mourning palace.

In particular, Lin Tujue, with the cultivation of the seven fold peak of the virtual realm, forcibly stopped two eight fold demon sect martial artists in the virtual realm. He had the great Luoxing elephant sword technique and the strong sword intention emanated from him. At the same time, he could still match the two eight fold strong players.

This made the two martial arts masters of the eight fold demon sect in the virtual world look very gloomy.

"It is said that this man is one of the four little geniuses of the right way. Indeed, he deserves his reputation and can stop our attack."

"What about genius? What I like most is hunting genius. It's fun to watch a genius die in front of me and drain his blood essence and Yang Qi!"

One of the middle-aged fighters who fought with Lin Tujue stared at Lin Tujue and said triumphantly. This man licked his scarlet lips with his tongue, and his dark face was a bit sinister.

"Tianzao! Fight if you want. Where does so much nonsense come from?"

Lin Tujue was too lazy to talk nonsense with demons and demons. He stabbed him with a sharp back hand.

There was a flash of light on him, and his speed suddenly increased a lot. Obviously, he showed the body method and martial arts of the astrological view. Compared with the two martial artists who were better than him, he didn't lose the slightest.

Although the three have been fighting fiercely, it is obvious that they have not come up with all their strength. At least the three have not inspired their own martial spirits.

Now the situation is not clear, and no one will show all their strength too early.

You can't be too cautious in such a life and death wa

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