Martial To Pieces

Chapter 83: Gaining A Little Fanboy

The task of collecting star grass is easy to say the least, but it is indeed "a little bit" difficult to say difficult.

After all, the star grass grows in the nest of the black-scaled eagle, and the star grass can only grow with the feces of the black-scaled eagle.

The Black Scaled Eagle's nest is on the crown of a tall black locust banyan tree, or on a cliff. If you are not careful, it will fall from the sky. Even Lin Xing's body may not be able to carry it, let alone other low-level Practitioners.

"By the way, when will we set off?" Lin Xing asked Wang Yan.

"Well... we are basically ready. We only need one person. As soon as everyone is here, we can set off immediately. Moreover, we also have the location of several black-scaled eagle nests. The sooner we can set off, Of course the better, but I wonder about your side...??" After Wang Yan heard Lin Xing's inquiry, he informed Lin Xing of the current situation.

"Well... ok, let's set off now and make a quick decision." Lin Xing thought for a while and then directly determined the time for this mission. After all, going early can also prevent others from finding the Black Scaled Eagle in advance. nest.

Similarly, since Wang Yan has accepted this task and has also mastered the information about the Black Scaled Eagle's nest, he now invites Lin Xing to pick the Sky Star Grass for two purposes. The first purpose can be used in this mission. With a guarantee, even if the picking process goes smoothly, Lin Xing can still be given a favor. After all, it is a business that does not lose money, so why not do it.

"Okay, there is another partner waiting at the school gate. Originally, we wanted to see if we could find a reliable partner in a short time. If not, the two of us planned to give it a try. Unexpectedly, we unexpectedly fell in love with him. Liu Chengyin." Wang Yan was very excited when he heard Lin Xing said that he could set off now, because the earlier he went, the greater the chance of getting the Star Grass.

After all, there are a large number of Practitioners active in the secret realm every day. If some Practitioners accidentally find it there, where will they cry?

After finishing speaking, Wang Yan led Lin Xing to the campus gate to look for Wang Yan's friend.

During this period, Wang Yan also asked Lin Xing if he needed to prepare something first.

When Lin Xing set out, he had already checked the items in his Interspatial Ring. He didn't need to prepare anything else. He just needed to find a place where no one was and put on his combat uniform.

"Haha, Xiao Hei, look who I recruited into our team." After Wang Yan left the school gate, he pulled open an energy off-road vehicle next to the school gate and said loudly inside.

"Who is it? I'm throwing it away. Isn't this my role model? Lao Wang, you are too awesome." Song Hei was rummaging through the information in the bracelet without interest. Hearing what Wang Yan said, he turned around curiously. At first glance, I didn’t expect to see my own idol.

Just when Lin Xing effortlessly won the first place in the freshman competition, Song Hei had already regarded the star as a role model. As an own idol, Song Hei decided at that time to ask you to regard him as his goal first and work hard before OK.

Strive to leave a strong mark in this era of Practitioner.

"Wow... Brother Lin, do you know that your Saber Technique is so handsome?" Song Hei held Lin Xing's hand and said excitedly, looking like a little fanboy.

Lin Xing was immediately flattered. He never thought that one day he would be sought after by others.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)......, haha, that's okay. You just need to practice seriously. I guess you may be better than me by then." Lin Xing took his own hand out of Song Hei's hand and said coquettishly. .

"Really? That's great. Since the freshman competition, I have been increasing the intensity of my own training every day, just to make such a stunning sword strike like Brother Lin." Lin Xing heard what Lin Xing said. , suddenly became more excited, and rambled on about his situation during this period.

In the end, Wang Yan couldn't stand it anymore and quickly pulled Song Hei away. He was mainly afraid that Song Hei's behavior would make Lin Xing angry. In this way, not only did he not establish a friendship with Lin Xing, but he offended Lin Xing. There are some losses outweighing the gains.

However, Lin Xing was not bored with Song Hei's behavior. Instead, he appreciated Song Hei's attitude even more.

Because once a person determines his own goals and clarifies what he needs, even if he does not achieve it in the end, he will still achieve a lot. Obviously, Song Hei is such a person.

On the way out, Lin Xing explained many insights about Saber Technique to Song Hei, which made Song Hei even more amazed.

On the contrary, it shows that the Saber Technique that I have been practicing for several years is like living like a dog.

This made Wang Yan speechless after hearing Song Hei's words, because Song Hei was stronger than Wang Yan.

The reason why Song Hei did not participate in the freshmen competition was because at that time, Song Hei reported to school too late due to some delays.

When he arrived at the playground, the freshman competition was already halfway through, so Song Hei simply stopped participating at that time.

Therefore, Song Hei did not appear in the freshman competition. Otherwise, with Song Hei's Cultivation Base, he should be able to compete for the top ten spots.

After hearing Wang Yan's explanation, Lin Xing understood why Song Hei's name did not appear on the freshman competition.


"Dip..., the certification passed."

Wang Yan displayed the information on his own bracelet at the entrance of the space crack in the secret realm. After passing the authentication, he could also enter the space crack.

Obviously, the rules in the Magic City are the same as those in the Huaicheng base city where Lin Xing is located. Those who have not reached the Practitioner Realm cannot enter the secret realm.

From the outside, the black phosphorus secret realm in the Magic City is obviously a medium-sized secret realm, but this is only one of the secret realms that the Magic City has.

The environment in the black phosphorus secret realm is overall gray and earthy. Even the trees are mainly gray. However, this secret realm is still one of the suppliers in the Magic City Material Market.


A crow sounded from the dark forest trees, making the originally dark forest look even darker.

"This is the carrion crow. It likes to eat rotten corpses. It has relatively low strength and has no attack power. Moreover, its value is not high. In addition, since the carrion crow feeds on carrion, the meat of the carrion crow, Contains a lot of parasites." Wang Yan explained beside him.

Indeed, when the carrion crow flew over the heads of Lin Xing and others, Lin Xing smelled a rotten smell.

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