Martial To Pieces

Chapter 93 Extremely Talented


Lin Xing gasped. Now Lin Xing and Wind Wing Yalong are waiting for the other side to fall first. As long as the other side cannot hold on and falls, then victory will belong to the other side.

On the square of the trial tower, everyone held their breath and concentrated, fearing that their own breathing, if slightly louder, would disturb the battle.

Everyone present has been shocked for a thousand times. With Rank Two, they punished the Rank Four Demonic Beasts, and they were evenly matched. There was even a slight tendency to gain the upper hand. It was simply outrageous. His mother opened the door for the Demonic Beasts. It was so outrageous. .

"Come again..." Two words appeared in Lin Xing's mind.

After all, there is no such word as surrender in Lin Xing's dictionary.

From the Interspatial Ring, he took out a large amount of recovery potion and poured it all into his mouth. It seemed that he didn't swallow it and flowed directly down his throat into his body.

The rules of the trial tower do not prohibit players from taking potions. After all, they follow 100% wilderness survival guidelines. The most important purpose is to defeat the enemy and survive.

The medicine that enters the body is like water entering a dry farmland. It is quickly absorbed and consumed, and slowly the land dries up.

As the potion took effect, the Spiritual Qi in Lin Xing's body recovered to a considerable extent, but this was normal. After all, Lin Xing took a large amount of recovery potion at one time.

If this is the case, and the Spiritual Qi in the body cannot achieve this, then it is probably because the recovery potion has expired (╹▽╹).


Lin Xing once again activated the crazy Saber Technique and the purple electric magic armor, preparing for the final fight with the Wind Winged Dragon.

The dark red Spiritual Qi once again covered the black teeth, and the purple electric magic armor also covered the whole body again.


Windwing Yalong seemed to have noticed Lin Xing's intention. He looked up to the sky and let out a loud dragon roar, as if he had made some decisions.

As the roar of the dragon became louder and louder, significant changes took place on the body of the Wind-Winged Yalong.

I saw that the Windwing Yalong was originally covered with bloody wounds, but now it was resurrected with full health, and even the wounds disappeared.

The dragon scales on the Windwing Yalong's body changed from the original cyan to the current cyan red, becoming more powerful and domineering, and the aura on its body became even more terrifying, far more than before.

"Is this... Talent skill?" After Lin Xing saw the changes in Wind Wing Yalong, the four words Talent skill instantly appeared in his mind.

Talent skills refer to some Demonic Beasts with noble Bloodline awakening the memories in the Bloodline and gaining the abilities of their ancestors. Under normal circumstances, very few Demonic Beasts can comprehend Talent skills.

However, basically most spirit beasts have Talent skills.

Just like the Windwing Wurm, what should be obtained is the dragon transformation skill.

Outside the trial tower.

"Dragon transformation? I didn't expect that the Wind-Wing Yalong would actually understand this Talent skill." Qian Duoduo said in surprise after seeing the transformation of the Wind-Wing Yalong, with 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Logically speaking, with the dragon-type Bloodline of the Wind-Wing Dragon, there is only a very small chance of being able to master the Dragon Race skill of Dragon Transformation, but this Wind-Wing Dragon actually succeeded.

"Fuck, fuck, damn... Damn it, these two are cheating, right?"

"I thought Lin Xing would definitely win the game, but I didn't expect that Windwing Yalong actually had a hand in his game."

"Tsk tsk... Lin Xing's luck is really bad. Not only did he meet the top person among the Rank Four, but he also learned the talent skill. Now, Lin Xing is expected to lose the game." As soon as the words came out, although some people did not express their opinions, they seemed to have an answer in their hearts.

After all, this battle is really difficult to fight. Besides, even if Lin Xing fails this challenge, Lin Xing’s reputation in the same class will only increase instead of falling. The next time he breaks through the level, Lin Xing will definitely win. will succeed.

Not only did these students think Lin Xing would lose the game, but Su Lie also thought Lin Xing would lose the game.

After all, in Su Lie's opinion, Lin Xing's ability to push the Wind Wing Yalong to this extent can be regarded as a real talent.

In addition, this Wind Winged Dragon has comprehended the Talent skill. Not to mention Lin Xing, if Su Lie used Rank Two’s Cultivation Base to fight against Rank Four’s Wind Winged Dragon, and also comprehended the Talent skill’s Wind Wing Yalong had no chance of winning at all, in Su Lie's opinion.

"Oh~, what if Mr. Lin wins this game." Mr. Luo looked at Lin Xing on the screen, who was wearing purple electric magic armor and holding a black tooth in his hand, and said with a smile.

"It's impossible. Isn't it obvious? You know, what this wind-winged dragon should have understood is - dragon transformation." After Su Lie heard Mr. Luo's answer, he immediately said it was impossible, because in Su In Lie's opinion, Lin Xing had no chance of winning.


After transforming into a dragon, the Wind-winged Yalong flapped its huge wings and rushed toward Lin Xing angrily, as if he wanted to wash away the shame just now.


Lin Xing also faced him, waving the sword in his hand with all his strength.

"Kang Kang..."

"Huh? The dragon scales have become harder." After a face-to-face encounter, Lin Xing felt that the scales on the Wind Wing Yalong had become harder.

But Lin Xing was still not afraid.

"Crazy Saber Technique Second Style"


The Wind Wing Yalong opened its big mouth and struck at Lin Xing with one wind blade after another.

Bang bang…………

Lin Xing was in the airtight wind blade, dodging left and right. If he could dodge, he would do it. If he couldn't, he would just carry it.

He kept rushing towards the direction of the Wind-Winged Dragon. If he couldn't engage in close combat with the Wind-Winged Dragon, he would be like a living target.

Although dragons are very powerful in combat, they have no choice but to do this if they want to win.


Swish, brush, brush...

Wind blades were continuously issued from the mouth of the Wind Wing Yalong.

Boom boom boom......

As the distance between Lin Xing and Windwing Yalong became closer and closer.

The wind blades are also becoming denser and denser, and the spiritual Qi of the wind-winged dragon after the dragon transformation seems to have also been improved.

I saw that several wind blades in front were dodged by Lin Xing, and some were offset by the sword energy released by Lin Xing. However, there were still a few wind blades that hit the purple electric magic armor hard, causing Lin Xing to be stunned. I couldn't help but take two steps back.

But the next second, Lin Xing appeared next to Feng Yalong.

The sword in Lin Xing's hand slashed at the Wind-Wing Yalong without hesitation. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that there is a look of horror in the pupils of the Wind-Wing Yalong.

"Ho ho ho......"

The Wind Wing Yalong roared angrily, opened its mouth and bit hard at Lin Xing.

"Crazy Devil Dao Method 3"

Lin Xing roared, and the little Spiritual Qi left in his body was exhausted again, all gathered on the sword.

"Tear and pull..."

In the frightened eyes of the Wind-Wing Yalong, a cold light flashed from the pupils of the Wind-Wing Yalong, and with a hiss, the Wind-Wing Yalong actually saw his own body.

With a bang, the huge body fell heavily.

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