Martial To Pieces

Chapter 48 Rewards

“Thunder Saber Technique”

Not only that, Lin Xing's aura became fiercer. From a distance, it looked like a sharp sword, standing solemnly in the wilderness, and the sword in his hand became even sharper because the sword's power was replicated on it, as if it could cut. Cut off everything.

A fierce momentum spread on the knife.

The two wolves seemed to feel that their lives were threatened. In Lin Xing's opinion, the two wild wolves actually flinched a little.



With a flash of cold light, the sword slid across the Steppenwolf's head. The two wolves' heavenly spirit caps were lifted, and they left this world peacefully.

As the saying goes, a copper head and an iron tail are worthless, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is just a cloud, not to mention that the A-level sword has the power of the sword attached to it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~, little wolf, let me tell you, it doesn't hurt at all, and it's over in no time. It's okay for you and me." Lin Xing looked at the trophies around him and couldn't help but let out a quacking cry. (Steppenwolf:…………I have lifted the Heavenly Spirit Cap, and you tell me it doesn’t hurt? MD If you have the ability, give me another chance to see if I don’t bite you to death…)

"Money, it's all money." Lin Xing looked at the corpses of Demonic Beasts around him. It could be said that this was not a corpse, but money. Little stars appeared in Lin Xing's eyes.

Lin Xing then whistled while skillfully taking out the crystal nuclei from the brains of the five Steppenwolves. After all, this was the essence of the Demonic Beasts. Of course, its price was also the highest.

Lin Xing returned to the place where he hid the energy off-road vehicle, drove the energy off-road vehicle over, and loaded the prey he had obtained onto the off-road vehicle. Today's hunting was over.

Moreover, the sun in the sky has gradually set, and now we need to take advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun to return to the base city.

One of the rules of human survival in the wilderness is that it is forbidden to spend the night in the wilderness.

Because the night in the wilderness is the most dangerous, and the level of danger is several times that of the day. In addition, the night is the paradise of Demonic Beasts, and all Demonic Beasts like to run in the dark.

Therefore, no Practitioner is willing to rest for a night in the dark wilderness.

Lin Xing sold Steppenwolf's body directly to the Practitioner store. In fact, when Lin Xing drove the off-road vehicle into the camp, many people wanted to buy it immediately after seeing the prey in Lin Xing's vehicle, but Lin Xin It was not sold to these small traders, but to Practitioner stores.

Looking at the 4.5 million star coins that had just been recorded on his bracelet, Lin Xing felt that the beautiful life was waving to him. He made 4.5 million in one day today, truly achieving his small goal of earning over one million a day.

In fact, a few days ago, the Huaicheng base city government also rewarded the top five students, including Lin Xing. You know, the first place directly received 10 million star coins.

He even took a photo with the base city mayor Liu Zhi. After his parents found out, they praised Lin Xing for his success even more, which made Lin Xing feel embarrassed.

Afterwards, we found a small restaurant to have something to eat, and then found a hotel nearby to stay.

Before Lin Xing came to the wilderness, he had already arranged the situation with his parents. During the period before the college entrance examination, he would try his best to increase his Cultivation Base as rapidly as possible.


the next day.

"Didi... Didi..." Lin Xing was awakened by the vibrating sound of his bracelet in the hotel.

He opened the bracelet and saw the incoming call clearly, "Hey, Captain Lin, why are you calling me when you have time?"

Lin Hu's hearty voice came from the bracelet, "Haha, isn't this the reward from above? I need you to come and collect it. There are also some rewards that you need to choose by yourself. Let's see when you have time to come to the Armed Forces Control Bureau. One trip.”

"Really, the reward has come. I have time today. I will go to the Armed Forces Administration Bureau in a moment." Lin Xing immediately sat up from the bed when he heard Lin Hu say that the reward for the college entrance examination had come.

"Haha, okay, I'll wait for you at the Armed Forces Control Bureau."

"Beep..." The sound of hanging up the bracelet sounded.

Lin Xing looked at the time above, it was already 8:58.

