Martial Tomb

Chapter 146

Martial Tomb Chapter 146


shua! !

The moment the ancient lantern touched the Bodhi Seed, the entire ancient lantern trembled with excitement, as if there was an impatient illusion, and the Bodhi Seed was instantly integrated into a groove in the ancient lantern, In the blink of an eye, the perfect fuse together seems to be born as one.

Ah! !

On the Bodhi Seed, a dazzling golden light burst out. In the golden light, a dark ghost was struggling frantically to break free from the Bodhi Seed. However, it was covered by the golden light in an instant. Like the snow under the sun, it dissipates in an instant, flying ash annihilation.

"The Buddha of Infinite Life!!"

On the Bodhi Seed, while the ghost was flying ash annihilation, that Buddha followed, and seemed to have a look at Wu Mu. In the flames, little by little, it was burned into powder, and a Buddha's name was issued, and it was slowly shattered.

The original imprint on the Bodhi Seed was rudely erased by the Bronze Ancient Lamp.

Look at the golden textures emerging on the Bodhi Seed. After the imprint is erased, it suddenly becomes more and more mysterious. Each one contains the rhythm of mysterious. Out of endless Dao Rhyme, true meaning. More agile and full of charm.

In it, there seem to be mysterious scriptures reverberating.

After the Bodhi Seed was integrated into the ancient lamp, the aura emanating from the entire Bronze Ancient Lamp suddenly increased greatly, and it seemed that a strange transformation had occurred. A layer of flame.

A layer of golden flame! !

The golden flame, as soon as it appeared, appeared directly outside the bronze flame, occupying the position of the Second Layer.

Bronze flame, golden flame, white jade flame, black and white flame, blood flame.

The fifth layer flame is distinct in the ancient lamps, alternating with each other, exuding a mysterious color rhythm.

Moreover, only the bronze flame, the golden flame, is a near-substantial flame, not the other three, which seems a bit illusory and not very real. This difference can be seen at a glance. differentiated.

The Bodhi Seed, just like the original Bronze Shell Leaf, fuses together perfectly with the ancient lamp as soon as it touches the ancient lamp, as if it has completely turned into a part of the Bronze Ancient Lamp.

"This Bodhi Seed can really be integrated with the Bronze Ancient Lamp. I don't know what kind of changes this fusion will bring to the Bronze Ancient Lamp." With endless expectations, the fusion of Bronze Shell Leaf back then directly made the arsenal appear in the ancient lamp, and even the Martial Palace. To rise up for oneself, produce incomparable help.

This Bodhi Seed, a legendary treasure, is integrated into the ancient lantern, and it cannot be said that the ancient lantern has an incredible transformation.

My mind was agitated, but instead of immediately returning to the ancient lantern to check for the changes made by the ancient lantern, I moved towards all around and scanned the past again to see if I could find some other treasures.

According to Secret Realm's rules, since there is an undead Skeleton King in this valley, certain treasures, even secret treasures, are bound to be collected and guarded. Those who got off the death train were completely wiped out. Those treasures must still be here, as long as they were not destroyed by the destructive power of the previous destruction.

"That's a bone box!!"

Wu Mu glanced all around, and finally, under the corpse of the insect race, he saw a mouth full of half-human height and a whole body. A bone box cast from white bones.

This box is also outlined with bone lines, intertwined on it, making the white bone box look very mysterious.

Bang! !

Wu Mu jumped off the corpse and quickly came to the bone chest.

He stretched out his hand and slammed it open to open the skeleton box. However, the skeleton box was made of a powerful existence. It was extremely heavy. Even with a powerful force, it cannot be opened directly, and the bone box can only be pushed up a little bit.

ka-cha! !

Fortunately, Wu Mu's strength was strong, and within a few breaths, the heavy bone box was finally forcibly opened.

As soon as I opened it, a box full of grotesquely shaped items appeared directly in front of my eyes in the white bone box. There was even a layer of strange treasure light.

"Many treasures, mortals, you've made a fortune. You found such a treasure chest. Where are you, and how do you feel in the Secret Realm. Such a strong Death Aura."

Just as Wu Mu opened the treasure chest, there was a joking and excited voice from his left shoulder without warning.

The voice came suddenly, and Rao was Wu Mu's boldness, and he couldn't help being taken aback. He almost didn't close the treasure chest again. He fixed his eyes and looked towards his left shoulder. He saw that Little Fatty, wearing a red apron, mouth opened wide, in the flames of the ancient lantern, looked at the treasure chest with almost no saliva. .

I glanced at Wu Mu from time to time.

I'm jealous of you.

The original charred black and embarrassed appearance on Little Fatty has dissipated, and it seems to be completely restored to its original state.

"When did you wake up?"

Wu Mu also secretly sighed in relief when he saw Little Fatty, even though this Little Fatty was open-mouthed and often even spoke ill of him Opposite, but it cannot be denied that he is still extremely helpful to him, not to mention, the deduction of his Azure Lotus Emperor Canon, if he did not take out various cultivation techniques from the arsenal regardless of the danger, the deduction would not be successful.

