Martial Tomb

Chapter 114

Martial Tomb Chapter 114


【Ask for subscription recommendation, brothers give some strength. ]


Xiaoyue's two small hands tightly grasped Wu Mu's sleeves, a look of fear flashed in her eyes, and her thin body subconsciously approached. Wu Mu seems to be afraid of being separated.

"Don't be afraid, follow me, don't be afraid of anything."

Wu Mu looked at Xiaoyue's scruffy appearance, couldn't tell a man or woman at all, and patted him with a light smile head, said gently.

When Satsuki heard this, she felt as if she had found support, and nodded hard, and the panic in her eyes gradually began to dissipate. However, the little hand still tightly usurped the corner of a shirt.

"Let's go, let me out, don't pretend to be dead." A skeleton thief kept kicking the cages with his feet and opened the cages one after another. Urging the people inside to come out.

"You Li grandfather kindly warn you, if you go to Skull Island, as long as you don't die, you won't die. If you die, no one can save you. Come out quickly."


A skeleton thief with a hideous face said with a smile.

Bang! boom! boom!

Driven by the skeleton thief, all men and women in tattered clothes stood up one after another, and under close attention, they filed toward the deck one by one.

Wu Mu pulled Xiaoyue and followed the crowd slowly onto the deck.

As soon as I got on the deck, I immediately saw that there were dense skeleton thieves standing all around the deck, and the ferocious battle crossbows were flashing with cold light. The full moon, even put a thick war arrow on it, shot out the edge of death. Every skeleton thief exudes the rich energy and blood in his body, and he can clearly feel the powerful power contained in his body.

no is not the powerhouse in Shedding Mortality Realm, most of them have reached a level close to Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, and have great potential to impact the Blood Sea Realm.

In addition, after Wu Mu glanced around, his eyes instantly fell on an imposing manner standing on the bow of the ship, which was obviously different from the middle-aged man of ordinary skeleton thieves, and he exuded awe from time to time. Pressure and rich blood, giving people a sense of oppression from the Life Level, it is obviously not an ordinary martial cultivator.

"Blood Sea Realm martial cultivator."

Wu Mu instantly had a thought in his mind.

That is definitely a Martial Cultivator of the Blood Sea Realm. The oppressive aura from the Life Level is not much different from the aura on the Warrior Wolf. The breath is very well restrained. It is not like him, and it will appear from time to time unconsciously. This is the performance of just breaking through to the sea of blood, and has not completely controlled and restrained his own breath.

"This skull thief is not simple, there is a martial cultivator in the Blood Sea Realm, this is just on a warship, the entire Skull Island, there must be more than one Blood Sea Realm powerhouse. The water is a little deep!!"

Wu Mu immediately had a thought in his heart, pondered then said.

However, as soon as you come, you can stay safe, and you have a blood burning spell on your body. It is not suitable to go to chaotic ancient territory in a short period of time. First, try to find a way to see if you can find a solution on this skull island. . Otherwise, with the Blood Burning Curse in his body, he would not be able to break through to the realm of the Blood Sea Realm in his entire life, and he would have to endure the endless torture of the Blood Curse.

"Come on, the man goes to the left, the woman goes to the right, neither man nor woman, just dive into the water for me."

A man with a face full of flesh shouted loudly .

Wu Mu took a look, and on the boat, put down two huge boat ladders and landed on an island respectively. This island is incomparable gigantic, occupying a huge area, not enough to easily accommodate the wanton living of hundreds of thousands of people. Above, there is a mountain towering up, on the top of the mountain, you can see, at the top, there is a huge ancient palace, sitting on it.

A huge blood-colored skull flag waving in the cold wind.

On the peak of the mountain, there are buildings standing up, guarding the huge ancient palace.

On the island, a piece of spirit farm is cultivated, and a large number of spiritual medicine and Spirit Valley are planted in the spirit farm, exuding bursts of fragrance, if not for the layers of white bones on the ground. If you tell what island this is, I am afraid that it is no less than the residence of those Great Family and sects.

"Go, hurry down."

A skeleton thief kicked Wu Mu's thigh, scolded his mouth fiercely.

Wu Mu took a deep look at him, pulled Xiaoyue, and walked down the boat ladder on the left toward the island.

ka-cha! !

Standing on the ground, there are piles of bones under my feet, and when I step on it, many bones are broken on the spot, making a crisp and chilling terrifying sound. Satsuki grabbed Wu Mu's arm nervously. He seemed to be shaking a little.

After disembarking.

In front, there is a desk, behind the desk, is an old man with a mustache, two eyes flashing shrewd rays of light, holding a pen in front of the desk constantly. registration, what is written. He took out pieces of iron cards and threw them directly at every man who got off the boat, as well as those women, but after being registered, they were arranged to be sent to another place. However, the people who came to pick them up were all dressed in gorgeous clothes middle-aged woman. An air of dust.

