Martial To Pieces

Chapter 74 Choosing A College

In fact, when Lin Xing was fighting in the ring, there was a blood-red figure in the air, watching Lin Xing, watching Lin Xing's battle, sometimes nodding, sometimes shaking his head, which made people a little confused. .

It's just that Lin Xing's Cultivation Base is low, and even though his Mental Energy is far above the same rank, he still can't see that blood-red figure.


"Everyone, keep quiet." At this time, Su Lie, deputy dean of the Zhan Zhan College, stood up and asked the students on the playground to keep quiet.

Teachers from other colleges have also set up tables under the rostrum in the playground, with clearly written words such as: Zhengzhou College Registration Office, Pharmacy College Registration Office, Formation College Registration Office, Weapons College Registration Office...

This is also the last part of the freshmen competition. Choose the college you like. However, each student can only enter one college and cannot join multiple colleges.

However, I don’t know if there are any special cases in Wuhan University.

"The rewards obtained from the rankings of this freshmen competition will be awarded to the student account in the individual's Practitioner bracelet from the school's official website."

After the students heard this, they all opened their own wristbands and entered their own student accounts. When they saw the number on it changing from zero to other numbers, many of them smiled, because points are common currency in the school.

Not only the training resources can be redeemed in the school with points, but also the room where you live after the freshman competition requires a certain amount of points to be paid every month as rent.

Of course, the school also has a humane side. It does not ask students for "rent" in the first month. From the second month on, different fees need to be paid according to different specifications.

It can be said that if you are willing to degenerate and have no ambition, you may not even have a place to live at that time. This is also one of the ways the school motivates students.

Lin Xing looked at the extra 10,000 points on his own student account, and his heart suddenly calmed down. After all, he had money in hand so he didn't panic.

The end of the freshman competition is also a time to widen the gap. After all, the first place in the freshman competition gets 10,000 points, just like the last place only gets 200 points. The difference is so big that it cannot be made up in a short time.

Therefore, sometimes, unknowingly, a slight gap has opened up. This gap may be made up with acquired efforts, or it may always lag behind others.

Then, Su Lie waved his hand, and three streams of light flew towards Lin Xing and the others.

Taking a closer look, it was a simple key with the word "starlight" written on it.

"This is the entry key to the Starlight Pool. With this voucher, you can enter the Starlight Pool to practice once." Su Lie said to Lin Xing, Yan Xueer, and Feng Tian.

Lin Xing also understood that the value of the key-like thing in front of him was estimated to be very high. It could be seen from the envious eyes of others. After getting it, he put the Interspatial Ring in the envious eyes.

"Okay, now, it's the last step of the freshman competition, which is to choose your own college." Feng Xiu, vice president of Modu Wuhan University, floated into the air and said softly.

"Now we will invite the vice presidents of each college to speak."

Bang bang bang......

The students on the playground consciously applauded to welcome the vice-presidents of each college.

According to the level of Wudu University in the Magic City, people at the level of deputy dean are at least Rank Seven Practitioner, and some can even reach Rank Eight.

Just like the small base city of Lin Xing, there are not even a few mid-rank Practitioners, let alone high-rank Practitioners.

As Vice Principal Feng Xiu finished speaking, he floated off the podium, and Feng Xiu also gave up the right to speak to Su Lie and others.


…"Students, I am Su Lie, the deputy dean of the Zhan Zhan College. Needless to say, our Zhan Zhan College mainly focuses on cultivating the personal strength of Practitioners. Our school has a sound task system, as well as many handsome seniors and beautiful students. sister……………"

"Okay, I hope everyone will enthusiastically sign up for our Zhan Zhan College." In the end, Su Lie reluctantly ended this speech under the scrutinizing eyes of the vice presidents of other colleges.

"Haha..., classmates, I am the deputy dean of the School of Pharmacy. You can call me Mr. Luo. As the name suggests, our School of Pharmacy mainly trains students to make pharmaceuticals. We hope that students with pharmacist talents can sign up for our school. Those who also like pharmacy can also sign up for our academy." Compared to Su Lie, Mr. Luo's speech was more satisfactory.

Subsequently, the deputy deans of the Formation College and the Weapons College made speeches one after another.

"Okay, time is now left for you. You have five minutes to think about it. After five minutes, you can make your choice of college." Finally, Vice President Feng Xiu made a concluding speech.

"Also, although you have enrolled in different colleges, the dormitory you live in has not changed. It's just that the courses and tasks students in different colleges study every day are different."

"And from now on, there will be an arena battle every month, thus re-ranking, which also represents an adjustment of resources."

As Vice Principal Feng Xiu finished speaking, the playground was filled with chatter among students. Some students seemed to have decided which college they wanted to apply for, but some seemed hesitant...

"Hey (*^▽^*), Lao Lin, which college are you going to apply for?" Qian Duoduo looked at Lin Xing and said with a smile.

"I should apply for the Zhan Zhan College. I don't feel comfortable going to other colleges." Lin Xing did not hide it, but told Qian Duoduo his results.

"Haha, it seems we can train together again. I also signed up for the Zhan Zhan College." Everyone burst out laughing when they heard Lin Xing's answer.

After all, how can I not be happy with such a talented brother taking me to take off with a lot of money?

But Qian Duoduo doesn't seem to be short of these. After all, Qian Duoduo's family is a generation of wealthy businessmen.

"Old Lin, why don't we sign up now? If we don't wait, there will be too many people signing up and it will be a bit crowded." Qian Duoduo said to Lin Xing. After all, Qian Duoduo didn't want to wait for a while and be crowded in the crowd.

Lin Xing nodded in response, Qian Duoduo was right, sign up early and finish early.

Finally, Lin Xing and Qian Duoduo walked straight to the registration office of Zhan Zhan College.

"Hello, teacher, I plan to register for the Zhan Zhan College." Lin Xing walked to the registration office of the Zhan Zhan College and said.

The teacher at the registration office quickly helped Lin Xing apply for admission, as if he was afraid that Lin Xing would run away in the next second.

Su Lie, who was watching from the podium, had a bright smile on his face when he saw Lin Xing walking to the registration desk of the Zhan Zhan College.

When Mr. Luo saw this situation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, because he had just carefully used Mental Energy to scan the entire playground and found that Lin Xing's Mental Energy was the highest in this session.

However, the school has clear regulations that prohibit any teacher from interfering with students' choices.

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