Martial Tomb

Chapter 129

Martial Tomb Chapter 129


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A trace of coldness appeared in Wu Mu's heart. Just now, he had clearly felt that although his body contained powerful strength, his entire body was so soft that he couldn't even explode with any strength, as if it was like a hand. Like a scholar without the power to bind a chicken, the feeling of sudden loss of power is frightening.

"Poison? That's just a trick, you Ximenqing grandfather, don't use it as early as the age of three. You're just hurt by my Martial Arts Divine Ability. This style 'Affectionate' What do you think of "Mian Mian accompany Hua Mian'. Your body is full of love, and your muscles and cartilage are tender. Even if you wake up at the last moment, you will still be surrounded by love and your whole body will be powerless. Let me slaughter."

Ximen Qingzui He coughed up blood, but he still shook the jade fan in his hand triumphantly, with a confident look on his face.

His pity flower fan technique has long been cultivated to the extreme by him, and it has been derived into Martial Arts Divine Ability. Moreover, this pity flower fan technique is still his Ximen Qing for more than 20 years, in thousands of flowers. A unique battle skill that has been lingered in the middle of the comprehension, since it was created, it was derived into the Martial Arts Divine Ability and integrated into its own bloodline.

Unfortunately, so far, he has only created two fan techniques.

However, he is confident that in the future, he will definitely be able to create more moves, making his Lianhua Fan method famous all over the world, and the name of Ximen Qing Lianhua has been passed down for thousands of years.

"However, you brat is really powerful, it can force me to display Martial Arts Divine Ability, I just wanted to defeat you with ordinary battle skills, didn't expect your palms, so domineering "Boy, hand over the Emperor Scripture, this Young Master can spare your life."

Ximen Qing looked at Wu Mu with a strange cry, his eyes showing greed.

Emperor Scripture, Wu Mu has a complete Emperor Scripture, how can he not be moved.

Wu Mu's eyes flashed brightly, his brows twitched, and a broken drink came out of his mouth: "Trifling love, how can I restrain my monstrous fighting intent, unyielding heart, love is like fire, my heart is like ice. ”

As Wu Mu's thoughts moved, a strange Visualization Picture naturally appeared in his mind.

This Visualization Picture is very peculiar, there is no other, only a volcano, in the volcanic crater, there is a heart, crystal clear and near-transparent, that heart is condensed by an ice crystal. A frozen heart. In the heart of the ice, there was a strange beating sound, and in the heartbeat, it seemed to be transformed into a mysterious scripture.

"The heart is as clear as ice, the sky is not shaken, the changes are still, and the spirit is peaceful..."

The scriptures seem to flow in the heart After passing by, I seem to have really entered into a mysterious state of mind that is as clear as ice. In my body, one after another, a cool breath grows out of thin air, and travels quickly through the flesh and blood of the whole body. Wherever the qi went, the power that seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep was revived one after another at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, one after another powerful force runs wildly in the skin, meridian, skeleton, bone marrow, and internal organs.

All power, back into the body again.

Thoughts move, you can instantly burst into powerful destructive power.

However, the rays of light flashed in Wu Mu's eyes. Although he regained his strength, he did not show it immediately. On his body, he still had the same powerless appearance as before. A trace of anger burst out from his eyes.

"The powerhouse here is definitely not just the one Ximen Qing, at least the three will never be under the one in front of you. If you want to leave the spirit plant peak safely, you can only outsmart it. Incomparable, even if I fight with the knowledge accumulated before and fight with Divine Ability, if I can defeat one, I am afraid I can't kill the second."

"I have to take Xiaoyue to leave safely, so, The only way is to outsmart it."

The idea of one after another quickly appeared in Wu Mu's mind. The surface does not look immobile.

"hehe, boy, you have the ability to be mad now, entangled in love, even the essence of iron will turn into softness around your fingers, have the ability, hit me again."

Ximen Qing's face was full of smugness. He shook the jade fan. He didn't care about his injury. He moved towards Wu Mu step by step and walked over. His expression was as if he had absolute confidence in his Martial Arts Divine Ability. Self-confidence, in the style of 'Love and Sleep with Flowers' has extremely terrifying formidable power.

This is the result obtained by Ximen Qing after repeated experiments.

"Now, I'm afraid you don't even have the strength to lift your arms." Ximen Qing tsk tsk said with a smile: "And now I only need to stretch out my hand a little, and you will fall straight down. Go down."

Ximenqing's eyes flashed excited rays of light, he walked directly to Wu Mu, put the jade fan in his hand, moved towards Wu Mu's forehead and gently tapped it , while still turning his head and looking towards Shen Yun with great interest, said with a smile: "Third Sister, this time the bet was won for my brother, you have to keep your promise. The previous account can be written off. "

However, before he could finish his words, he found that the faces of Zhong Wuming and Shen Yun suddenly turned ugly and extremely nervous.

"Second Brother, be careful."

"Second brother, be careful of your opponent."

