Martial To Pieces

Chapter 1 The Boy

Blue Star.

Daxia country.

Dang Dang Dang~”

The sound of the knife hitting the stone echoed in the air, and a boy who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old was constantly waving the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the young man withdrew his sword and became fierce. He raised the knife and slashed at the stone.


The sound of the knife hitting the stone echoed around, and the sword left a deep mark on the stone.

"Huh~~ Come on, the sword is about to break through."

Lin Xing took a long breath and looked at his masterpiece, with a smile on his lips (* ̄︶ ̄).

Then he put away his sword and walked back to his home. Lin Xing's family lived in an old community, although his family's financial situation was not very good.

Fortunately, Lin Xing's own talent is not bad, and with his normal hard work, his talent and strength can rank high in the third middle school, so the school will also provide certain resources.

Not only that, Lin Xing will also go to the underground black market to practice black boxing to earn training resources. When Lin Xing was playing black boxing, he even killed people, so now Lin Xing has a faint murderous aura.

Not only has his Cultivation Base reached the quasi-Practitioner late stage, but he has also mastered the sword momentum, and is even close to breaking through the Xiaocheng sword momentum.

This world is different from the world we think of. This world respects Practitioner.

A few hundred years ago, space cracks appeared in various areas of Blue Star. People called these space cracks secret realms.

People obtained era-changing technology from the secret realm, but the secret realm brought more than just opportunities. The emergence of the secret realm on Blue Star also brought about the revival of Spiritual Qi, but the first to be upgraded were the original animals on the earth. , rather than humans.

This upgraded animal is called Demonic Beasts by humans. Humanity has suffered an unprecedented blow. In the face of the terrifying power of Demonic Beasts, the technology that humans are proud of has also lost its deterrent power. People are panicked and societies in various countries are in turmoil.

The first person to break the limits of the human body appeared in Daxia. At this moment, scientists all over the world were crazy about it. It turns out that humans can also evolve, and humans have not been given up by the creator.

Not only that, humans have also found Cultivation Technique that can be practiced in the space cracks, and these people have Spiritual Qi like the one that appears in the novel.

Such people who break the limits of the human body are respectfully called "Practitioners". The emergence of one Practitioner after another has reduced a lot of pressure on humans.

Under the leadership of Practitioner, humans regained their own territory and established base cities one after another on the territory.

Since then, the world has entered the Practitioner era, opening a new era known as the "Practitioner Era".


"How can I practice "Qingfeng Knife" to Returned to Origin?" Lin Xing wondered.

Lin Xing's "Qingfeng Dao" was the D-level Saber Technique awarded by the third Martial Dao Middle School in Huaicheng when he broke into the quasi-Practitioner middle stage. (Cultivation Technique is divided into eight levels, with e-level being the lowest and sss being the highest)

Because I have had a sincere love for knives since I was a child, and my childhood dream was to become a bladesman, I chose "Qingfeng Knife" from several Martial Skill books.

After Lin Xing's hard work in practicing "Qingfeng Dao", he has reached Great Completion, and the E-level Cultivation Technique "Rolling Stone Fist" that the school uniformly studies has reached Returned to Origin Realm.

Nonsense, if you also go to the underground black market to box, then your Fist Technique must also be very powerful. After all, the feeling of punching to the flesh this time will improve quickly.

Lin Xing thought as he walked. After a while, he arrived home and skillfully opened the door and entered. The house was empty, and his parents were still working overtime.

Father Lin Zhan and mother Qin Yue are both ordinary people. They know that only by becoming a Practitioner can they have a dignified life and even survive. They go out early and come back late every day. They would rather work hard and be tired so that their children can succeed.

Lin Xing took off his sweaty clothes and washed away Lin Xing's fatigue under the shower.

There are clear and visible bruises on Lin Xing's body, and there are even many scars. These are all left by Lin Xing's black boxing or hunting Demonic Beasts in the wild.

Lin Xing never told his parents about his work in the underground black market and hunting Demonic Beasts in the wild, mainly because he was afraid that his parents would worry about him.

After finishing, I casually dealt with today's dinner and then sat at the desk to review the lessons I had learned. Although the college entrance examination is mainly about martial arts, cultural scores cannot be lost.

After flipping through a few pages, Lin Xing became a little bored. It wasn't because Lin Xing's cultural class was not good. On the contrary, Lin Xing's cultural class was ranked among the top ten in his grade.

He picked up a stone on the desk. This stone was very special, like a knife. I don’t know what material this strange stone was made of. This stone was bought by Lin Xing from a stall owner in the downtown area in the east of the city. After buying it, the stall owner praised the stone so much that it was finally bought by Lin Xing at a "high price" of ten blue star coins.

Apart from being hard, this stone had no other advantages. Lin Xing looked at the stone and fell into thinking...

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