Martial Tomb

Chapter 108

Martial Tomb Chapter 108


Boom! !


Almost at the same time, Heavenly Wolf's claws and Wu Mu's two palms strike fiercely on each other, Wu Mu's body and the body of the warrior wolf vibrate violently at the same time, under a terrifying force, the whole body violently It flew backwards, and when it flew backwards, a mouthful of blood was spit out between its mouths.

Wu Mu's body was madly destroyed by a tearing force, and his clothes instantly became tattered. On the skin, countless azure textures were densely packed all over the body, and the one after Another fierce wolf claws fought fiercely, and under the tempering of the Divine Source, the fleshy body almost completely surpassed the limits of Shedding Mortality Realm.

However, the wolf warrior is a martial cultivator at the 2nd layer divine spring level in the blood sea realm, and the destructive power that erupts has reached a terrifying level, even if the skin is tenacious enough to withstand the edge of any mortal soldier , still being torn by the tearing force under the sharp wolf claws, one after another hideous claw marks were torn on the skin.

Blood flows down the wound. distributed around the body.

But the Wu Mu fleshy body is so strong that even these wolf claws can't completely tear it apart, just tearing the skin, it can't tear the flesh around the body. It looks like blood is flying, but in fact the losses suffered are not serious.

It's just the power contained in the wolf's claws. Under the violent strikes, Wu Mu's body inner Qi's blood oscillates. During the tumbling, a mouthful of blood is spit out.

And watching Wolf Warrior, didn't expect, Wu Mu would make such a dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, burn both jade and stone-like terrifying attack, once shot, unexpectedly It is necessary to separate life and death, brazenly disregarding his own life and death, even if it is death, he will bite a piece of flesh from himself. This is a madman in battle.

Nine Power of Dragon, poured into the palms of both hands, under the increase of the dragon's boundless fighting intent, the burst of power has reached the terrifying state of dozens of dragons. That power is simply It is crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, even the body of the warrior wolf thousands hammers, hundred refinements, in the face of this force, still feels a deadly threat.

The skeleton on his chest was shattered, his flesh and blood were smashed into a muddy flesh, his whole body was tumbling with qi and blood, and the blood spurted out of his mouth even contained pieces of ferocious flesh.

Wu Mu, wounded the wolf! !

"You are courting death!!"

The wolf roared angrily, and his two eyes moved towards Wu Mu fiercely, like a wounded head. A lone wolf.

Injured, he was injured.

It was still wounded in the hands of a small Shedding Mortality Realm martial cultivator.

This is a shame, an indelible humiliation.

Wu Mu's actions completely aroused the anger in his chest, his eyes were cold, and he reached out and grabbed the void in front of him. A powerful bloodline Divine Force emerged, turned into one after another ice, and in the blink of an eye, a powerful ice spear condensed, and all around the ice spear, countless snowflakes condensed out of thin air and drifted down.

Human Divine Ability - Ice Spear! !


As soon as the footsteps moved, the whole body was like a strange disappeared from the void, and turned into a terrifying afterimage in front of Wu Mu. Appeared in front of him in an instant.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Shadow Wolf Step! !

The speed is so fast that it reaches the extreme, and the afterimage is invisible.

Pu chi!!

At the moment when Wu Mu had no time to react, in the hands of the wolf warrior, the **** spear of ice and snow appeared in his chest like lightning, and pierced straight into the body. Under the spear, just holding on for a few breaths, it was pierced by a powerful force. The spear of ice and snow pierced through the skin, pierced through the flesh and blood, and pierced out of the back fiercely.

The terrifying cold force that is enough to freeze everything frantically erupted from the spear of ice and snow, swept away every inch of flesh and blood around him, completely freezing all flesh and blood, freezing and freezing to death. turn into ice cubes.

oh la la! !

Under the piercing power of terrifying, Wu Mu's body was driven backward by the spear of ice and snow, and his feet were constantly tearing the ground on the ground, pulling out two terrifying ditches. .

"Divine Ability, I will too, poisonous swamp!!"

Wu Mu's eyes were icy cold, the spear of ice and snow was frantically destroying fleshy body, and there was a trace on the corner of his mouth. Cruel sneer, thoughts move, the poisonous swamp Divine Ability talisman that was constantly floating in the Bronze Ancient Lamp shattered instantly, turned into an invisible force, and instantly moved towards the warrior wolf and merged into the past.


Under the Wolf Warrior, the ground collapsed at an incredible speed and turned into a pitch-black swamp in an instant. In the swamp, countless pitch-black black gas spit out crazily, without preparation, even more Unexpectedly, Wu Mu would be able to display Divine Ability at this time, and it was performed without warning, and without any help of Divine Ability Talisman, the wolf was simply unprepared, and almost fell into the swamp on the spot.