"Fuck..., it's almost nine o'clock, hurry up and go to the Armed Forces Control Bureau." Lin Xing, who originally hung up his bracelet and was about to squint for a while, saw the time on it and sat up in shock.

I don’t know whether it was because Lin Xing was a little excited to enter the wilderness again yesterday, or because he was too tired yesterday. He woke up late today and slept in. This was a big surprise for Lin Xing who got up early every day. What a shame.

Lin Xing then quickly packed up his things, tidied up his appearance, and drove the energy off-road vehicle to the Armed Forces Administration Bureau.

Park your car at the entrance of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau. Since the entrance of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau is strictly controlled, vehicles that have not been registered on the Armed Forces Administration Bureau system are not allowed to enter the interior.

I don’t know whether it was because the guard knew him or because Captain Lin greeted him in advance, but the guard let him in directly after school.

According to the original memory, find Lin Hu's office.

"Dang Dang..." Lin Xing knocked politely at the door.

"Please come in."


"Captain Lin, I'm here to collect my reward." Lin Xing opened the door and entered. Lin Hu didn't know what information he was looking at.

"Oh..., you came very quickly. Come on, I will take you to the director's office. The director is waiting for you in the office." After Lin Hu finished speaking, he took Lin Xing to the director's office.

But this time, Lin Xing came not to the office of Deputy Director Liu Yaowen, but to the office of Director Tang Dahai.

After Lin Hu knocked on the door and led Lin Xing in, he saw a tall, middle-aged man with an upright body, sitting on a chair, reviewing materials. Judging from his appearance, he was probably a veteran.

"Director, this is the genius of our base city, Lin Xing." Lin Hu then introduced to the middle-aged man.

"Oh, it's true to the rumors. What a talented person I saw today." Director Tang Dahai looked at Lin Xing seriously.

"Hey, hello, Director."

"It's so restrictive, come on, sit down and chat..." Then he invited Lin Xing and Lin Hu to sit down and chat while drinking tea.

"Xiao Lin, is it okay to call you this?" Director Tang Dahai looked at Lin Xing and said.

"No problem, you call us like this to make us feel friendly." Lin Xing nodded.

"Then just call me Uncle Tang, not Director."

"Oh..., Uncle Tang." Lin Xing responded, well, there is another powerful uncle. Maybe there will be places where these uncles are needed in the future.

"Lin Hu has already told you, the rewards from above have been released, and they are very rich." Tang Dahai said straight to the point.

"Yes, Captain Lin explained the situation to me before I came."

"Well, the above rewards are as follows. First of all, the first one is to reward you with 50 million star coins. Also, you can get an S-level Cultivation Technique or an A-level mental method, and there are ten drops. fifth rank spiritual fluid.”

"Not only that, you can also choose a treasure from the inventory of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau. Of course, it is not the inventory of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau in our Huaicheng base city, but the inventory of the Armed Forces Administration Bureau headquarters."

After hearing this, Lin Xing froze on the spot, and it took him a moment to come back to his senses. This is so awesome, Lin Xing thought to himself.

Apart from anything else, the Practitioner Mental Technique is actually A-level, and it is already worth hundreds of millions of star coins, not to mention ten drops of fifth rank spiritual fluid, which is also in the inventory of the Armed Forces Administration Headquarters. Just pick one.

Take spiritual fluid as an example. Forestry in third rank and above is already a strategic reserve resource, let alone fifth rank. It seems that the country really pays attention to this year's college entrance examination.

This is simply God's feeding. If it still can't take off, then just find a piece of tofu and hit it to death.

Lin Xing then made a choice based on his current situation.

Since I have mastered "Nine Nether", it can be said that all the mental methods on Blue Star are inferior to Nine Nether.

But Lin Xing thought again, but his parents need it.

"How about it? Should you choose S-level Cultivation Technique or A-level mental technique? Have you considered it?" Tang Dahai's gentle voice sounded in Lin Xing's ears.

"Uncle Tang, I choose the A-level mental method." Lin Xing thought for a while and said firmly.

"Okay, this is the list of A-level mental skills. You choose." Tang Dahai handed a tablet to Lin Xing.

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