Martial To Pieces

Chapter 34 Attack—The Hidden Valley

After Lin Xing and others recharged their batteries, they were ready to take immediate action to prevent long nights and nightmares. It would not be fun if the tiger man healed his injuries by relying on the Medicinal herbs in the secret realm.

Six people formed a team, plus a pig-headed man who led the way, and headed to a hidden valley.

Lin Xing fulfilled his duty as the captain of the six-person team. This was the first time for six people to act at the same time, and it was also a testament to their friendship.

On the way to the valley, we also encountered several scattered waves of orcs. With the help of the pig-headed accomplice, the orcs were basically beheaded before they could react.

"Huh~, what beast dared to sneak attack me and cost me an arm? Damn it." In a hidden cave in the valley, Tiger Chi was devouring the spiritual fruit to restore the Cultivation Base on his body. Only his A section of his left arm was missing, and there was a bloody scratch on his chest, with bones visible.

"Damn, why are the collection of Spirit Medicine so slow? Come here." Looking at the Spirit Medicine around him that was about to be exhausted, Hu Chi shouted outside the cave entrance.

"Lord Tiger, what are your orders?" A deer-headed man came in from outside, knelt down respectfully and said sincerely.

"What's going on? Why hasn't the Spirit Medicine been delivered yet? Why is the work efficiency so slow? If it weren't for the shortage of manpower entering this secret realm, I would have skinned you alive just like you trash." Captain Tiger said fiercely.

"Team...Captain, I...I don't know. All the brothers who can collect have been sent out." Lutou Shengsheng seemed to be frightened and said fearfully.

"Go away, wait for them to come back, and send me the materials as soon as possible. Do you understand, if there is any mistake, I will skin you alive first." Lord Tiger waved his hand and asked the deer-headed man to leave.

The deer-headed man was relieved, and he rolled out of the Immortal Cave and ran outside. He was afraid that if he was too late, he would be revived by the tiger-headed man.

The tiger idiot looked at the crawling deer-headed man and felt even more disdainful ( ̄_, ̄) in his heart, "If my subordinates didn't all have their own missions, I would have brought you bastards with me."

As everyone knows, those orcs who came out of the valley to collect Spirit Medicine all became the dead souls of Lin Xing and the six of them, and all the Spirit Medicine they collected were put by Lin Xing into his own space, and he called it "I". I’ll hold it for you first, and I’ll give it to you later, hehe (*^▽^*).

Getting closer and closer to the valley, you can already see the mouth of the valley.

"We are almost reaching the valley. Let's rest for a while and reach the peak of our mental state. There will be a battle later." Lin Xing looked at the valley with a suspicious face and suggested to everyone.

"Yes, you have to eat and drink enough to have the strength to work." When Chu Nan heard that he wanted to rest, he immediately became energetic. He had no choice but to carry a heavy weight compared to others.

"I agree."



Others also strongly agreed with Lin Xing's opinion, and then everyone went about their own business, recharging their energy just for the last battle and writing a strong mark on their college entrance examination papers.

Nonsense, if six people really kill the leader of the orcs behind the scenes, this is simply the best bonus. By then, he could have been admitted to a first-class Wuhan University, but because of this, isn't this a proper key Wuhan University? .

This profit is simply 100%, which is still conservative. Coupled with the rewarded cultivation resources, isn't this a bright path to proper cultivation?

After the deer-headed man came out of the cave, he kept wandering in the valley, looking at the mouth of the valley from time to time to see if any orcs had returned from collecting Spirit Medicine.

The orcs who were collecting Spirit Medicine did not wait, but Lin Xing and six other people were waiting for him.

Six people and a pig-headed man walked towards the entrance of the valley, where two doorkeepers stood.

I was a little nervous when I saw humans coming this way, but when I saw the vines tied to them and the person walking in the front being led by a pig-headed man, I relaxed.

"Hey... Lao Zhu, you can do this." A guard on the left seemed to know the pig-headed man and said jokingly.

"Haha (。ӧ◡ӧ。)..., haven't we caught a few humans, and we are going to give the tiger idiot a taste." The pig-headed man chuckled.

Just when they were about to enter the valley, the six of Lin Xing suddenly broke the vines binding them, one on each side of Lin Xing and Liu Yiyi.

The sudden battle made the two orcs panic.

"What's going on? Why did these bastards suddenly break the vines?" The two guards quickly picked up their weapons to resist.

“Thunder Saber Technique”

“Sword Technique”

"Fire Serpent Marksmanship"


Several people used Martial Skill at the same time, and they all hit the two guarding orcs accurately.

"Ah..." With a sound of ah, he left this world peacefully.

Before these two orcs died, they probably didn't think about how these humans broke the vines.

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Xing and others to tell the two of them that the vines were not tied to the body at all, but just wrapped around the body a few times.

The deer-headed man who was wandering in the valley saw these situations. At the same time, those few people did not attack the pig-headed man. In an instant, an idea popped into his mind.

Rolling and crawling, I ran towards the Immortal Cave, which was as fast as a 60-yard bicycle.

"Sir, Lord Tiger is finished..." The deer-headed man howled loudly as he ran.

When the tiger idiot heard the shouting, he thought it was Spirit Medicine sent and walked out of the cave. However, when he heard this bastard actually said that he was finished, his tiger face suddenly turned into a hehe.

"Go away, daddy is alive and well, how could he end up dead?" Hu Chi looked at the deer-headed man running towards him, and he looked like a big-eared man when he came up.

The deer-headed man was a little stunned by this slap. Suddenly he thought that he had something important to report, and he quickly said, "Sir, there are humans, there are humans coming in."

"It's just such a trivial matter. What's wrong with humans coming in?" When Hu Chi heard about this trivial matter, he angrily cursed with a look of hatred for steel.

"No, no, these humans and the pig-headed men killed the guarding orcs together. It seems that the pig-headed men led the way, and they are running here." The deer-headed man added to the jealousy of what he saw. Tell Tiger Chi. (Pig-headed man: It’s his grandma’s fault, you deer eyes, I will kill the guarding orcs when I see your grandpa pig.)

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier, you loser." When Hu Chi heard the news, he hit him again, but this time he hit the other side.

The deer-headed man touched his cheek aggrievedly and muttered in a low voice, "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"What are you whispering about?" Tiger Chi glared at the deer-headed man and said coldly.

"I didn't say anything, I just thought, Mr. Tiger, it's comfortable to fight." The deer-headed man waved his hand quickly and said.

"What are you looking at? Lead the way and let me kill this group of human bastards and that traitor from the Beast God Sect." Hu Chi snorted coldly and asked the deer-headed man to lead the way.

"Okay, sir, please come over here." The deer-headed man quickly acted like a waiter in a shop, his cheeks were red and swollen from the beating, and he looked a little funny with a smile.

Lin Xing and the others walked towards the entrance of the cave, taking cover as they walked. They had discovered the deer-headed man a long time ago, just to let the deer-headed man see them killing the guard and let him report the news.

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