At first glance, it gives the impression of a brotherel woman.

"Very good, still relatively strong, suitable for slaughtering, for the cooking room, slaughtering the ominous beast is still more appropriate, starting from today, your name is 9537, the previous name is meaningless here, In the future, your name will be 9537, the handyman in the cooking room. If you do well, you may become an official member of Skull Island. You will be given 100 black iron coins as wages every month. Don't try to escape. Once caught, You will know that this is not a dynasty, but an island of thieves."

The steward glanced at Wu Mu, satisfied and nodded, after a quick registration, he threw an iron card, Wu Mu took it, On the iron plate, the number 9537 is imprinted impressively.

Wu Mu frowned slightly and did not speak.

"You, you are as thin as a bamboo pole, you have to have no strength, you have to have no physique, go to the spirit plant house, and grow vegetables. You are good at planting. You can easily kill prisoners, but you have to make a corresponding contribution in exchange for the value of survival. Your name is 9538, let me go now."

The steward took a look and followed Xiaoyue behind Wu Mu, curl one's lip, said with a sneer disdainfully.


Just when the steward was about to continue the registration, he suddenly felt his hand sink slightly, making a few crisp sounds, subconsciously glanced at his hand, and was shocked, six or seven bronze coins were unconsciously in hands. Looking up, seeing Wu Mu's calm eyes, his heart shuddered slightly.

“My little brother is frail and is used to living alone. Could you please ask the supervisor to take care of him. There will be a great reward for my brother in the future.”

Wu Mu said in a tranquil voice, there is no fear or self-satisfaction on the face, there is only a deep well like a deep well.

"Okay, since this Little Brother is unwell, he should be treated specially. Come on, bring this Little Brother to the spirit plant and arrange a separate room for him. Give him some good work. "

The steward quietly put away the bronze coins in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, a young man dressed as a servant walked up quickly and led Xiaoyue alone.

Wu Mu saw that, facing Xiaoyue nodded, he didn't say much.

Xiaoyue was also sensible and didn't say much, and followed the servant.

Everything is going very quickly, which seems to be familiar to the steward.

After Wu Mu saw Xiaoyue leave, he followed the guidance of a servant and moved towards a courtyard on Skull Island.

At the desk.

A middle-aged man who was also managing the registration, looked at the steward, said with a smile: "Director Zhao, this time the harvest is not small, I'm afraid that there will be six or seven bronze coins for that sum. Boy, it should be a fat sheep, should we go back and do some planning and squeeze out a few more drops of oil from him."

Speaking, strange rays of light flashed in his eyes. light.

Director Zhao heard it, glanced at him, and said in a low voice with a sneer: "Xiao Sun, after many years of friendship, this Zhao gives you a piece of advice, some people can be touched, some people are touched No, don't fall into the sewer, you will be loaded into it."

The middle-aged surnamed Sun heard this, his expression changed, and he quickly lowered his attitude and asked: "Director Zhao, Could that kid be a thorn."

"I don't know if it is a thorn, but that kid's gaze is something I have never seen on the island for so many years. In the eyes, there is no excitement, no fear, and some are as calm as a deep well. This is the first time I have seen such eyes, this is not a good stubble. Either a fool or a hidden dragon. Sooner or later, there will be a rise. One day. If such a person is embarrassed, he will not know how to die in the future. It is better to give him favors in Shun Shui.”

Director Zhao said meaningfully.

Having been on Skull Island for so many years and holding a high-ranking position, his vision has long been tempered like fire. Who can offend, who cannot offend, he is very clear.

"Will he be a meticulous work sent by other forces? Do you want to report it?" The surnamed Sun man heard this, his eyes flickered for a while, and he opened the mouth and said.

"Hehe, the Skeleton King has already set the rules, no matter who, if you enter Skull Island, you must abide by the rules of Skull Island, no matter if you are kidnapped or come up by yourself. Well, as long as you enter Skull Island, that is the wealth and resources of Skull Island. Every prisoner has a price. As long as you pay the price, you can redeem yourself and become a free citizen on Skull Island. Just redeem yourself, even if it is If you want to leave Skull Island, you can still do the same. If you don’t have money, then work hard on the island and earn enough money to redeem yourself.”

“Unless you are directly fighting Skull Island, there are some rules that you can’t Touched."

"Jian Xi, hehe, is there still a small amount of J Xi entering our Skull Island. Where are we, this is in the lake of the dead, it's easy to get in but not to get out."


Director Zhao tsk tsk didn't say much after laughing twice.

The island naturally has the rules of the island. On Skull Island, every prisoner is wealth. No matter who it is, the price of redemption needs a thousand bronze coins. As long as you redeem yourself, you can survive on your own in the normal area of Skull Island. Even blessed by skeleton thieves. (To be continued.)

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