Martial To Pieces

Chapter 146: Wake Up——Cultivation Base Surges

As time goes by, all the fairy spirit floating freely has been captured.

As for what's lingering around Lin Xing, there's nothing that can be done about it.

But these alone made Su Lie and Mr. Luo extremely happy.

"Haha~, great, great, with these fairy spirits, those old guys should not die." Mr. Luo looked at the purple jade box in his hand, and a mist appeared in his eyes.

Su Lie also couldn't catch the slightly raised corners of his mouth, and his heart felt as if he had eaten sweet honey. After all, with this thing, he would be a powerful person everywhere.

Afterwards, the two of them calmed down and slowly guarded Lin Xing. After all, Lin Xing was now equivalent to the lucky treasure of the entire Magic City Wuhan University.

Time passed little by little, one hour, two hours, one day, two days...

Until noon on the third day, cracks appeared on the white egg. Finally, the cracks became larger and larger, and the entire egg exploded, producing a large amount of milky white smoke.


As the milky white smoke dissipated, Lin Xing's figure slowly appeared, stretched and made a deep sound.


Su Lie and Mr. Luo both looked in Lin Xing's direction with excitement on their faces.

After seeing Lin Xing's strength, he froze in place, "Rank Six Practitioner..."

"No, the breath is unstable, a bit frivolous, it's a fake Rank Six Practitioner..." Su Lie felt it carefully again and frowned.

"Haha, what's the difference between fake Rank Six and Rank Six?" Mr. Luo stroked his beard, looked at Lin Xing with great satisfaction, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm a little greedy." Su Lie thought for a moment, then smiled to himself.

You know, Lin Xing is only a freshman now, how old is he? They have already reached the Realm of pseudo-Rank Six. Among them, there are several deputy deans and even dean-level figures who can reach this Realm at this age.

Besides, Lin Xing only needs to practice more and play steadily, and he will be able to truly reach the Rank Six Practitioner level in basically less than a month, or at most three months.

In fact, the main reason why Lin Xing's Cultivation Base Realm was able to grow so fast was because of the large amount of Spiritual Qi left in the body by Lin Xing's sixth-rank Spirit Medicine, the Yin & Yang Fruit, which he had previously swallowed, plus his sudden enlightenment. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

If he had not swallowed the Yin & Yang fruit, it would be impossible to reach the realm of Rank Six Practitioner now. It can only be said that Lin Xing really got lucky.

Opportunity is something that others cannot envy.



Lin Xing took a deep breath and twisted his waist. The bones in his body made a crisp sound.

Lin Xing carefully felt the huge energy in his body. Because his strength grew too fast, Lin Xing felt very conceited, as if he was the only one in the world.

What also surprised Lin Xing was the growth of his physical strength and Mental Energy.

His physical strength is estimated to have reached the Grandmaster realm level, but Lin Xing can't feel it yet.

As for Mental Energy, from the original Rank Four level to the current Rank Six middle stage Realm, it can be said that a heifer is on a rocket, and an old bull is soaring to the sky.

"Choo Choo Choo…………."

"Hahaha, briquettes, eh? How is it possible, you are taking hormones?" Lin Xing was a little surprised after seeing the briquettes' body shape and Cultivation Base.

After all, Coal Ball's current size is already considered a big bird, and his strength has actually reached the Rank Three middle stage level, directly promoted by two ranks, which is simply a bit better than Lin Xing's Talent.

Coal Ball was happily hovering next to Lin Xing, chirping all the time.

"How are you? How do you feel now?" Su Lie came to Lin Xing's side at some point to check on Lin Xing's physical condition.

"Dean Su, it's okay. It's just that the strength is growing a bit fast and I still can't control it." Lin Xing carefully felt the power expanding in his body and said with a sincere face.

"Uh uh..., this is normal for you. It's just that your strength has grown too fast. You don't have to master this power. You just need to train for a period of time." After hearing Lin Xing's words, Su Lie suddenly felt good. I want to punch the little thief in front of me and fly him away.

What Su Lie hates the most is this kind of person who behaves well even though he gets an advantage.

After all, if most people want this level of enlightenment, they may not be able to get it.

"Thank you, Dean, and Mr. Luo..." Lin Xing couldn't help but feel a little confused when he saw his original position, surrounded by rows of bottles of medicine, and the various formations around him. A warm current passes through.

"Haha, okay, okay, now that it's over, let's go out first." Mr. Luo said with a smile.

"Yeah, go out first. Your friends have to come over and ask questions every day. Mr. Luo and I are almost bored to death." Su Lie waved his hand in a depressed manner and told the little villain in front of him to leave quickly.

Afterwards, Su Lie directly lifted all three formations wrapped outside.

"Hey, goodbye, Dean Su, goodbye, Mr. Luo." Lin Xing bowed to Su Lie and Mr. Luo, and then left quickly.

The tutors from other colleges were shocked at first when they saw the formation was lifted, and then they lowered their guard after seeing the figures of Su Lie, Mr. Luo and Lin Xing.

"Fuck..." A mentor, after seeing Lin Xing's Cultivation Base, froze on the spot and said, "Fuck..."

"Eh..., what's going on, Old Liu..., shit." Another instructor next to him asked with some confusion after hearing this, and then followed his eyes to look at Lin Xing, but when he felt Lin Xing's Cultivation Base After that, he was also stunned.


In fact, Lin Xing also wants to keep a low profile, but the Cultivation Base he was given once grew too fast, and he is still not able to cover up his own Cultivation Base skillfully.

"Hurry..." Lin Xing felt that the eyes of the instructors around him were gradually moving towards him, and then he started to move quickly towards his own residential area.

The speed was so fast that Lin Xing disappeared without even reacting.

"Choo Choo Choo…………."

The briquettes spun twice in the sky, but Lin Xing was nowhere to be found, which made the briquettes chirp in anger.

"It's broken. I forgot the briquettes. Forget it. That stupid bird should know the way home." Lin Xing, who was running, suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something.

Then when I was almost to the own residential area, I remembered that I seemed to have forgotten the briquettes there, but after thinking about it, this stupid bird shouldn't be so stupid, so I stopped paying attention to it. There are more important things now. To do.

Back at his own villa, Lin Xing dove directly into the practice room, ready to digest the "benefits" brought by his enlightenment.

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