Martial To Pieces

Chapter 118: Huang Guwu Da Vs. Fengshen Wutian (3)

With the knife on Luo Zhuang's neck, it also represents the end of this game.

"The game is over, Aangu Wuda wins."

"Oh oh..., bang bang bang..."

The scene once again burst into overwhelming applause.

The Huanggu Wushu University representative team was also in a state of excitement, "That's awesome, Brother Lu is amazing..."

On the other hand, Feng Shen Wu Da's side, after repeated failures, the fighting passion has become even lower.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, my skills are inferior to others, so I lost." Luo Zhuang walked down the ring and said with a regretful look on his face.

"It's okay, it's just a game. You can win it back in the future." The team leader of Fengshen Wuhan University patted Luo Zhuang on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

After all, it's a foregone conclusion, and it's useless to say anything more.

Now Feng Shen Wu Da has lost two games in a row, and the pressure has doubled. If changes cannot be made, the result can be imagined.

"Teacher, I'll go to the next game." Liu Yao, captain of the Fengshenwu University representative team, said.

"This... can only be like this." The teacher led by Feng Shen Wutian nodded after hesitating for a moment.

Originally, they wanted to have captain Liu Yao appear as the finale, but unexpectedly, they lost two games in a row. As a result, Feng Shen Wu Da had to change their strategy and decided to let captain Liu Yao take action in the next battle to restore morale.

On the other hand, Huanggu Wuhan University is also formulating corresponding policies.

"Li Dong, you will solve the next battle. According to the thinking of Fengshen Martial Arts University, captain Liu Yao will definitely be sent to win the next game." After thinking for a while, the team leader of Huanggu Martial Arts University said to captain Li Dong .

"Okay, don't worry, Teacher Wang." Li Dong nodded seriously and said.

"Yes, if the captain is on board this time, we will definitely win."

"I hope so." Instructor Wang felt that Liu Yao was not that simple and said lightly.

"The third game is about to begin, contestants please be prepared."

As the referee finished speaking, Liu Yao and Li Dong stepped onto the ring at the same time.

"Ancient Martial Arts University——Li Dong"

"Wind God Wutian——Liu Yao"

"Please enlighten me."

The Magic City Wuhan University is also discussing this.

"Old Lin, who do you think will win?" Qian Duoduo poked Lin Xing with his elbow and whispered.

"I don't know, let's wait and see the results." The two people on the Lin Xing stage shook their heads and said slowly.

Li Dong and Liu Yao on that stage are both Rank Two middle stage Cultivation Base, who knows who will win and who will lose.

Bang bang bang......

The audience was still in full swing. Although Fengshenwu University had lost two games in a row, it still did not affect the enthusiasm of the audience.

"Game start."

But what was different from the past was that neither of them chose to take the lead, but instead started chatting.

"Long time no see," Li Dong said slowly.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you again in this way, but I won't show mercy." Liu Yao said humorously.

"Haha, come on then."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them rushed towards each other at the same time.

"Ah ha..."

The silver-white spear in Li Dong's hand moved from top to bottom with the force of splitting the mountain.

Liu Yao said that the weapon used was also a long gun, but it was a black long gun. After seeing Li Dong's attack, Liu Yao said that the weapon used was also a long gun, but it was a black long gun.


Liu Yao raised the black spear in his hand horizontally, and after resisting, he switched to attacking from left to right.

After Li Dong saw it, he tiptoed and retreated instantly, keeping his body out of Liu Yao's attack range.

"Chasing the Dragon Spear"

After Li Dong got out of the attack range, his Martial Skill burst out, sweeping the entire army.



"Starlight Marksmanship"

Liu Yao was also unwilling to lag behind, and also used his own pistol skills to fight with him.

"Haha, not bad. I haven't seen you for such a long time. I think your strength has improved so quickly." Liu Yao looked at Li Dong during the battle and said happily.

"You're not bad either, and you can rival me." Li Dong said in an equally sultry tone.

"Sure enough, you are still so shameless, look at the gun." Liu Yao cursed.

"Haha, come again."

As the words fell, the two of them hit each other again.

"Kang Kang..."

"Chasing the Dragon Spear"

"Starlight Marksmanship"


The two sides looked at each other, and the aura on the spear became more fierce.

Moreover, in the process of fighting each other, the speed became faster and faster. The two spears, one black and one white, were like a black dragon and a white dragon. They were not entangled on the ring and kept fighting.

"Gun momentum? Not bad, it seems that the two people's spear momentum has reached the late stage Returned to Origin Realm, and they are almost able to break through to the big Returned to Origin Realm."

Any Practitioner with some strength can recognize it.

However, it must be said that Liu Yao and Li Dong are indeed considered to be geniuses. Now both of their gun skills are about to break through the Return to Origin Realm. It can be said that as long as they do not perish in their lifetime, Rank Seven Practitioner can be successful.

If there is another great opportunity, it is not impossible to take two more steps up.

"Haha, cool..."

"In this case, let's use the strongest attack. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker will be known at a glance." Liu Yao felt comfortable all over and said to Li Dong.

"Yes, that's what I meant. Let's decide the outcome with one move." Li Dong's blood boiled with excitement as he fought.

"Chasing the Dragon Spear"

"Starlight Marksmanship"



Boom boom…………

Both sides used their strongest blows and gritted their teeth to persist.

The aftermath of the collision of the spears from both sides spread out in all directions, one after another, like waves.

"Bang bang......"

The momentum of both sides was too great, and Liu Yao and Li Dong were knocked away at the same time and fell to the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, the situation of the two people was clearly seen.

Liu Yao fell out of the ring, but Li Dong was at the edge of the ring and almost fell off the ring.

Who wins and who loses, the result has come out.

"In the third game, Huanguwu Da won."

In fact, Li Dong had luck in winning this game, but rules are rules. Whoever wins and who loses depends on who remains in the ring. Luck is also a part of strength.

Obviously, Liu Yao does not have this blessing.

Bang bang bang…………

The audience stood up consciously and sent their most sincere blessings to these two young players.

Team members from Huanggu Martial Arts University and Fengshen Martial Arts University ran to the ring at the same time, and cooperated with the medical staff to slowly lift Captain Own onto a stretcher.

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