Martial To Pieces

Chapter 13 Shadow Cat

If Lin Xing hadn't had the foresight to scatter bear excrement around the entrance of the cave, the Shadow Cat would have been unable to resist the temptation and rushed into the cave.

In the command room, Li Cheng and Lin Hu also noticed the situation here.

This group of shadow cats has obviously formed a small group of cats, and there is also a quasi-Practitioner late stage shadow cat as the leader.

The entire group of cats were scattered around the entrance of the cave, and Lin Xing took a brief look at the situation with the brilliance of the bright moonlight.

Similarly, the pressure brought by the entire shadow cat group not only did not make Lin Xing feel panic or uneasy, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

"As soon as the strength has improved, isn't this practitioner coming?"

Lin Xing's strength was not only a little bit stronger than before, but he was worried that he had nothing to practice with, but he didn't expect someone to practice his skills to show up uninvited. This was like sending someone away from a thousand miles away.

In the command room


"This guy is really out of luck. Demonic Beasts at night are more ferocious than during the day, let alone speedy Demonic Beasts like Shadow Cat."

Li Cheng looked at the situation on the screen and couldn't help but feel worried for Lin Xing.

"No, I always feel that this guy is not that simple. He might even bring us surprises."

Lin Hu sat apologetically on the chair, his expression at this time not as serious as he was during the day.

Li Cheng was about to say something but was stopped by Lin Hu's words.

"Don't forget, my team members are near this kid. Even if something happens, my teammates can arrive in a short time."

At this time, Lin Hu put his hands behind his head and placed his feet side by side on the table with his eyes closed. Nurturing Spirit was very leisurely.

"With Practitioner around this kid, I'm worried about a hammer."

Li Cheng was awakened by Lin Hu's words, but he still stared at the screen with uneasy eyes, afraid of missing every detail.

At this time, the shadow cat with long body cultivator and shiny black fur on the stone seemed to feel that the Spiritual Qi fluctuations in the cave returned to normal.

Unable to hold back the heat in his heart any longer, he howled and directed the cat boy to rush into the cave.


A crisp cry sounded out, which was particularly unusual in the silent darkness.

Those shadow cats were running from the surrounding area with light steps.

Lin Xing leapt down from the steep hole. Just when he was about to land on the ground, Lin Xing tiptoed and rushed towards the running shadow cat as lightly as a flying swallow.




Lin Xing didn't even take a knife and faced the shadow cat with his bare hands.

One of the shadow cats was punched away by Lin Xing, and some were kicked away by Lin Xing before they even got close.

Drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it fell heavily to the ground or hit a tree trunk, making a miserable cry.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the last few night cats turned around and ran away without listening to the boss's command.

This is when Shadow Cat Tou Tou becomes the polished commander and experiences the feeling of fighting alone.

Lin Xing recalled the scene of the battle just now, and it was obvious that his strength and speed had at least doubled.

At the same time, he looked at the large shadow cat.

"Tsk, tsk~, this cat is so fat, and its hair is black and shiny. It would be a pity not to sell it for money."

Shadow Cat couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw Lin Xing staring directly at him.

You ask him why he is nervous. Nonsense, a devil who kills cats without batting an eye is staring straight at you. Aren't you scared?

"Meow~" With a howl, the shadow cat's momentum became fierce.

The shadow cat's eyes were sharp and he stared straight at Lin Xing, unable to stop his arrow from firing.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and turn around and rush into the forest.

Lin Xing was stunned. He thought the Night Cat howled and tried to fight him, but it actually ran away.

Looking at the cat shadow that had disappeared into the darkness, Lin Xing couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it, is the young master so scary?"

Lin Xing cursed secretly in his heart.

Shadow cats move quickly in the forest like floating ghosts.

It was obvious that this shadow cat had reached the limit of its speed. At the same time, it did not forget to look back, as if to observe whether the demon who killed cats without blinking was catching up.

Still worried, I ran for a few more kilometers before I stopped to rest.

Lin Xing has neatly packed away the loot.

Seeing that the required materials in his backpack were increasing, Lin Xing unconsciously smiled, as if he saw a lot of star coins flying towards him.

At the same time, Lin Xing's ranking in the standings has also risen.

Currently ranked tenth, Liu Yiyi remains firmly at the top.

Chu Nan, on the other hand, "has no ears to hear other people's affairs, and only thinks about the person in his dream."

Chu Nan was on the branch of a big tree, sound asleep, his snoring kept rising and falling, and those who didn't know thought it was the tree that had become a spirit.

Lin Xing harvested the materials and found a big tree nearby to rest.

After a tiring day, you should take a good rest.

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