Zhong Wuming and Shen Yun roared at the same time .

Ximen Qing instinctively felt a bad feeling, and he didn't even think about it. As soon as he moved his feet, he was about to retreat violently. However, before he could leave, a strong palm appeared in his throat. If he dared to make any dangerous move, this palm could crush his throat in an instant, or even grab it on the spot.

"It seems that I still have some strength, you can try, if I can pinch your throat into flesh."

Wu Mu's cold voice slowly entered Ximen Qing ears.

Under the condition of Ximen Qing's unconsciousness, Wu Mu's hand stretched out his throat with almost no difficulty. Even a Martial Cultivator in the Blood Sea Realm would never be able to achieve Rebirth from a The terrifying realm of the drop of Blood, once the throat is crushed and the head is cut off, will still be killed on the spot.

"Don't be impulsive, if you kill this slut, you must believe that you will never get out of this spirit plant peak. You can't leave Skull Island." A glimmer of light flashed in Zhong Wuming's drunken eyes, and he decided said.

"That's right, you didn't immediately crush Ximen Qing to death, you should be a smart person. When dealing with smart people, you don't need to beat around the bush. You've grabbed the bargaining chip now, tell me, what do you want? ."

Shen Yun rolled her eyes, lightly said with a smile.

"It's very simple, let my sister and I leave here. As long as we return to the Slaughter Peak, I will naturally let him go." Wu Mu's eyes were cold and firm, and he calmly spit out a sentence, looking towards Zhong Wu Three lives. It's very clear that the three of them should be the ones calling the shots here.

No matter what their status, as long as they return to Slaughter Peak, Wu Mu has a feeling that no matter how high their status is, they may not dare to do anything to themselves.

"Slaughter Peak, you are from the Slaughter Peak."

Ximen Qing, whose neck was pinched out, had an ugly expression, and when he heard Wu Mu's words, a strange look flashed in his eyes. With an expression on his face, he exclaimed strangely: "I said, how can you be covered in blood, baleful aura, and the smell of blood is overwhelming. It turned out to be the used killer from Slaughter Peak."

I don't know what to think, Ximen Qing His face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Slaughter Peak?"

"blind, butcher, cook. Slaughter Peak."

"No wonder it smells so bloody."


Zhong Wuming, Shen Yun, and Murong Chong unanimously issued a cry out in surprise.

Unspeakable thoughts appeared in Wu Mu's heart, didn't expect, the name of Slaughter Peak still has a strong deterrent effect here, just by looking at their expressions, you can know that Slaughter Peak is there. The status in their eyes is absolutely no trivial matter.

"Could it be that the old man is blind!!"

A strange light flashed in Wu Mu's eyes, and a thought appeared secretly.

The identity of the old man has always been unpredictable, and now it seems that it is the blind they said.

"Brother, you are from Slaughter Peak, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, but Slaughter Peak has an agreement with me on Skull Island, and you can't act recklessly on Skull Island and break the rules of the island."

Ximen Qing shouted.

"What does this have to do with me? I just need you to escort me and my sister-in-law back to Slaughter Peak. Don't worry, as long as you are willing to accompany me back to Slaughter Peak, as long as you arrive, you will naturally be released."

Wu Mu said word by word.

"Little Brother, since you are from Slaughter Peak, then we may not have room for negotiation." Zhong Wuming said slowly: "Let Ximen Qing go, we will let you leave here and return to Slaughter Peak. , in this process, we will definitely not block."

"Why should I trust you."

Wu Mu rudely asked a question.

It was a life and death battle just now, but now it is said that he will let him go. How can he believe this kind of change? It is an idiot, a fool, to believe it hastily.

"Look outside, I'm drunk and wealthy, although I'm not a good person, but what I say is a spit and a nail, and I've never said anything. If you don't believe it, then Just kidnap the pervert and return to Slaughter Peak. But I want to remind you that you are kidnapping the Young Master of Skull Island."

Murong Chong said proudly.

If the Young Master of Skull Island is held hostage and walks around the island, then Ximen Qing, the Young Master's face, even if he is fiercely trampled under his feet, will lose his prestige. I'm afraid it will be completely reduced to a joke.

The Young Master of dignified Skull Island was held hostage on Skull Island.

What is this, this is a face slap.

And not only in the face of Ximen Qing, but also in the face of the Island Lord Skeleton King.

No matter how tough Slaughter Peak is, he can't easily fool such a thing.

Wu Mu's eyes narrowed, with his mind, how could he not be able to hear the hidden meaning in Murong Chong's words. Indeed, such a blatant slap in the face, and it is still on Skull Island, I am afraid that Skull Island will not give up no matter what.

What's more, he has not yet received the real approval of Slaughter Peak. If he provokes the matter back to Slaughter Peak, butcher and the others may not help him.

“I can’t trust you.”

Wu Mu took a deep breath and emphasized again.

"You can believe it." Shen Yun lightly said with a smile. (To be continued.)

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