Martial To Pieces

Chapter 24 The Boy In The Slums

After having a happy breakfast with my parents in the morning, I wore a Shadow series combat uniform, carried a large backpack, and held a combat knife, bid farewell to my parents, and embarked on a new "journey."

Lin Xing first went to the slums to rent a house that he could live in.

Renting a house in the slums can save you a lot of trouble, and your whereabouts are uncertain. There is no more cost-effective place than renting a house in the slums.

Lin Xing walked slowly on the slum road, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings. Suddenly, he saw a few street kids in front of him bullying a 15 or 16 years old man, and they were also swearing.

"Damn it, brat, did I tell you before? Hand over the star coins you have on you, and be filial to daddy."

The leader, a street kid, pointed at the young man with his finger, his face full of flesh, which made people look a little disgusting.


"Little brat, our boss is talking to you." A street kid next to him saw that the boy didn't speak. He came up and slapped the boy in the face with a big mouth, but the boy didn't say anything and just stared at these few people fiercely. personal.

Just when the leaders of these gangsters punched the young man in the face, his fist was held by a strong hand.

"It hurts, it hurts—, Dage Dage Dage, spare my life, spare my life." The one who was in pain shouted for mercy.

"Get away from me as far as you want. If you let me know that you are bullying this boy, I will make you disappear quietly from this world." Lin Xing said viciously.

When these gangsters saw the combat uniform Lin Xing was wearing and carrying a large backpack, they knew that this person definitely did not come from the slums, and they did not dare to provoke Lin Xing.

"Oh, bye Dage, bye Dage." These people crawled and disappeared on the path.

"Are you okay?" Lin Xing then looked at the young man just now.

"Thank you... thank you brother." The young man seemed a little confused and his speech was a little slow.

"Haha, brother, can you ask me something? Do you know where I can rent a house nearby?" Lin Xing asked after thinking of this question.

" family has a spare house, I wonder if that's okay." The young man looked at Lin Xing cautiously and said slowly.

"Okay, can you take me to see the house? If possible, I will rent it." Lin Xing thought, wouldn't this be just right, and agreed.

"Really...really? Then I'll take you there now." The young man seemed stunned by Lin Xing's readily agreed, and he was so happy that he immediately led Lin Xing to see the house.

Then the young man led the way, and Lin Xing followed behind. Through chatting on the road, he learned that this young man’s name was Ye Hai, who was 16 years old this year. He also learned that Ye Hai’s family conditions were very poor. There was a sick grandfather in the family. I haven't seen my parents.

After a while, the two stopped at the entrance of a small courtyard.

..."Um..., Brother Lin, look at it, this is the house for rent." Ye Hai opened the door of the small courtyard and let Lin Xing enter to check the house.

Lin Xing entered the courtyard to check the condition of the house. Overall, it was pretty good, and there was a kitchen with pots and pans. It was just a little dusty. It was estimated that no one had lived here for a while.

Lin Xing nodded, thinking this place was good.

"Xiaohai, how much does this place cost per month?" Lin Xing was very satisfied after seeing the house and decided to rent it.

"Ah... Brother Lin, have you really decided to rent this house?" Ye Hai looked at Lin Xing, feeling a little hasty.

"Well, I think this place is good, and I plan to rent it for a month." Lin Xing nodded and said seriously.

"Then, can I get you 5...500 star coins?" Ye Hai hesitated and said to Lin Xing.

"500 star coins?"

"Is it... too much? Then 300... 300 star coins will do." Ye Hai thought that Lin Xing thought 500 star coins was a bit expensive, so he immediately changed his mind and said.

"No, I just feel it's a bit cheap. Let's do this. I'll give you 2,000 star coins a month, but I have a condition." Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai and said.

"Ah... 2000? Star coins, this... this is too much." Ye Hai's eyes widened and he hesitated.

"First of all, you have to clean this place. At the same time, you have to buy quilts for the bedroom and replace the pots and pans in the kitchen that need to be replaced." Lin Xing said looking at Ye Hai.

"Hmm..." Ye Hai nodded seriously.

Lin Xing then took out 4,000 star coins in cash from his bag. Fortunately, Lin Xing knew that it was impossible to transfer money online in the slums, so he exchanged 20,000 star coins in cash in advance.

"Here, here are 4,000 star coins, 2,000 is the rent, and the other 2,000 are for you to help me buy a quilt for my bedroom and pots and pans for the kitchen." Lin Xing handed the star coins in his hand to Ye Hai and said.

