Martial To Pieces

Chapter 113 The Top 16 Come Out

As the introduction was completed, earth-shattering thunderous applause sounded again on the scene...

Not only that, even the viewers in front of the TV, watching the country's younger generation, felt extremely proud.

Even the No. 3 Middle School in the base city of Huaicheng is organizing all students in an orderly manner to watch the national college competition.

And each teacher proudly introduced... "Look, this captain of the Wudu University representative team is your senior who came out of our No. 3 Middle School. You have to work harder."

The students of No. 3 Middle School have long regarded Lin Xing as their own role model.

Moreover, many students have already set their goal of Wuhan University in the magical capital, and plan to follow in the footsteps of senior Lin Xing...

But these things are not what Lin Xing knows.

"Now, a comparison between Wuhan University and Wuhan University will be conducted."

"Please look at the big screen..."

I saw that on the big screen, the name representing Wuhan University was rotating rapidly, matching opponents one by one.

From this, the top 32 teams were determined.

However, there is still a special existence, that is, the top three teams from the previous year can directly enter the top 16 this year without the need to compete.

This is also one of the top three privileges. There is no way other Wuhan universities can envy them.

Afterwards, Wuhan University will engage in a 1V1 battle. The winner will Advance Grade, and the loser will lose the opportunity.

Obviously, every Wuhan University student has only one chance. If you don't succeed, you will be in trouble.

However, these have nothing to do with the Imperial Martial Arts University, the Demonic Capital Martial Arts University, and the Tianlong Military Academy. Members of these three representative teams can watch here, or go back to continue training, or participate in the customs and customs of the Imperial Capital.

Just like Yan Xueer and others, they have already gone back and are racing against time to practice.

However, Lin Xing had no such interest, and immediately walked towards the auditorium. Taking advantage of this time, he might as well spend more time with his parents and Little Brother Ye Hai.

"Brother, this way." Ye Hai saw Lin Xing walking in this direction and quickly waved and shouted.

Although Father Lin and Mother Lin did not speak, the joy and excitement in their eyes had betrayed them.

"Mom and Dad..."

"Alas..." Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at Lin Xing with eyes full of joy.

"Brother, you are so awesome, you actually became the captain of the Demon City Wuhan University representative team." Ye Hai looked at Lin Xing with excitement.

"Haha, it's nothing. If you go to the Magic City Wuhan University for a while, your strength will probably improve by leaps and bounds. Then, isn't the captain's position just within your grasp?" Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai and said teasingly. .

"Hey (*^▽^*), my current Cultivation Base has reached the quasi-Practitioner Returned to Origin. By then, I will definitely be admitted to the Magic City." Ye Hai said seriously.

"Haha, okay, then I'll wait for you in the Magic City."


The people around him looked at Lin Xing when they saw Lin Xing coming here. Although they were relatively harmonious, the envy in their eyes could not be concealed, but there was also a hint of awe.

After all, such a young Practitioner is also the captain of the Demon City Wuhan University representative team. There are even some who want to build relationships, probably for the sake of their own children.

However, Lin Xing didn't pay attention to these things. After all, Lin Xing didn't want to pay attention to these things now.

Then, they chatted with their parents about daily life, but the tone of Lin's father and Lin's mother's tone was full of concern for themselves.

After all, even when traveling thousands of miles, parents are worried.


After three days of fighting, the top 16 were finally selected.

I have to say that the battle is also quite exciting.

Especially those martial arts universities that have developed rapidly in the past two years, Huanggu Martial Arts University, Xuanbing Academy, and Yanmo Martial Arts University, are very dynamic.

"Okay, today, it's our turn to play. Remember, we can only succeed, not fail." Su Lie made arrangements again worriedly. Although his team had a pervert like Lin Xing, he still couldn't help but remind him. Again.


"Ladies and gentlemen, after three days of continuous fighting, Wuhan University has selected the top 16."

"The top eight will be determined in today's competition. Let us wait and see who will win now."

As the screen continued to rotate.

"Teito Martial Arts University vs Five Elements Academy"

"Ancient Martial Arts University vs. Frost Martial Arts University"


“Nanjiang Wuhan University vs. Shanghai Wudu University”


There is no turmoil here at the Magic City Wuhan University. Since the opponent has appeared, let's have a try.

But here at Nanjiang Wuhan University, even the teachers have a dark look on their faces.

"I didn't expect to encounter Wuhan University in the Magic City. It's probably very difficult to win this battle." Another teacher who led the team said with emotion.

Not only that, even the participating team members from Southern Xinjiang Wuhan University were nervous.

After all, this is the Magic City Wuhan University, which almost won the championship last year.

In addition, the captain of this year's representative team from Wudu University was ranked third in the country during the college entrance examination.

Similarly, those paying attention to Lin Xing are also from the Imperial Capital Wuhan University.

"The comparison results have come out. In our first battle, our opponent is Southern Xinjiang Wuhan University." Looking at the matching results, Zhou Shi felt lightened physically and mentally. After all, as long as he doesn't meet those powerful opponents, Modu Wuhan University will be the best. Basically a sure win.

Even if they encounter those powerful teams, Magic City Wuhan University is not afraid, but there will be a lot of resistance.

"In the first battle, let's go with Lin Xing and take the lead." Su Lie looked at Lin Xing and said.

"Yeah, no problem." Of course there is no problem on Lin Xing's side, but he is eager to play on his own and try out his opponent's strength.

After all, after staying here for such a long time, my body is getting rusty immediately, so I just need to stretch my muscles.

"By the way, leave some strength behind." Zhou Shi, standing by, couldn't help but remind him.

Although the fight between Practitioners is necessary, it is still broadcast nationwide, so it is okay to save some face for Southern Xinjiang Wuhan University.

Lin Xing nodded, indicating that he understood.

The first one to appear was the battle between Imperial Martial Arts University and Five Elements Academy.

“I’d like to invite the participating team members from both sides to appear.”

On the Imperial Martial Arts University side, there was only one ordinary player, while on the Five Elements Academy side, the captain took the lead.

Both sides are, Rank One Returned to Origin Realm.

"Imperial Capital Wuhan University - Jingyu"

"Five Elements Academy - Liu An"

"Please enlighten me." The two of them spoke at the same time, and with the referee's order, Liu An was the first to bear the brunt and strike first.

"Bang bang----"

Liu An's stick technique is very powerful.

It hit Jingyu's spear hard.

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