Martial To Pieces

Chapter 36 The Hidden Orcs

"Bang..." Bang.

The sound of the black shadow falling to the ground and the air wave it generated sent the nearest Chu Nan flying out and fell heavily to the ground. A mouthful of blood spurted out. It was estimated that his internal organs were seriously injured.

Will wait until Lin Xing takes a breath.

However, this black shadow immediately ran towards Lin Xing after landing.

"Be careful." Liu Yiyi quickly reminded Lin Xing.

After Jiang Li saw it, he immediately shouted, "Lin Xing, get out of the way." After saying that, he took the sword in his hand and rushed towards the black shadow to resist it.



The black shadow let out an angry roar, and punched the approaching Jiang Li, sending him flying across the air and crashing into the ground like a kite with its string broken.

Moreover, his remaining strength was not reduced because of this. He rolled on the ground for seven or eight meters before stopping. Jiang Li fainted on the spot, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

But the speed of the black shadow did not slow down because of Jiang Li's stop.

Lin Xing gritted his teeth and straightened up, the sword attached to it, and the thunderous Saber Technique that was close to the Returned to Origin Realm exploded instantly, and he performed the Cloud Smoke Step of the Returned to Origin Realm at his feet.


The two collided with each other, and the black shadow stopped.

The black shadow took a small step towards retreated, stopped, and stabilized its figure. However, Lin Xing stuck the sword in his hand on the ground and barely managed to avoid falling.

With just this exchange of moves, the gap between the two sides was instantly revealed.

Only then did I see that the true face of the sneak attack was actually an old goat - the Goatman. The pig-headed man in front said that there was another old goat. Lin Xing didn't take it to heart. Unexpectedly, he was probably going to die today. It fell into the hands of the goat.

"Lin Xing, how are you? Are you okay?" Liu Yiyi quickly approached Lin Xing after seeing Lin Xing was injured. Wang Yan and Zhou Jun were also on guard against the old goat and approached Lin Xing.

"Yo——, sure, you're not dead yet." The old goat looked at Lin Xing with interest.

"Quack, quack, if I dedicate you to the Beast God, I will definitely get praise and rewards from the Beast God." The old goat's Cultivation Base is the peak of Rank Two, and he has been unable to break through, but now, he has gained from Lin Xing. Seeing hope, if Lin Xing is sacrificed to the Beast God, he may have a chance to break through to Rank Three in his lifetime.

Thinking of this, the old goat looked at Lin Xing as if he were staring at a peerless beauty, and his heart went crazy when he looked at Lin Xing.

"Quick..., there are candidates in front of us."

"That's great\(^▽^)/!, we are saved." Some candidates who were rescued by Lin Xing cried with joy and shed tears of joy when they saw the arrival of the officials.

"Are you injured? Have you encountered orcs?" the official asked with concern.

"A few students were injured, and we also encountered orcs, but they were saved by other candidates." A student who was saved by Lin Xing said, and told the leader everything he knew about the situation.

"Oh..., you met an orc, and you said you would take down one of your students, and he also asked you to drive in this direction." The official asked again.

"Yes, he is driving in the opposite direction to us, as if he is fending off the orcs for us. Go and save him." The other students seemed to have thought of something and urged urgently.

Li Anguo, who entered, also heard about the situation here. He didn't have time to think too much, so he left some Practitioners to protect these candidates and search the surrounding candidates. He took the other Practitioners and drove towards the valley immediately.

"Ice Sword Technique" Liu Yiyi attacks from the side.

"Hmph... You are not overestimating your capabilities. Do you really think that I am the same as that fool Hu Chi? Just now when you were surrounding and killing Hu Chi, I have been observing you." The old goat snorted coldly and attacked Lin Xing at high speed. Come.

And as soon as they met, Liu Yiyi was knocked away, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Lin Xing gritted his teeth and went straight forward. Zhou Jun and Wang Yan were not willing to lag behind and followed Lin Xing's pace.

"Ah ah………."

Fighting with the old goat again, deadly with swords.

"Tear..." With a tearing sound, the old goat didn't pay attention, and was hit by Lin Xing on the chest, leaving a scar on the chest, and blood slowly flowed out, but Zhou Jun was knocked out by the old goat just now and fell unconscious.

" old goat is an old goat, and the blood on his body smells bad."

"What a child with sharp teeth and yellow teeth. When I break your bones inch by inch, I don't know if your mouth is still that strong." The old goat's face darkened and he said viciously.

"I thought I wouldn't meet any geniuses in this place, but the Beast God blessed me and allowed me to meet you. I just need to sacrifice you to the Beast God..."

Before Old Goat could finish his words, Lin Xing rushed forward again.

The old goat was not surprised but happy. The more talented Lin Xing showed, the more rewards he would get.

Lin Xing observed that the old goat kept staring at him closely, maybe his goal was him.

Moreover, the terrain here was not suitable for sneak attack tactics. Lin decided to lure the old goat away, so that there would be a glimmer of hope.

Liu Yiyi slowly approached Lin Xing, took out the healing potion and handed it to Lin Xing, but with the other hand, she secretly handed something to Lin Xing. Lin Xing felt the thing and looked at Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi nodded to Lin Xing, turned her back to the old goat, and said "third rank." The voice was very soft, but Lin Xing heard it.

In the eyes of the old goat, these actions were nothing more than the lovers caring for each other. The old goat did not stop him and watched quietly. When Lin Xing stopped struggling, he sacrificed Lin Xing to the beast god.

Because the old goat feels that he can feel happy, extremely happy by killing human geniuses. (Maybe a little psychopathic.)

Lin Xing winked at Wang, stood up, made a false move, and ran in the opposite direction.

The old goat thought that Lin Xing would continue to attack him, but unexpectedly, he ran away the next second.

But the old goat followed leisurely, thinking that Lin Xing was running desperately in front, and felt comfortable.

Lin Xing had already run out of the valley, and the old goat followed closely behind him, but he was always nearly 30 meters away from Lin Xing.

Li Anguo is moving rapidly in this direction, and the members behind him are not slacking off at all.

Although many candidates have been saved, some have been brutally murdered. However, the geniuses in the first, second, and third middle schools of Huaicheng Base City have not been found yet.

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