Martial Tomb

Chapter 436

Martial Tomb Chapter 436


With the fierce noise, I only saw that the water snake was melting away at a speed visible to naked eyes, turning into white balls. The mist was quickly evaporated and turned into nothingness, directly under the palm of Subduing Dragon, forcibly evaporated into mist. . Just like the real scarlet True Dragon, it looks up to the sky and sends out a domineering dragon roar.

Dragon's roar can overwhelm Heaven and Earth, shocking all directions! !

With a monstrous fighting intent of fearless and dauntless.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Dragon Subduing 18 Palms! !

Aw! !

In the domineering Dragon's roar, Wu Mu's fighting intent rose, and when he stretched out his hand, he slammed forward. The whole arm quickly fuses together with the scarlet dragon claw, turning directly into a huge dragon claw. Exudes an intimidating breath. Like a True Dragon claw, with a domineering and imperceptible suddenness.

A strange hand appeared in front of Iron Fist wielded by Tie Yan.

Dragon Subduing Palm Technique—Suddenly! !

Wu Mu transferred the palm technique to the Peak Realm, comprehended the palm, and put the Martial Arts True Meaning Full Mastery, the true meaning, simply has transcended the original move limit, do as one pleases, when the shot, Like an antelope hanging its horns, it directly shows the sudden true meaning to the extreme and appears directly in front of the battle fist.

The dragon claw took a look and grabbed it domineeringly on Tie Yan's wrist.

"You still have such a set of palms in your hands." Tie Yan's expression changed suddenly. Before Wu Mu had been using Sword Art all the time, he didn't show too many other Martial Arts Battles at all. Skill, this sudden grab made him feel unprepared.

"What if you grab your wrist, let me go."

Tie Yan's face was furious, and his dive light flowed down, only to see a layer of dark light armor appearing directly Outside the body, even on the arms, there is a mysterious texture like a turtle shell. With a violent shock of the arm, a huge potential erupted directly from the wrist, about to collapse the dragon claw forcibly caught on the wrist.

Shatter! !

"Today I want to see how hard your turtle shell is. Even if it is a real turtle shell, I will smash it into pieces and give it to me!!"

The dragon claw that Wu Mu was holding on Tie Yan's wrist not only did not break free, but he held it tighter and tighter. At the same time, Wu Mu flicked his left foot, strangely turning into a scarlet dragon tail, a style of 'Divine Dragon'. Moving it's Tail ' slapped Tie Yan's feet fiercely, and the whole body slammed into the air with a forcibly between the strokes.

With both feet in the air, the strength of the body suddenly lost.

"Not good!!"

Tie Yan only felt that his entire body rose into the air, his feet were lifted off the ground, and an inexplicable weakness emerged, followed by, I felt that a violent force was directly transmitted from the dragon claw that was holding him, and he firmly grasped his wrist. Suddenly lifted up, the burly body was lifted up without any resistance.

Immediately after, a force was violently applied to the body, causing the body that had just been mentioned in the air to be involuntarily smashed downward.

Bang! !

With a terrifying rumbling sound, Tie Yan felt his body hit the ground heavily, and even his mouth could taste the smell of soil. He was actually smashed to the ground, but before he could get angry, his body was thrown into the air again, this time his left foot tightened and he was caught by a hideous dragon claw. It turned upside down and hit the ground again.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Lift it up, drop it down!

Lift it up and smash it down! !

The terrifying rumbling sound resounded throughout Heaven and Earth, and countless martial cultivators became completely stunned, with a stunned look, full of disbelief look.

"Impossible, how could this be?"

"Tie Yanxiu's black turtle is indestructible. Rooted, the power is endless, and it will be lifted up with a single claw. Could it be that I am dreaming."

"Sword Immortal is a good terrifying wine. When it was revealed, it was full of nine Zhang highs. The fighting body appeared, and the strength was so strong that even the rank ominous beast was shot to death on the spot, all split up and in pieces. However, now he only revealed the same as Tie Yan. The cultivation base of strength is still so domineering and powerful.”

“My darling, I even forcibly pulled Tie Yan up, and regarded him as a weapon, smashing him on the ground like a hammer, and Sword Immortal. , can you be more violent?"

"What a solid body, even smashed to the ground one after another, even the ground was smashed out one after another deep pit crack, still unable to break his battle body, The black turtle is really not ordinary if it doesn't break the body."

I only saw that Wu Mu, a dragon claw, who had reached five zhang highs, fiercely grabbed Tie Yan and his left foot forcibly. In his hand, at the same time, he madly smashed Tieyan on the ground like a wheel weapon ten times per second, and the situation looked like a Wind-Fire Wheel.

With itself as the center, it keeps spinning and smashing the iron words on the ground.

"Aiya, damn it, you smashed me on the ground like a weapon, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon, I will never let you off, it's so Humiliate me."