Get to where you are now.

"Hehe, how could this god be defeated by those small punishments, I can come out whenever I want, but you can actually find a Vajra Bodhi Seed. This is between Heaven and Earth's premier treasure. Incorporating ancient lamps, the Bronze Ancient Lamp is magical." Little Fatty curl one's lip first, said proudly.

I then looked at the golden Bodhi Seed in the ancient lantern with great excitement.

Without the fusion of this Bodhi Seed, he would still be sleeping in the ancient lamp. How can you come out so quickly. This Bodhi Seed is a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world.

"tsk tsk, what kind of battlefield Secret Realm did you enter? Death Qi is so rich and baleful aura is amazing, but, no matter what, mortals, hurry up and see what treasures are in this treasure chest. This treasure chest can only evolve when the Secret Realm evolves, and it must contain secret treasures.”

“There are so many items in the treasure chest, I don’t know who collected the treasures from the battlefield, all of them. Put it in it, it's cheap for you brat. Quick! Quick! Quick! I can feel it, there should be a baby in it."

Little Fatty looked at the treasure chest full of items, and wanted to be excited Pee! !


Wu Mu himself is extremely curious, the all around battlefield has long been completely destroyed by those who came from the black train, what danger it shouldn't be in a short time.

I immediately reached out and grabbed the treasure chest in anticipation.


He stretched out his hand and took out a Divine Weapon from the treasure chest. It was a golden sword. However, the sword was broken, leaving only half of it, and the golden light on it was dim.

"Human High Grade Divine Weapon, unfortunately, it has been broken. It was collected in this treasure chest and has not been rotten by time. On top of its sharpness and hardness, it can surpass the boundaries of ordinary soldiers. What is really precious is what is inside. The material should be made of thousand-year-old black gold. Put it away, maybe you can use it as a material in the future to cultivate Life Source Divine Weapon."

Little Fatty glanced at it and opened his mouth to say.

Wu Mu naturally did not doubt its eyesight, so he casually put it into the Bronze Ancient Lamp and grabbed the next item again.

“Human Middle Grade Divine Weapon is a fragment of Divine Weapon. It is made of Ziyun Steel. Divine Weapon Fragments….”

“Earth Low Grade Divine Weapon Fragments, cast in mica black iron, although they are fragments, they are fragments of Earth Grade Divine Weapon, which are already quite precious, put them away.”



In that bone box, most of them were Divine Weapon fragments. The battlefield was extremely tragic back then, and the master died. Those Divine Weapons were also in tragic destruction. During the fight, they all shattered. These are the Divine Weapon fragments collected by the Undead Skeleton King from the battlefield. Although there are many, but unfortunately, they can only be used as materials after they are broken.

Unless it is a fragment of the Heavenly God Weapon, even if the Heavenly God Weapon is broken, the spiritual surname contained in the Divine Weapon can be restored and fused into one as long as the fragments are reassembled.

Dozens of broken Divine Weapon fragments were taken out of the bone box one after another, and Wu Mu didn't dislike them. These are all good things. They are all stored in ancient lamps. when useful.

The materials that can cast Divine Weapon are not ordinary.

In the bone box, there is no complete Divine Weapon. From this, Wu Mu can imagine that the tragic battle must be beyond people's imagination.

"These are small appetizers, and there must be treasures in them. Hurry up and take them out."

After taking out those broken Divine Weapons, the huge treasure chest suddenly became empty. There are not many leftovers.

However, Wu Mu also knows that the rest are the real treasures and surprises in the treasure chest. The whole heart started to lift up involuntarily, reached out and grabbed it, and astonishingly, it was a scroll.

Take a look at it.

This scroll exudes a quaint atmosphere throughout. I don't know what material it is made of, not metal, not jade, not cotton or silk, but it gives people a feeling of being indestructible.

On the scroll, a few ancient seals are outlined - "Fire Crow **"! !

"Fire Crow **, this is a cultivation technique." Wu Mu's eyes shined, the cultivation technique that can be recorded in this precious scroll is definitely not an ordinary cultivation method.

"It is the cultivation technique of the fire family name. The most suitable one is the bloodline of the fire family and beasts for cultivation. Of course, even if the bloodline is not a beast, it can also be cultivated. The cultivation technique of the king-level high-grade blood sea realm. If it is the bloodline of the crow, the cultivation technique is not inferior to the cultivation technique of the emperor. It is a good cultivation technique.”

Little Fatty glanced at it, nodded for the first time, and commented on a sentence .

"The cultivation technique of the king's blood sea is quite extraordinary. Even if you can't cultivate, you can exchange for the cultivation technique of the same grade from the arsenal." Wu Mu's eyes shined, the value of cultivation technique, in the ancient continent The top has always been high.

Compared with Divine Weapon, the cultivation technique is the way for Human Race to truly gain strength and rise. (To be continued.)

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