Martial To Pieces

Chapter 131 Conspiracy

The referee took a deep look at Lin Xing and didn't say much. They refereed and respected the players' choices.

"Huo..., this... I didn't expect that the captain of the Magic City Martial Arts University would still challenge me."

Bang bang bang…………

Above the auditorium, bursts of noise erupted again.

Some people say that Lin Xing is trying to be fatty and has a tough mouth, but some people are optimistic about Lin Xing. There are different opinions...

"The second game is about to begin. Please be prepared, all contestants."

As the referee's voice fell, it meant that a new round of competition was about to begin.

Lin Xing stayed there without any interest, quietly waiting for his opponent.

At this time, a spirited young man with dyed red hair walked towards the stage with an arrogant look.

"Imperial Martial Arts University - Huo Rong."

"Modu Wuhan University—Lin Xing."

"Please enlighten me."

Lin Xing looked at the careless Huo Rong in front of him and felt a little disappointed. He originally thought that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Conference would send out stronger ones.

Unexpectedly, this beast was sent out. Although his Cultivation Base reached the Rank Two peak Realm, his aura was impetuous, which was the result of a forced breakthrough. If he really fought, it is estimated that even those who were in the Rank Two early stage Realm would be defeated. Even if you have a lot of money, you can't beat it.

In fact, it was not Huo Rong's turn to appear in this battle, but due to repeated requests from Xiao Zizi, the leading teacher of the Imperial Martial Arts University, Huo Rong had the opportunity to appear this time.

After all, in Wu Tian's eyes, Huo Rong's true combat effectiveness was not as good as the injured Ximen Liu or Jiu Yuan.

However, when Wu Tian saw Ximen Liu and Jiu Yuan, they acquiesced and said nothing more. After all, Wu Tian already had an answer in his heart. Anyway, it would be the same no matter who went up, it was just about the length of time.

Similarly, Wu Tian and Ximen Liu were also thinking for a long time, and they were also betting that there was not much Spiritual Qi left in Lin Xing's body.

So, letting Huo Rong appear this time can also be said to be a waste utilization.

In fact, the main reason why Huo Rong participated in this game was because of Huo Rong's own request. After all, in Huo Rong's view, Lin Xing definitely didn't have much Spiritual Qi left in his body, and with his own strength, he would definitely be able to defeat the opponent.

"At that time, I defeated Lin Xing, and Lin Xing defeated Wu Tian. Indirectly, doesn't it mean that I also defeated Wu Tian." With this idea in mind, Huo Rong bribed Xiao Zizai to let him play, and added Huo Rong's grandfather Huoshu is a Rank Eight Practitioner. Xiao Zizai naturally wants to climb this big tree. He will definitely act like a dog-legger and do everything arranged by his master.

Before the fight even started, Huo Rong began to taunt, pretending that he thought he was handsome.

"Boy across from me, you and Wu Tian just had a fight, and there isn't much Spiritual Qi left in your body. It's better to admit defeat as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'll show you how red the flowers are." Huo Rong looked at it. He said viciously to Lin Xing opposite him. To Lin Xing, that pale face looked like an evil ghost crawling out of the ground, which made people feel sick.

In the VIP room.

Huoshu looked at Huo Rong on the stage and couldn't help but smile. It seemed that in Huoshu's view, his grandson Huo Rong had already won this game.

Su Lie naturally knew what the old guy Huoshu was thinking, and even glanced at him with disdain. He didn't know who gave him the confidence to be so obsessed with himself, hetui~.

"Dammit, you're dead. How dare you ignore me." Huo Rong babbled for a long time. Unexpectedly, Lin Xing didn't take it to heart at all. Instead, he was there, clasping his fingernails leisurely. This made Huo Rong, who had been pampered since childhood, His hair stood up in anger.

"Look at the sword~."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Rong held an angry red sword and attacked Lin Xing.

"Fire Wind Body Technique."

Although Huo Rong didn't look very good, his speed was still good. In a blink of an eye, he had already reached Lin Xing.

"Rong Ling Sword Technique."

Huoshu looked at Huo Rong's series of performances on the ring, smoothed his goatee with his hand, and couldn't help but nodded, looking very satisfied.


"Fuck you." Lin Xing held the knife in one hand, and while fighting Huo Rong, he unexpectedly pushed hard with his left foot, and Huo Rong flew out like a kite with its string broken.

"Bang bang..."

"You... how dare you attack this Young Master..., I want you to die..." Huo Rong got up from the ground and looked at Lin Xing angrily.

"Pfft hahaha..."


The audience on the stage naturally didn't have much concentration. After seeing this scene, they burst into laughter.


Huoshu's face now turned as dark as ashes at the bottom of a pot, and the fists in his hands could not help but clenched into fists.

"Haha... It turns out that your grandson is so interesting. He actually used his chest to forcefully catch the opponent's kick, Zhenzhen~." Xuan Guan looked at Huoshu's darkened face, and then he was kicked away by Lin Xing. Huo Rong burst into laughter as he went out.

After all, Xuan Guan and Huoshu suppress each other. Who doesn't know in the entire Practitioner world?

Su Lie originally wanted to laugh, but he had to "respect the old and love the young", so he couldn't help but take a sip of tea, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then watched the game with a serious face.


"Rong Ling Sword Technique."

Naturally, it was impossible for Huo Rong to swallow this breath. After adjusting his condition, he launched another attack on Lin Xing, preparing to avenge his previous humiliation and avenge his previous kick.

"Crazy Saber Technique's first form."

As Huo Rong quickly approached, the sword in Lin Xing's hand was covered with a layer of black Spiritual Qi, and he slashed out randomly.


Sure enough, waste is waste. Even if you rely on potions to increase your strength, it will not change the fact that it is waste.

With just one encounter, Huo Rong felt a huge Spiritual Qi impacting him.

Huo Rong felt this Spiritual Qi, and even felt the breath of Death. Huo Rong never thought that Lin Xing actually had so much Spiritual Qi.


Huo Rong's Sword Technique was like a child playing house in front of Lin Xing. Lin Xing basically had no interest in it. Coupled with Huo Rong's face, it made people feel sick.

In the VIP room.

"Peng..., good boy." Huoshu punched the table, making a banging sound.

"Oh... what's up? I burned my mouth when I drank tea." Xuan Guan was drinking tea comfortably. After seeing Huoshu's behavior, he glanced at it and said leisurely.

"Humph..." Then he stood up and walked outside.

"Oh..., Old Man Huo..."

Before Xuan Guan could say anything, a quick and impatient voice came from outside, "Daddy needs to go to the bathroom."

"'s so difficult to go to the toilet. I'm afraid that others won't know that he has a weak kidney." Xuan Guan curled his lips and said leisurely.

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