Martial To Pieces

Chapter 27 Helping Ye Hai Enter No. 3 Middle School And Preparing For The College Entrance Examinati


The door opened and Lin Xing ran back with Ye Hai in the morning.

He exercises all the time. Lin Xing usually goes for morning runs by himself, but now he has a Little Brother who goes with him for morning runs.

"Oh..., these two brothers are back. Go wipe your sweat and get ready to eat." Mother Lin had just put breakfast on the table when she saw Lin Xing and Ye Hai running back in the morning.

Since it was Ye Hai's first time to have breakfast at home, Lin's father and mother went to work relatively late today and made a rich breakfast to show their respect for Ye Hai.

"Oh..., I'm having a good time today. I used to eat breakfast by myself and just buy some steamed buns and fried dough sticks. But it's different now that Xiaohai is here." After washing up a little, you looked at the rich breakfast and said sourly.

"Go on, are you usually missing a bite to eat? You, the elder brother, are fighting with Little Brother." Mother Lin laughed and scolded Lin Xing.

"Xiao Hai, sit down and eat quickly." Father Lin quickly asked Ye Hai to sit down. He had already said it yesterday, treat this place as your home, don't be restrained.

"Godfather and Godmother, I...I know." Ye Hai scratched his head in embarrassment.

"By the way, Xiaohai, wait a minute. I will go to our school to find our principal and tell you about letting you go to our school. Will you be unable to keep up now that you are in your second year of high school?" Lin Xing said to him while eating. Ye Hai said.

"No, Brother Lin. Because my family was poor, I didn't go to high school after junior high school. But I've read all the books for the first and second years of high school. It's no problem." Ye Hai heard that Lin Xing wanted to help him find a school. Something, he said quickly.

"Xiao Xing, will your principal agree?" Father Lin said nervously next to him.

"No problem. Besides, Xiaohai's own Cultivation Base is not weak either. He will be a sophomore in high school this year, and next year he will be able to take the college entrance examination in a key Wuhan university. Our principal is eager to have more than ten or twenty such students." Lin Xing said with a smile beside him. , based on his understanding of the principal, he probably said today that he can go to school tomorrow.

"That's good, that's good." Father Lin and Mother Lin nodded beside him.

A simple and plain breakfast slowly passed by with laughter and laughter.

Lin Xing wore simple casual clothes and went to school.

Walking on the road, looking at the busy cement road, I don't know how long this bustling phenomenon can last, just like some dilapidated bases outside the Huaicheng base city. The bases are ruined and uninhabited. They have been occupied by Demonic Beasts. This is also The basis for Demonic Beasts devouring human territory.

There are still three days until the college entrance examination. Today is June 3rd, and the college entrance examination will start on June 7th.

When I entered the entrance of No. 3 Middle School, the old man who opened the door said hello to me and walked directly to the principal's office.


"Please come in." A deep and powerful voice came from inside.

Hearing the sound coming from inside, Lin Xing opened the door and went straight in.

"Why are you here, kid? You don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. I haven't seen you for more than 20 days. It seems that the Cultivation Base has improved a lot." The old principal Wang Zhan looked up and saw Lin Xing coming in. He was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he was so far away from the college entrance examination. I'll be relieved in three days.

Wang Zhan was also a little surprised when he saw Lin Xing's Cultivation Base. When he asked for leave more than 20 days ago, it was still Rank One early stage and had just broken through. Now, looking at it, it is directly Rank One late stage and it is relatively solid. It is estimated that it will not take long to break through to the peak Realm of Rank One.

"Tsk tsk, it's true that heroes have been born since ancient times. This year we have you as a trump card in our third middle school. Look at the two old guys in the first and second middle schools giving him a swollen face this year, hahahahaha" Wang Zhan thought in his mind After the college entrance examination this year, the two old guys from No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School looked defeated, and they felt very happy.

"What's the matter?" Wang Zhan knew clearly that Lin Xing would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

"Um..., it's actually nothing. I just haven't seen you for so many days. Come and see you." Lin Xing said coquettishly.

"Hey, why don't you come over to see if others don't take gifts?" Lin Xing stuck his butt out, and Wang Zhan knew what Lin Xing was farting.

"Hahaha" Lin Xing laughed twice.

"It's nothing difficult. It's just whether my Little Brother can come to our No. 3 Middle School and be a sophomore in high school." Lin Xing saw the old principal Wang Zhan looking at him as if he were a fool. Without any hesitation, he directly stated the purpose of his trip.

"Hmm... do you have a Little Brother? Why didn't I know about it?" Now it was Wang Zhan's turn to be confused. He clearly remembered that Lin Xing was the only one in their old Lin family. Why did a Little Brother pop up now? Brother.

Lin Xing then recounted the story of his encounter with Ye Hai in a short and long story.

"Oh..., if you put it this way, Ye Hai's talent is not bad, and he has now reached the quasi-Practitioner middle stage."

"Yes, yes, yes, my Little Brother Ye Hai's talent is not weaker than mine." Seeing that Wang Zhan already had some thoughts, Lin Xing said quickly from the side.

