The two masters of the demon sect are closest to xuanjing and bear the brunt of it. They bear the greatest power of this unprecedented killing move. They fly by with pieces of white light. The petals of the mandala magic flower protected by the master of the moon demon sect are broken at this time, and only the incomplete flowers are left.

The "blood soul giant scorpion virtual shadow" also suffered very serious trauma and was depressed. There was only one eye left of the two giant scorpions, and the tail stinger was cut off by roots.



After the power of the killing move of "ten thousand swords return to the sect" disappeared, they both burst out a mouthful of blood essence and looked at each other at the same time. They could see the horror in each other's eyes.

What kind of martial arts is this?

It's not like the ghost of martial arts, but it's too powerful.

Just relying on the seven cultivation accomplishments of the virtual environment, he forced his two seventy-two hell masters to such a point? The body is seriously injured, and even the ghost shadow is seriously damaged.

Not to mention, this move just now can be called the unprecedented "ten thousand swords return to the sect". Countless galloping big Luo stars are like swords, which makes many martial artists in the two sects injured. Depending on the distance, the weight is different.

The gorgeous woman on the opposite side almost resisted the attack of the two branches of the demon sect, the virtual realm martial arts, and hurt dozens of people?

Such power is unimaginable.

After releasing this powerful attack, the silver and white virtual shadow behind xuanjing finally faded down slowly, and the strong yuan force fluctuation on her also weakened.

Xuanjing's limpid eyes were no longer the same as before. Instead, she was weak and tired. Her steps were soft and fell to the ground.

The vision disappeared and Yuan Li overdrawn.

Now, I'm afraid any martial artist in the virtual world can easily kill her.

Seeing this scene, the two masters of the moon demon sect and the mourning palace suddenly showed a ferocious color. Now they dare not pay any attention to xuanjing. If a righteous disciple with such extraordinary combat power doesn't kill him at this weak juncture, do you want to feed the tiger?

This woman must die.

After a low drink, although they were seriously injured, they still rushed towards xuanjing at the first time.

"Protect elder martial sister xuanjing."

Seeing the two masters' vicious moves, several astrological disciples at xuanjing's side rushed up recklessly and protected xuanjing with their own flesh and blood.

"You don't know what to do. Give it to me and get out of here."

There was a ferocious look on the corners of their mouths, and their madness inspired a bloody yuan force. The magic Qi swept and surged. At that time, several astrological disciples were photographed spitting blood and flying upside down, and even their bones made bursts of "click" breaking sound.

"Pa pa pa..."

The Xingxiang Temple disciples who were constantly escorted up were beaten to fly, but more people went to resist later. Looking at the figures who were beaten out to protect themselves, xuanjing's eyes suddenly turned red.

However, at the moment, her whole body was empty, and she could barely stand with only a little vitality. After she had just made a powerful blow, she had already exhausted her yuan strength. Even under the moonlight, the exhausted yuan strength could not be effectively alleviated, and she could not make any resistance in the face of two villains who rushed up.


The Ling lie palm strength of the eldest martial brother of the mourning palace and the startling blood hand of the master of the moon demon sect quickly enlarged in xuanjing's pupils.

While xuanjing closed her eyes to meet the coming death, a bloody figure suddenly stood in front of xuanjing.

Xuanjing opened her eyes and saw the familiar ragged Taoist robe, which blocked the attack of the two masters.

"Elder martial brother Lin!"

The cry of pain and surprise came out of xuanjing's mouth. The sadness in her eyes was reflected in the dark pupil of Lin Tujue.

"Sorry, younger martial sister xuanjing... It's all elder martial brothers. It's useless. I can't protect you..."

Before Lin Tujue's weak and hoarse voice was finished, the attack again issued by the two masters of the demon sect had bombarded Lin Tujue.

"Too busy to save people?"

"Since you want to die so much, I will help you..."

The two demons smiled ferociously. After Yuan Li hit Lin Tujue's body, they grabbed Lin Tujue's right arm with their hands like lightning. Then their eyes were fierce and twisted hard. One of Lin Tujue's right arms was immediately stirred like a twist, and the sound of "clicking" of broken bones spread far away.


Like a dead dog, Lin Tujue suffered a blow from the master of the moon demon sect after his arm was broken by the senior brother of the mourning palace. His body bounced up like a leather ball. After rolling in the air for a few times, he lay on the ground quietly, and his body didn't move any more.

Xuanjing stared at the figure of Lin Tujue who didn't know his life and death to save himself, and his eyes showed despair.


It never rains but pours.

At this moment, the glory of the "sky breaking spear array" in the sky dissipated. Under the bombardment of the yuan force of the two beautiful palace women in the nether world and the mourning palace, Wang Po's yuan force to maintain the "sky breaking spear array" was finally exhausted.

In addition to Youqing, who was seriously injured when he tried to test the gun array, the four kings of the demon sect paid the price of two serious injuries and finally defeated the blockade of gun intention.

The sky breaking gun array was completely broken.

With unlimited killing opportunities, the strength of the pink palace dress beautiful woman still exists. She doesn't mention anything anymore. She tells Wang Po Shuangxiu and mercilessly launches a fatal attack on Wang Po who has lost his strength.

All branches of the demon sect have long longed for the head broken by the star king. If this person finally dies in his own hands, I'm afraid the benefits will be rewarded at that time.

The battle between the king's realm and the virtual realm has almost fallen into the situation of death for the astrology.

Astrology today, the defeat is settled!

Xuanjing stared at Lin Tujue, who was covered with blood stains and didn't know his life and death. In her desperate eyes, she was still firm and strong.

"Ye Feng!"

She suddenly looked up and shouted at the dark sky. The voice of despair was like a bloody cuckoo in the silent night sky, which made other surviving astrology disciples feel nervous.

A strong sense of despair also filled their eyes.

"Ye Feng? Who is Ye Feng?"

"Hahaha, today, you just broke your throat. No one will come to save you..."

Hearing that xuanjing just screamed out a name in despair, the eldest martial brother of mourning palace couldn't help laughing.

As for the master of the moon demon sect, he looked a little stunned.

He is a little familiar with the word "Ye Feng".

It seems that after the saint Baiyue of our sect returned to the sect a few months ago, it was mentioned that wanjue sect had a peerless genius named "Ye Feng", and the moon demon sect had listed this person as one of the targets to be killed.

But this time, the holy places of the right path gathered in the heavenly Forbidden City. Doesn't it mean that only wanjue sect didn't send its disciples to participate?


It seems that when Ye Feng was in the Tianlong secret realm, there was only the empty realm. Even if he appeared in front of him at the moment, what waves could he turn out?

The two masters looked at each other and showed a cynical look. After nodding, they condensed a group of blood yuan Qi in their hands and killed xuanjing together.


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