Martial To Pieces

Chapter 68 Finals

"By the way, Brother Lin, it's hard to get the first place in this year's freshmen competition." Qian Duoduo changed his usual playful smile and said to Lin Xing with a serious face.

"This year's competition is much more powerful than the last one." Qian Duoduo continued to explain next to Lin Xing.

In fact, Lin Xing also noticed this situation, but Lin Xing did not feel pressure because of this, but also had some excitement and expectation.

"Look, the one over there wearing white clothes and holding a spear is called Bai Xuan. He is a child of a noble family. He has a very strong marksmanship. His strength should not be underestimated."

"And over there, Feng Tian is good at daggers, Lei Ba is good at fists, Yu Dushan uses spears, and Yan Xueer uses ice and snow Sword Technique, just like snow elves. These people are all very powerful." Qian Duoduo introduced the most outstanding people to Lin Xing one by one.

"There are those who are better at hiding, Li Jing and Wang Yan. They thought they were well disguised, but I still discovered them."

"He is worthy of being called a man named Bai Xiaosheng. You even know the weapons they are good at." Lin Xing watched Qian Duoduo casually mention those potential opponents and the weapons they were good at. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Qian Duoduo. Look even higher.

"That's it, who am I? I am Bai Xiaosheng, who is known as omniscient in the world." Qian Duoduo heard Lin Xing praising himself and accepted the compliment.


[The third battle]

[The fourth battle]

[The fifth battle]

[The sixth battle]


As the competition progressed, many talented people stood out.

Lin Xing also went up to fight for a few times, but he didn't mention Lin Xing's desire to fight.

As the battle progresses, this new competition gradually enters the late stage.

Strong people fighting together make the battle more exciting.

[About to enter the finals]

[All contestants, please rest for a moment, and then we will enter the top ten showdown. ]

[The current list of the top ten is announced: Yan Xueer, Qian Duoduo, Bai Xuan, Feng Tian, ​​Lei Ba, Yu Dushan, Wang Yan, Lin Xing, Li Jing, Zhuo Zhuo. ]

"Hey (*^▽^*), Brother Lin, it's great. We both entered the finals. It's not easy. I almost lost the battle just now." Qian Duoduo saw ten The strong list has own name, he said happily to Lin Xing.

Students who did not make the top ten list have been sent back to the playground, using the big screen on the playground to observe the battle situation of the top ten, waiting for the final result.

Many people were chattering and discussing, as if they were discussing who would win the first place in the freshman competition.

"Ahem, do you feel that Yan Xueer is really like Onee-san?"

"Tch..., do you even need to say it? I just observed it."

"I think the first place in this freshman competition must be my goddess Yan."

"Bullshit, I think it should be Lei Ba. His thunder fist must be unmatched by anyone."

"I think it should be Lin Xing. After all, he is ranked third in the country in this year's college entrance examination. In addition, Lin Xing has also mastered Returned to Origin Realm's Saber Technique and body skills."

"I think so too."

"I think it should be Bai Xuan, his marksmanship of the Nine White Dragon Styles is really cool."

Many students had disputes because they guessed who would win the first place in the freshman competition.

Even several deans had different ideas, but they all tacitly expressed their opinions and were just waiting for the final result.

After all, how could these old foxes who had lived for so many years make random guesses like a group of children on the playground.


I saw a few lines of big words appear on the big screen, and five of the ten random arenas disappeared, leaving only five arenas.

[The game is about to start]

[First Arena: Bai Xuan vs. Li Jing]

[Second Arena: Lin Xing vs. Wang Yan]

[The third arena: Qian Duoduo vs. Yu Dushan]

[Fourth Arena: Excellence vs Fengtian]

[Fifth Arena: Yan Xueer vs. Lei Ba]


[Contestants please be prepared. ]

"Huh..., hehe, Brother Lin, it's lucky that we didn't meet each other. Otherwise, brother, my path to enlightenment will probably be terminated." Qian Duoduo couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that he was not assigned to fight Lin Xing. .

Although Lin Xing did not show any amazing fighting skills, Qian Duoduo's family was not an ordinary family.

Qian Duoduo knows the Aura Examination Technique passed down by his family. When he saw Lin Xing for the first time, he discovered that the light of luck in Lin Xing was far superior to that of his peers, and even stronger than Qian Duoduo himself.

"Brother Lin, I'll take the first step."

Lin Xing noticed someone staring at him, turned around and saw that it was Wang Yan. When Wang Yan saw Lin Xing noticing him, he snorted and walked towards the second arena.

"What's going on with this bitch? She deserves a beating." Lin Xing looked at the arrogant Wang Yan and was furious. At the same time, he was also very puzzled by the arrogant Wang Yan.

But Lin Xing didn't think much about it. It didn't matter. For Lin Xing, he was just a defeated general.

As the players got ready, an ethereal voice sounded in the void again.

[Game start ]

Immediately, various colors of Spiritual Qi waves erupted in each arena.

Opposite Lin Xing, Wang Yan also looked arrogant and wanted to point his nostrils at Lin Xing.

But Lin Xing would not just let him go, and immediately attacked Wang Yan.

The fist in his hand, covered with dark purple Spiritual Qi, hit Wang Yan straight in the face.

Wang Yan was frightened by the sudden punch and hurriedly blocked it. However, as a Cultivation Base who barely reached the Rank Two early stage level, how could he resist Lin Xing's punch as big as a sandbag.

"Boy, how dare you make a sneak attack." Wang Yan hurriedly dodged Lin Xing's punch. Wang Yan scolded Lin Xing angrily. A soft voice sounded in Lin Xing's ears, making Lin Xing feel sick to his stomach.

"Sissy, didn't you hear that the game has started?" Lin Xing looked at Wang Yan who was angrily scolding him, and waved his hands helplessly and said.

"You dare to call me a sissy, boy, and I will cripple you." Wang Yan seemed to be completely angered by Lin Xing's words. He roared angrily, took out a long sword, and rushed towards Lin Xing.

"Ha...a man, learn how to put on makeup from a woman. If you are not a sissy, who is a sissy?" Lin Xing looked at Wang Yan who was rushing towards him, and did not care at all, and continued to mock.

What Lin Xing dislikes the most is this kind of unmanly Yin & Yang person.

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