The pitch-black poison qi frantically moved towards the body of the warrior wolf and swarmed away. Although the warrior wolf reached the blood sea state and could close the pores all over the body at any time, this poison was directly moved towards the corrosion in the skin. past. In the blink of an eye, pieces of flesh and blood were corroded from the body of the warrior wolf, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Moreover, there is a terrifying force in the swamp that is frantically pulling the wolf into the depths of the swamp.

Boom! !

The wolf warrior's eyes were cold and crazy, and he roared. On his body, he spit out the blood of one after another silver white from the pores all over his body, and suddenly the swamp and poison outside him were on the spot. It collapsed, and quickly condensed into a silver white barrier outside the body, covering the entire body. Suddenly, it burst out of the swamp.

One after another bloodline Divine Force rolled wildly in the body, continuously forcing the poison out of the body.

"bloodline Divine Astral!!"

Wu Mu's eyes narrowed, seeing the silver white barrier emerging from the wolf, and uttered a sentence in a deep voice. You know, this is the symbol of the Blood Sea Realm, the bloodline Divine Astral, which is broken out by the bloodline Divine Force, and the condensed astral qi not only has a powerful defensive power, but even has a huge battle strength.


While Wu Mu's expression was condensed, his thoughts moved, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear of ice and snow that had been inserted into his body. The cold air emanating from it froze on the spot, covering it with a thick layer of ice. However, in just an instant, these ices were shattered and shattered by the powerful force within Wu Mu's body on the spot. Disintegrates into pieces and scatters all around.

crash-bang! !

Moreover, while breaking the ice, another Divine Ability talisman instantly shattered in the Bronze Ancient Lamp while Wu Mu thoughts moved. In front of him, countless blue light shot out, just in the blink of an eye, in the void, a black cloud appeared out of nowhere, black and pressed, in the black cloud, droplets of crystal clear and near-transparent water droplets drifted finely. Down.

The rain, light and fluttering, seemed to have no power, but under a strange force, it moved towards the warrior wolf hiding the sky and covering the earth. Every drop seems to be able to clearly see its trajectory.

Divine Ability - Dripping water through stone! !

"It's Divine Ability again, Wu Mu, you really surprised me. Even when fighting with the Martial Cultivator in the Blood Sea Realm, this seat has never suffered such heavy damage. But you have made me injured one after another. Being in Shedding Mortality Realm, you can damage the Blood Sea Realm. I have to say, Wu Mu, you are a genius, and you are also a monster who leapfrog battles.”

Wolf Warrior looked coldly at the rain coming from the pavement, said with a sneer: "However, it should feel good to kill... the evildoer. Kill!!"

ao wu! !

As soon as the voice fell, a lonely wolf howl sounded in the sky. In the wolf howl, a circle of silver white sound waves centered on it at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly spread all around. go out. Wherever it went, it violently collided with the drop of rain, making a fierce sound.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Countless raindrops shuttled in the sonic wave, but they were constantly shattered by the sonic shock, and the entire void was swept away by the terrifying power. A violent roar spread in every inch of the area.

In the battlefield, there is dense rain on one side and waves of silver white on the other. When colliding with each other, Life Aura is produced, directly tearing the trees all around to pieces.

"Today, let me show you the true bloodline Divine Ability. In this dark night, under this moonlight, even the powerhouse in the Blood Sea Realm Peak wouldn't dare to kill me easily. Under the moonlight, In the sea of blood, I'm... invincible!!"

Zhan Lang spit out a sentence indifferently, looking at the bright moon above his head.

The body shook, and suddenly, behind the wolf warrior, suddenly, an amazing natural phenomenon emerged, a round of icy waning moon itself gradually raised, hanging high above the head. , a silver white lone wolf, standing on the peak, making a shrill wolf howl at the waning moon.

As soon as this waning moon appears, it seems to have an incredible connection with the bright moon in the void in an instant. The wisps of silver white moonlight frantically moved towards the waning moon behind the wolf at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the waning moon radiated a dazzling moonlight.

The icy right hand was raised slowly.

raised high.

It seems that he can hold the waning moon behind him with one hand.

At this moment, he seemed to be the god's mansion for picking the moon.

A flood of irresistible terrifying imposing manner swept out.

"Wu Mu, look at this bloodline Divine Ability."

The wolf fell on Wu Mu coldly, moved towards Wu Mu and waved it casually.


Immediately, he saw that the waning moon hanging behind him burst out with a ray of moonlight, turning into a dazzling waning moon, moved towards Wu Mu, slashing down like lightning, and in the in midair pulled out a poignant trajectory.

With a bleak beauty, people are intoxicated! !

Even Wu Mu was fascinated by the waning moon at the moment he saw it, and his whole mind was filled with the waning moon. When he returned to his senses, the dazzling waning moon had already appeared in front of him.

The icy moved towards the chest slashed down.


Wu Mu only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his entire body was devoured by lightning. Under a terrifying force, his entire body flew backwards like fallen leaves. a mouthful of blood, spewing three feet away from the mouth. (To be continued.)

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