"Yeah, okay, but I have a condition." Wang Zhan said pretending to be thoughtful.

"You said, I will definitely do it."

"There are only three days left for the college entrance examination. I hope you can get a good ranking in the college entrance examination and try to step on all the first and second middle schools. As long as you can complete it, you, Little Brother, can enter the elite class of the second grade of high school." Wang After Zhan finished speaking, he looked at Lin Xing, waiting for his reply.

In fact, Wang Zhan also knew that with Lin Xing's talent, it would be no problem to win the first place in the Huaicheng Base City. Today's incident was just a small motivation to put a little pressure on Lin Xing.

"It's just a small matter, no problem. I'll make sure everything is arranged properly." When Lin Xing heard about this, he patted his chest and promised to complete the task.

"Yeah, not bad." Wang Zhan nodded, but he was already happy in his heart. He seemed to have seen the scene of crushing No. 1 and No. 2 under his feet. He was happy just thinking about this scene.

After finishing the work, Lin Xing left the principal's office. Before leaving the school, Lin Xing went to the office to take a look at the head teacher Wang Ping.

After chatting for a while, they left the school directly.

Similarly, the head teacher Wang Ping told Lin Xing that he should come to school in advance on June 7th and go to the examination room under the unified guidance of the school.

Then we went to Practitioner's House. All the Demonic Beasts materials and Spirit Medicine we sold yesterday were completely sold, except of course the second rank spirit fruit.

A total of 16.87 million star coins have been sold in these 20 days. Sure enough, for Practitioner, hunting Demonic Beasts is a huge profit. Of course, the majority of them are those Spirit Medicine.

After entering the Practitioner's house, Lin Xing went straight to the weapons area.

"Welcome to Practitioner's house, what weapons do you want to buy?"

"I'm going to take a look at the sword." Yesterday, while selling materials, I had already purchased the Martial Skill and the sword for Ye Hai.

I forgot about my own sword. I originally thought that the C-level sword that had been with me for more than 20 days could still be used for a while, so I didn't think much about it. Who knew that there were only three days left for the college entrance examination, so I actually forgot about the college entrance examination.

"Okay, do you have a favorite sword?"

"I want to take a look at the heavy blade series." Lin Xing had already thought about it on the way before coming.

Because of the Cultivation Technique, his physical fitness far exceeds that of a Same Rank Practitioner. Lin Xing can even feel that his physical strength is comparable to that of a Half Step Rank Two Practitioner.

With its own Cultivation Base and the heavy blade series of swords, it can almost be said to be invincible at its level.

"Okay sir, now let me introduce to you the heavy blade series of swords."

"The A-level heavy blade Flood Dragon weighs 98 kilograms and the blade is long..."

"The A-level heavy-edged black stone weighs 108 kilograms, and the blade is long..."


"Um, please introduce to me the B-level combat knives directly." Lin Xingxing has heard about the A-level combat knives, so he knows they are not cheap. Lin Xing knows that with his current Cultivation Base, a B-level combat knife is enough to win. .

The staff member smiled awkwardly, and then introduced the B-level series of swords to Lin Xing.

After careful consideration, Lin Xing decided to purchase the B-level series of combat knives - Greedy Wolf.

This B-level series sword costs a total of 9.27 million star coins, and the price is after a discount.

Lin Xing endured the pain and bought this one.

Not only that, I purchased a B-level series combat uniform, which is an upgraded version of the C-level Shadow series combat uniform I purchased previously.

Not only that, Lin Xing also bought a set of C-level thick soil series large combat uniforms. This combat uniform was bought for Chu Nan after many years of brotherhood.

Of course, there is also a C-level battle suit belonging to his Little Brother Yekai.

After buying so much, the total amount was 16 million star coins. After more than 20 days of hard work, once I returned to before liberation, sure enough, I made money quickly and spent it quickly.

After purchasing, leave Practitioner House with a warm farewell from the staff.

He was happy when he went in, but sad when he came out. Lin Xing looked like he was in pain.

Entering the community, I saw Ye Hai practicing Saber Technique on the flat ground.

"Swipe-" Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai's sharp Saber Technique, showing his own three-point style back then. .

"Brother." When Ye Hai saw Lin Xing coming back, he quickly put away his sword and ran towards Lin Xing.

"Not bad, why don't you rest at home?"

"Hehe, aren't you busy at home? The Martial Skill I bought for me yesterday can't be left at home to lie ashes." Ye Hai scratched his head.

"Let's go home. Don't worry. You have taken care of your studies. You will start school this year like your sophomore classmates." Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai and knew what Ye Zaihai was thinking.

"Wow——, that's so cool." Ye Hai jumped up happily.

In the following three days, Ye Hai practiced with Lin Xing. Under Lin Xing's guidance, Ye Hai's Martial Skill proficiency improved rapidly.

Chu Nan also came here in the past few days. When Lin Xing handed Chu Nan the C-level combat uniform, Chu Nan was so excited that he almost gave her life to him.

Time flies by, and it’s time for the college entrance examination in a blink of an eye.






(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)Thank you for your support. I hope you will add it to the bookshelf. Xiaosheng would like to thank you.


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