Martial To Pieces

Chapter 71 Finals (3)

In the second arena, Qian Duoduo's side seemed to be infected by Yan Xueer's side, and they all tried their best to feed themselves.

"Broken Sword Style"

Yan Xueer shouted and flew away the spear in Bai Xuan's hand, barely winning the competition.

"You are very strong. I will definitely surpass you next time." Bai Xuan panted heavily and knelt down on one knee, holding himself up without falling. There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but more of it was admiration. .

"Yes." The cold voice still came from Yan Xueer's mouth.

Lin Xing looked at the Sword Technique used by Yan Xueer at the end and felt a little pressure.

However, Lin Xing did not feel the pressure. Instead, his eyes were full of excitement, which was a desire for battle. This desire even flowed in his blood, just like the genes hidden in his body.

On Qian Duoduo's side, due to lack of physical strength, Feng Tian seized the opportunity and launched a series of blows, knocking him off the ring and ultimately losing the game.

Although Qian Duoduo and Bai Xuan have the same points, because Qian Duoduo was in the ring for a few minutes longer than Bai Xuan, Bai Xuan ranked fifth, while Qian Duoduo ranked fourth.

Although Qian Duoduo lost the game, he still ranked fourth. When he saw his name, Qian Duoduo showed a bright smile, as if the win or loss just now had no impact on him.

But this is what makes Lin Xing admire him. Only by taking everything lightly can he overcome obstacles and take a step forward. It is obvious that a "heartless" existence like Qian Duoduo is very suitable for surviving in society.

As the battle ended, red writing also appeared on the screen.

[The competition ends, the winner is Yan Xueer, Feng Tian. ]

As the text fell on the screen, many students waiting on the playground exclaimed.


"It's so awesome. I'm not on the same level as them."

"Brother, it's okay. Let alone you. Even if we are included, we probably won't be a match for them."

"Yeah, there's no way to compare with them. If you really want to compete, you're asking for trouble."

"You all don't matter. Look at me. When I first came here, I thought I would have a place. But the result is, alas, it's hard to describe. Not to mention having a place, I even lost the first game." At this time, A male classmate said with a sad face.

"Didn't you notice, I think those guys are so handsome, and the one with a lot of money, his face looks so soft, I really want to touch it..." A female classmate who looks above average , looking at the people on the screen, he couldn't help but look a little bit crazy.

"Alas... you also discovered it, and I think it's right." Another girl nodded in agreement, and then the two sides started chattering to the side.


"Mr. Luo, I remember if you still haven't finished the potion. How about you go first and I'll watch over here." Su Lie seemed to have thought of something at this time and said to Mr. Luo with a smile.

The reason why Su Lie said this is because he felt that the fighting talents of a few people were quite good, and they could even be said to be among the best in any class.

The reason why I want to send Mr. Luo away first is because Mr. Luo has seen that Lin Xing’s Mental Energy is not low.

Su Lie even felt that Mr. Luo was particularly interested in Lin Xing. If a genius like Lin Xing did not enter his own academy, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Therefore, the immediate priority is to get rid of Mr. Luo first. Only in this way can Lin Xing and others be taken under his control.

Su Lie couldn't help but grinned when he thought that the Zhan Zhan Academy would rise to a higher level under his leadership.

The dean in Xiang College is basically a magic dragon with no ponytail. Under normal circumstances, it is the deputy dean who guides the development of the college.

The main reason is that dean-level figures spend all their time on their own cultivation, striving to further their Cultivation Base and adding foundation to the Magic City Martial Arts University.

"Alas... Xiao Su, what are you trying to do? I haven't found the ingredients for my potion. I'm going to take a break today and take a good look at the future of Wuhan University in our magical capital." Of course Mr. Luo knew that Su What is Lie planning? After all, he has lived so long and has never seen anything.

"You kid, what are you thinking of..." Mr. Luo looked at Su Lie and smiled with a meaningful look.

Just like Su Lie's crooked thinking, as soon as he stuck his butt out, Mr. Luo knew what Su Lie was going to do.

"Ah..., no, isn't this a potion to worry about your old age... What bad intentions can I have..." Su Lie couldn't help but laugh when he saw that his plan was exposed.


Void arena.

[Players please get ready, the next game is about to begin]


As the names on the screen rotated rapidly, it finally stopped.

[First Arena: Yan Xueer vs. Feng Tian]

[Lin Xing has a bye, automatic Advance Grade. ]

Lin Xing saw the text on the screen. To be honest, he was a little confused. Was it his luck today? He had two byes in a row.

The classmates on the playground were even more stunned by this saucy maneuver.

"I'm sorry..., what the hell is this? Is he the biological son of the Void Arena?"

"I'm envious, it turns out that luck can reach this level."

"Oh..., what's going on? Why do I feel a little sore?"

"I'm going to cry to death. Is this the fate of cows and horses? It's too powerful."




Of course, Lin Xing didn't know how many students shed tears of envy when they saw the possibility of getting two byes for the same person.

After five minutes, which is also time for the players to rest, text appears on the screen again.

[Players please be prepared]

Not only was Fengtian's eyes filled with envy, but even Yan Xueer's eyes were filled with envy. She had two consecutive byes. This was simply an existence where she could still get paid even if she didn't work. No one would be envious if she let them go.

Lin Xing looked at Feng Tian with such envious eyes that he wished he could exchange them with Lin Xing and replace them.

[Game start ]

As Feng Tian and Yan Xueer prepared at the same time, the voice of the void sounded again.

As soon as the voice fell, the battle started again.

The students watching the battle on the playground were all guessing who would win this game. Some students supported Yan Xueer, while others supported Feng Tian. They had different opinions.

"Uncle Su, who do you think will win between the two of them?" Su Xiaoyi, who had been silent at the side, looked at Su Lie and said.

"It's hard to say, let's see the final result." Su Lie also said with a serious face at this time. He was telling the truth. He himself was actually unable to determine who would win in the end.

"Oh..., okay..., it's not fun at all, I'll leave first." Su Xiaoyi yawned without interest, waved her hand, and left here.

Su Lie watched Su Xiaoyi leave and couldn't help but feel relieved. What would happen if Su Xiaoyi stayed here all the time? Su Lie couldn't help but think of what Su Xiaoyi had done before. Headache.

Because it was impossible to guess whether Feng Tian or Yan Xueer had the final trump card.

Therefore, Su Lie and others were full of doubts about this match.

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