Martial To Pieces

Chapter 127: Magic City Wuhan University Wins

At the end of the game, Modu Wuhan University won. "

As the referee announced the end, the points on the screen began to read: Modou Wuhan University vs. Jiangnan Wuhan University: 2:1.

""I don't blame Cao Xiang. His opponent Lei Ba is really powerful. In addition, the difference in size between the two sides makes Lei Ba more in line with Fist Technique. In this round, I can only blame Cao Xiang for his lack of strength. "Ren Qiu, captain of the Jiangnan Wuhan University representative team, touched his chin with his right hand and murmured.

The surrounding team members also looked thoughtful after hearing the captain's words. They also knew in their hearts that if they faced Lei Ba, they would probably be no different from Cao Xiang.

"Haha, Lao Lei, if the instructor from Jiangnan Wuhan University hadn't just admitted defeat, you would have kicked him over." Feng Tian looked at Lei Ba and said with a smirk on his face.

"Um...uh..." Lei Ba didn't expect that he was still seen despite being so careful, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Yes, we all saw it, but the speed is still too slow. Next time, like Bai Xuan, move faster." Qian Duoduo said with a serious face.


While everyone was discussing, the referee had completed the handover.

The referee who stayed looked at the time and said.

"The third game is about to begin, all contestants, get ready."

After hearing this, the participating players from Modu Wuhan University and Jiangnan Wuhan University slowly walked towards the ring. Both of them shouldered the honor of their teams.

"Modu Wuhan University—Yan Xueer."

"Jiangnan Wuhan University—Ren Qiu."

"Please enlighten me."

Due to the previous battle, Yan Xueer also got a blessing in disguise and broke through to the Rank Two Practitioner middle stage Realm.

Originally, Yan Xueer was not going to participate in this battle. Originally, this round was played by Lin Xing. After all, Wuhan University in the Magic City has won two games in a row. As long as they win one more round, the Magic City side will not be able to win. After fighting and winning, he finally agreed after Yan Xueer's strong request.

Yan Xueer's injuries were completely healed, so she agreed to let Yan Xueer play.

"Snow Sword Technique."

Yan Xueer has been practicing hard for a while and has never found an opponent.

It's not like Yan Xueer has never thought about playing against Lin Xing and others, but now is a special period, and the main task is to get first place in the national college competition.

Now that she finally met an opponent, Yan Xueer naturally took the initiative to attack.

"Butterfly dance steps."

Ren Qiu felt the cold air rushing towards him, and he did not dare to hesitate at all with the long sword in his hand.

"Sword Technique."


"It's so fast." Ren Qiu just used his own Martial Skill, and Yan Xueer had already rushed in front of him.

"Great Completion Returned to Origin Realm?" Qian Duoduo said in surprise when he saw the butterfly dance steps at Yan Xueer's feet.

"Well, it seems that Yan Xue'er is a blessing in disguise." Zhou Shi looked at Yan Xue'er who was getting more and more courageous on the stage. The smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed no matter how hard he tried.

After all, in Zhou Shi's view, the stronger Yan Xueer and others are, the greater the possibility of achieving first place. At that time, he will receive more rewards from the school.

"What? Rank Two middle stage Realm?." At the moment when Yan Xueer broke out, Ren Qiu was shocked when he felt Yan Xueer's Cultivation Base.

But shock is a shock, in Ren Qiu's eyes, it's just the same as his own Cultivation Base.


"Five Elements step."

After Ren Qiu felt Yan Xue'er's true Cultivation Base, he didn't dare to be too confident. In Ren Qiu's view, he needed to show his true strength to defeat Yan Xue'er.

"Sword Technique."

A fierce aura rushed from Ren Qiu to the surroundings.


"Drink..." Yan Xueer snorted after feeling the aura on Ren Qiu's body, and a cold breath also burst out from her body.

"Tsk, tsk..., it's really wonderful."

"Every one of them has Great Completion sword power, and my Hammer Time hasn't broken through yet." Qian Duoduo said sourly.

"Haha, if you train with the captain every day, you will probably break through soon." Wang Yan made a suggestion to Qian Duoduo.

At first, Qian Duoduo thought it was a good idea, but when he heard that he wanted to train with Lin Xing, he shook his head and refused, "Actually, I think this is good, so I won't bother Lao Lin, hehe."

"Haha..." Seeing Qian Duoduo's cowardly look, the people around him laughed.



"You are very powerful." Ren Qiu said after the swords in their hands collided and left.

"You are not weak, but you can't defeat me with these words." As Yan Xueer finished speaking, a long sword pierced Ren Qiu's face.


"Broken Sword Style."


"Five Elements step."

"Broken Sword Style."

Ren Qiu also performed the Broken Sword Style, and both sides showed their full strength.

"Now it's fun. Both sides have learned the same Martial Skill. It's worth watching." The boss on the stage was also watching the battle here.

It's not just a competition between two schools, but also a game between big guys.

"Haha, Su Lie, this girl in your school is talented." Although Xuan Guan has some conflicts with Huo Shu from the Imperial Martial Arts University, he still has a good relationship with Su Lie.

"Haha, small countertop." Su Lie waved his hand and said.



After the collision, Yan Xueer jumped back and shot several more Sword Qi in the air.

Immediately, he moved quickly and attacked from the left side.

These methods are all taught by Lin Xingyi, and they are definitely good methods for "yin people", making them difficult to guard against.

These people would almost have psychological shadows if they were not manipulated time and time again by Lin Xing's methods.

When Ren Qiu saw the Sword Qi flying towards him, he immediately threw out a few Sword Qi.

Then he quickly retreated. Unexpectedly, a cold light appeared from the left.

Ren Qiu quickly waved his sword to resist.


"It's so dangerous..." After resisting, Ren Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, he felt something sharp flying towards him.

Turning his head, he saw that it was a Sword Qi, covered with an icy aura.

Ren Qiu was about to retreat, but then his way back was blocked.


"Sword Technique."

With an angry roar, Yan Xueer was knocked back two steps with a sword, and then she quickly recovered and scattered the Sword Qi.

But then, a cold and biting "sword" appeared on his neck.

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