Martial To Pieces

Chapter 50 The Reward Is Obtained

Since the energy off-road vehicle driven by Lin Xing was not registered in the identification system of the Practitioner community, Lin Xing's off-road vehicle could only park at the entrance of the community but could not enter the interior of the community.

Lin Xing was not angry because the security personnel at the door did not allow his own vehicle to enter. Instead, he felt at ease.

This is because the tightness of the Practitioner community can be seen from the side, and it also means that the safety of the people living here is better guaranteed.

"Beep..." Lin Xing skillfully opened the combination lock on his door. Hearing a beep sound, the heavy iron door was opened.

"Ah..., brother, you are back from the wilderness." Ye Hai heard the door being opened. Ye Hai, who was in the living room, turned around and saw Lin Xing and shouted in surprise.

"Haha, I'm back. I have something to do today, so I'll give myself a holiday and go to the wilderness tomorrow." Lin Xing replied with a smile.

"Brother, do you think I can go to the wilderness with you?" Ye Hai looked at Lin Xing expectantly.

"No, the wild is very dangerous, and your current strength is not enough." Lin Xing decisively refused Ye Hai's request, joking that he could not let Ye Hai endure the hardships he suffered before.

Although Ye Hai's current strength can develop quietly in the outermost layer, are Demonic Beasts the only ones to be feared in the wild? In fact, the most terrifying thing is the human heart.

For an innocent boy like Ye Hai who has not experienced the beatings from society, he probably won't even know how he will die.

"Oh..., okay then." After Ye Hai saw his brother Lin Xing's rejection, he lowered his head with a disappointed look on his face.

Lin Xing touched Ye Hai's head and said, "When you are strong enough, you can go to the wild. If you are not strong enough, it will be dangerous, so you have to work hard to practice."


"Of course, as long as you are strong enough, I will allow you to go to the wild." Looking at Ye Hai who was full of expectations, Lin Xing couldn't help but smile.

"Okay ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ, I have to work hard, keep working hard, and try to break through to the Practitioner Realm as soon as possible, so that I can go to the wild." Whenever I think of killing those Demonic Beasts in the wild, Ye Hai Just full of excitement.

In the evening, my parents returned home early, probably because of Lin Xing. Both parents had positions in the factory. As expected, Lin's father became the section chief, and Lin's mother also became a team leader.

Previously, Lin Xing bought a large number of cultivation potions and put them at home, and arranged for Lin's father and Lin's mother to practice on time and Ye Hai's instructions. Now Lin's father and Lin's mother's body is much stronger than before, and the wrinkles on their faces have disappeared. Quite a few.

Under the influence of a large number of medicines, Lin's current Cultivation Base should be equivalent to the peak Practitioner early stage Realm.

Seeing a family eating together happily and harmoniously may be the happiest thing in the world.

"Uh huh huh..." Xin Xin, who was eating, suddenly vibrated his bracelet.

Lin Xing raised his hand and looked at the calling phone number above. It was an unknown number.

I connected it casually, and a voice came from the other side: "Hello..., hello, is this Mr. Lin Xing? I am a courier for Shunsu Express. One of your couriers is now at the door of Practitioner Community. Because the security personnel at the door are not Let me in, so can you please come down and collect it?"

A strange voice came from Lin Xing's ears.

"Oh, ok, ok, I'll go down now, please wait below." When Lin Xing heard this, he knew that his college entrance examination rewards had been transported, and he hurriedly took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Then go out to pick up the express delivery.

"Dad, Mom, I want to give you a surprise." The moment Lin Xing walked out of the door, he turned back and said to Father Lin and Mother Lin.

"Xiao Xing, slow down, don't panic, you are still frizzy when you are so old." Mother Lin scolded Lin Xing as she looked at the disheveled Lin Xing.

"Okay, Xiaoxing looks like this, there must be something urgent." Lin's father helped Lin Xing to say something to Lin's mother.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I have lost my dignity when I speak." Mother Lin glanced at Father Lin with her eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no, how dare I? Okay, okay, okay, let's eat, eat, eat." Father Lin quickly shook his head, greeted Mother Lin to eat, and said changing the subject.

"Hmph..." Mother Lin snorted, not intending to get along with this old boy.

"Hello, is it you who made the call?" Lin Xing ran directly to the gate of the community after coming down from the community.

"Oh, yes, are you Mr. Lin Xing?" At the gate of the community, there was a middle-aged man wearing a express delivery service.

"Yes, it's me."

"Please sign here."

After a few strokes, he signed his name on it, and then the courier handed Lin Xing a rectangular black box.

Lin Xing handed the water in his hand to the courier, then quickly left with the box in his arms.

"Huh..." Lin Xing hugged the rectangular box and ran straight back home. Since Lin Xing felt that the elevator was a bit slow, he just took the stairs with the box in his arms.

"Xiaoxing, what's going on? Why did you bring back a box?"

"It's nothing. This is the reward for the college entrance examination. Since the security personnel at the door did not let the courier in, I went down to collect it."

"Oh, what did I think? Hurry up and eat, the food is almost cold." Mother Lin greeted Lin Xing to eat.

After the meal, Lin Xing placed the box on the table in the living room. The box was unlocked by fingerprint.

But this is fine. Even if someone steals the box, they cannot open it unless the box is violently broken open from the outside. But who can guarantee that the contents inside will not be damaged.

Lin Xing put his index finger on the small screen. A green light flashed, and the entire box spat out white gas. The box slowly opened, revealing the contents inside.

The first thing that caught the eye was the purple jade butterfly and ten small bottles, each with a drop of milky white liquid inside.

Lin Xing looked at the liquid in those small bottles and felt that this should be the fifth rank spiritual fluid.

At the same time, there was a USB flash drive, and Lin Xing also understood that this USB flash drive should be the A-level mental technique "Aoki Lotus Heart Technique", and the design of the Cultivation Technique USB flash drive is very reasonable, and it has a certain period of time, the usual USB flash drive existence time Only seven days.

Once it exceeds seven days, everything inside will be automatically destroyed.

Cultivation Technique is not allowed to be passed on to others under normal circumstances, but if you violate the rules, you will have to pay a certain price.

But Lin Xing's mental method does not have so many requirements. The A-level mental method awarded to Lin Xing by the state can be passed on to future generations as a family heirloom.

"Mom and Dad, this USB flash drive contains the Practitioner method. You must learn it within seven days." Lin Xing said to Father Lin and Mother Lin.

"What are you doing with your dad's Practitioner mentality? That's your college entrance examination reward. Just study with Xiao Hai. Isn't it a waste for your dad and I to learn this?" Mother Lin quickly refused.

"Yes, you can just study with Xiao Hai, forget it with your mother." Lin's father also said in agreement beside him.

"This Practitioner Mental Technique was originally prepared for you. Xiaohai and I both have our own Practitioner Mental Technique. This Practitioner Mental Technique can regulate your body, make you healthy and live longer..." Lin Xing He quickly explained.

"Besides, now that you are in good health, Xiaohai and I don't have to worry. Besides, we all have our own mental methods. We can't learn this one, and we can't go back." Lin Xing continued.

"That...that's okay." Lin's father and Lin's mother finally nodded after hearing Lin Xing's words.

"Hehe (*^▽^*), wouldn't it be enough if it had been like this earlier?" Lin Xing chuckled.

"You don't know how to think about yourself." Mother Lin scolded Lin Xing.

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