"'s too much." Ye Hai waved his hand when he saw Lin Xing giving him 4,000 star coins.

"It's okay. Just take it if I ask you to take it. The rest will be used as your errand fee." Lin Xing didn't care whether Ye Hai wanted it or not and just stuffed it into his hand.

"Thank you, Brother Lin."

"Okay, it's time to go about your business. I still have something to do, but before night, I want to see that you have arranged everything in the house."

"Okay, no problem." Ye Hai nodded heavily and assured.

The reason why Lin Xing helped Ye Hai was because Ye Hai saved his life in the first place.

This incident happened two years ago. At that time, Lin Xing heard about the underground black boxing in the slums and made a lot of money, so he couldn't resist the temptation to join.

But he was beaten half to death and thrown into the garbage. If it weren't for Ye Hai and the old man, he probably would never see his parents again.

During those three days, it was Ye Hai who picked up trash and took care of own. If Chu Nan hadn't been asked to deal with teachers and parents when he came, he would probably...

Lin Xing has also been here in the past two years, but he didn't find it, so he gave up. Unexpectedly, he accidentally planted a willow tree.

When Lin Xing saw it for the first time, he recognized it and didn't say anything.

It's normal for Ye Hai not to recognize Lin Xing. Lin Xing was beaten into a pig's head back then, and even when he left, his face was still wrapped in gauze.

Now that I have found my savior, he is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to repay his kindness.

As for the black boxing place in the slums, it was abandoned without knowing it. Lin Xing couldn't find anyone if he wanted to take revenge.

Just after Lin Xing arranged Ye Hai's mission, he set out from the slums towards the outside of the Huaicheng base city.

Because the inspection in the slums is relatively loose, you can sometimes escape the sight of the guards and reach the wild areas directly. This is also a necessary route for people who have not reached the Practitioner Realm to leave the city.

Originally, Lin Xing thought about renting a house near the city gate, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Because I am too young, showing my Practitioner certificate would attract some attention and avoid unnecessary trouble in the slums.

Just when Lin Xing took advantage of the guards not paying attention, he quietly slipped into the wild.

Ye Hai also followed Lin Xing's instructions and bought bedding and pots and pans for Lin Xing. At the same time, Ye Hai also got medicine for Grandpa Own.

After setting everything up, Ye Hai smiled when he saw that the room and kitchen had been tidied up by him, thinking that Brother Lin would definitely like it.

Then Ye Hai took the medicine he bought and ran home happily.

"Grandpa, look, I bought the medicine." After Ye Hai arrived home, he gently opened the door and ran to the old man's side and said.

"Xiao Hai, where did you get this medicine? Did you steal it?" The old man was not happy when he saw the medicine in Ye Hai's hand. Instead, he angrily scolded Ye Hai.

"No, grandpa, I rented out our small courtyard. The person who rented the small courtyard was an elder brother. He paid 2,000 star coins." Ye Hai quickly explained to the old man.

"You rented out that small yard? But why do you want 2,000 star coins? Come with me and return the extra star coins." The old man said and was about to pull Ye Hai outside.

"No, Grandpa, Brother Lin must do this. I originally had 500 star coins a month, but Brother Lin forced me to give me 2,000 star coins, and also asked me to help him buy bedding and pots and pans." Ye Ye Hai explained quickly.

The old man calmed down after hearing his grandson's explanation, "Oh... Xiaohai, we have met a kind person."

Similarly, when the old man heard that Lin Xing was wearing a combat uniform, he also reminded Ye Hai, "Brother Lin of yours is not an ordinary person. Remember not to offend him, understand, because our family can't afford to offend him."

"Yeah, don't worry, Grandpa, I think Brother Lin is fine." Ye Hai nodded quickly.

Ye Hai handed the medicine in his hand to the old man, "Grandpa, drink it quickly, your body can't continue like this."

The old man saw his grandson putting the medicine in his hand. In fact, the old man knew that he didn't have much time, but when he thought that Xiao Hai would be the only one left after he left, his eye circles turned red again for some reason.

"Grandpa, don't cry. When Xiaohai becomes a Practitioner, I will take you to live in a big house in the city."

"Okay, okay, grandpa, wait, our Xiaohai will definitely become a Practitioner, and we will be the most powerful Practitioner." The old man touched Ye Hai's head and said kindly.





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