Tie Yan was furious and dazed. The seven orifices are about to breathe fire, screaming in anger. Embarrassed like never before. When would anyone dare to smash him to the ground so madly? Simply extraordinary shame and humiliation.

"It's such a hard shell, but if that's what you rely on, it's not enough to look at in front of me."

"Take my sword - red Lotus is furious, Nine Heavens!!"

Wu Mu quickly smashed Tie Yan to the ground and smashed him indiscriminately. Afterwards, Wu Mu threw it directly to the in midair.

At the same time, a fierce Slaughter Sword Intent burst out from the Zhu Rong sword in his hand. At the same time, a fiery breath of one after another appeared one after another in the war sword.

"With the deadly sword intent as the bone!!"

"With the Violent Fire Sword Intent as the front!!"

"With the Fire surname Divine Ability For the blade!!"

"With Red Lotus Karma Fire as the source!!"

Wu Mu drank secretly in his heart, one after another sword intent in his body, the bloodline Divine Ability continued one after another moved towards Zhu Rongjian and quickly gathered in the past, created this sword by himself, and successfully used it once in the magic cave.

All kinds of mysteries in Sword Art are understood clearly in the mind.

At this moment, when I use it again, I feel like I am familiar with it. One after another sword intent is constantly gathering in the sword, sword intent, Divine Ability, Red Lotus Karma Fire.

One after another.

In the blink of an eye, I only saw that on the sword of Zhu Rongjian, as if I could see a long river of scarlet roaring, a lifelike red lotus floating in the red river, showing a kind of lotus. The bud-like scene seems to be accumulating power, ready to burst out terrifying destructive power at any time.

In Wu Mu's hands, I can only see that the Zhu Rong sword, in an instant, directly emits layers of blood-colored flames, and every ray of flame conveys an incomparably fierce breath. It seems like a sword, tearing the vacuum. The surrounding space will be compressed and distorted.

The terrifying power gathers and circulates in the blade, emitting terrifying waves.

"I am the red lotus, my anger can burn out the Nine Heavens. gods block then kill gods, the Buddha blocks and destroys the Buddha, burn! Burn! Burn!!"

Wu As Mu swung his sword, a sword light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth shot up into the sky. The sword light was several dozen meters long, dignified and upright. From the sword light, a roaring intent erupted.

A sword light is like a flowing lava, rising into the sky. In the lava, a gorgeous blood-colored flower bud constantly emits a bright dive splendor.

"Damn, what kind of Sword Art is this, it's so terrifying, Xuan Turtle can't break the body, block me."

At the same time that Tie Yan just fell from in midair, I also saw that a dazzling and vast sword light was directly moved towards me, and the sword light was like a long river, exuding aura, which directly made Tie Yan frown, only feeling a strong Death Aura crazy Circling in the mind.

The complexion changed greatly on the spot, and without thinking about it, the body was running to the extreme.

A pair of dark black tortoise shells appeared out of thin air. The tortoise shells were completely condensed with the Divine Light. The luster is actually a real to perfect turtle shell.


At the same time as a tortoise shell appeared outside, I could only see that Tie Yan's head, hands and feet shrank violently towards the turtle shell at almost the same time, completely retracting all his hands and feet into the turtle shell. Among them, only a black tortoise shell appeared, which looked very strange.

Although this move is ugly, but the iron words that indent the hands, feet, and head into the turtle shell will erase almost all weak spots, and if the turtle shell cannot be broken, it will definitely not hurt. he.

Boom! !

The dazzling sword light directly rolled the huge tortoise shell into the sword light, and the blood-colored bud burst into bloom, turning into a Grade 3 red lotus. The auxiliary tortoise shell was directly rolled into the red lotus, and as the red lotus revolved, countless blood lights circulated, turning into one after another fierce sword light, frantically cutting on the tortoise shell.

One after another Fireball, the fire whip slammed fiercely on the turtle shell, and at the same time, these Fireballs, the fire whip, are directly fierce attacks with sword intent, with no opportunity of karmic fire.

As the flames of one after another continued to burn and cut on the turtle shell, a crisp sound was made on the spot. The sound was extremely harsh and intense. With the ability of karmic fire, it seemed that there was no The strong tortoise shell made a terrifying sound, and one after another crisp sword marks appeared one after another.

ka-cha! !

In just a few breaths, I saw that one after another ferocious crack appeared on the turtle shell.

"How is it possible, what kind of Sword Art is this, even my Xuan Turtle will be torn out of one after another crack without breaking the battle body. It's not good, it can't be stopped."

"Wu Mu, I admit defeat, you won."

"Remove this damn sword light, put it away, are you really going to kill me?"

In the tortoise shell, the surprised and angry cries of Iron Yan sounded one after another. Almost without thinking, he conceded defeat on the spot.

Boom! !

I saw when his voice fell, only to see that the sword light suddenly deviates for a while, and the red lotus suddenly fell to the side, slashing violently on a hill. (To be continued.)

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