Martial Tomb

Chapter 444

Martial Tomb Chapter 444


[During the busy farming season, the family is busy with robbing. I went to the field to help today. I carried bags of rice down, and I almost fell on the ground. Halo, I haven't done farm work for many years. . The second is really not moving, my hands are shaking now. ]

The fantasy Secret Realm can be reset and repeated infinitely. If you can completely control it in your own hands, it means you have an inexhaustible treasure. With Secret Realm in your hand, you can continuously Absorb the various thoughts and beliefs about Secret Realm between Heaven and Earth, integrate into Secret Realm, and turn it into the power of dreams.

"I really have a fantasy origin dive object, but I'm afraid it's not so easy to get."

Wu Mu didn't have much expectations for acquiring the origin dive object. , Who knows what that fantasy origin dive object is, it may be an unremarkable stone, or it may be a grain of sand.

I haven't heard of anyone in the world who can find the original dive object.

Wu Mu doesn't think too much about this. It's worth the money to get some dream power.

"What is the Secret Realm in the fantasy Secret Realm discovered this time?" Wu Mu took a deep breath and immediately asked. It is useless to say more here, after all, we still need to know what Secret Realm is.

Fantasy Secret Realm also has all kinds of dangers, who knows what terrifying existence is imagined. Some fantasy Secret Realm, inside as big as a world. Every fantasy Secret Realm may be like a complete world.

"I wonder if Brother Wu has heard of Qianhe Lake!!" Qin Miaoxiang said suddenly with a look of longing in her eyes.

"Qianhe Lake?" Wu Mu slightly frowned, shaking his head, indicating that he was not very clear.

His debut time was too short, and he still suffered a lot in terms of experience. Many things are not very clear. However, the three words Qianhe Lake seem to have been vaguely heard, and they seem to be very familiar.

"Thousand Cranes Lake? No, is that the legend?" Wu Mu suddenly recalled a legend he heard from the martial cultivator when he was in Dragon Gate Town, and couldn't help but feel in his heart. Shock.

"We heard a long cry of cranes inside the gate of the Secret Realm. If nothing else, the Secret Realm should be the legendary Battle of Thousand Cranes." Qin Miaoxiang nodded her head nodded with a slight expression on her face. said solemnly.

Tie Yan also said solemnly: "It is said that in ancient times, my Human Race and ominous beast competed for the living space, and the battles followed one after another. At that time, the Human Race officially set foot on the smelting. The ominous beast bloodline is in oneself, and the Supreme bloodline is created by oneself. After cultivating the Great Divine Ability, he fought and fought with the infinite ominous beast. The scene at that time was extremely tragic.”

“Countless Human Race martyrs, even I don't dare to close my eyes easily when I sleep. Even in my sleep, I may lose my life. There are beast swarms and fighting everywhere. Powerhouses fall every moment. At that time, every inch of soil was It was dyed red by blood."

"The Human Race at that time existed in the form of tribes, and each tribe was at the forefront of resisting the beast tide. At that time, every day all had New tribes were born, and some tribes were destroyed and destroyed by the beast tide."

"At that time, there was a tribe called Qianhe tribe, and most of the clansman's bloodlines in the tribe were the bloodlines of the crane tribe. At that time, the Qianhe Tribe was a big tribe among many tribes in the world, and a large number of Human Race powerhouses gathered in the tribe. The defensive power is also extremely powerful.”

The story of Qianhe Lake, Wu Mu also recalled.

This is indeed an ancient legend that has been circulated on the ancient continent for countless years.

This is not a beautiful story, this is a poignant legend.

According to legend, at that time, in front of the Qianhe tribe, hundreds of tribes were attacked by the terrifying beast tide at the same time, the beast tide rolled in, and countless ominous beasts hiding the sky and covering the earth. The tribes will continue to be leveled and destroyed. Human Race seems to have entered an extremely critical juncture. The failed Human Race martial cultivator and the people have retreated from all over the place.

The living space is constantly being squeezed by the ominous beast.

At that time, there was a sage in the Human Race who carved out a sheltered place in the back, and built a big city in a hidden area called the City of Hope, which symbolized the continuous inheritance of Human Race. Hope for longevity, Eternal Inextinguishable, the meaning of reproduction and prosperity. At the same time, it is also in times of crisis, leaving a glimmer of survival for the reproduction inheritance of Human Race.

The city is extremely huge. When it was established, it had already imagined what would happen if the Human Race lost in the end. Therefore, various restrictions were placed on the ancient city. Once the Human Race could not be defeated. If it is matched, the entire ancient city will be forcibly sealed and sent to a place where even the ominous beast cannot find it.

To keep the Human Race fire from going out.

So, at that time, although the major tribes were fighting fiercely with the ominous beast, at the same time, they still sent the old and weak women and children, young women, and children from the major tribes to the City of Hope. Send it in the past, in order to leave the seeds of the rise again for your tribe.

It was a big transfer and a big retreat. All the major tribes were continuously sending the old and weak women and children from their tribes to the City of Hope, and when they went to the City of Hope, all the major tribes jointly opened up the city of Hope. nine roads. These nine paths, at the time, were called the paths of life.

The story of Qianhe Lake happened when the major tribes began to transfer the old and weak women and children in the tribe. That is, the beast tide became more violent, a large number of tribes were destroyed, and a large number of survivors set foot on the life. Road to the City of Hope. At that time, the Qianhe tribe was one of the tribes guarding the road of life.

The front is the beast tide swept in, and the back is the continuous old and weak women and children. If the Qianhe tribe chooses not to resist the beast tide, I am afraid that those women and children will be torn to pieces in the beast tide.

The Qianhe tribe, like other tribes, chose to resist the beast tide and bless other clansman to leave and transfer.

At that time, the Qianhe tribe also gathered a large number of powerhouses from major tribes to jointly resist the beast tide. For the safety of their relatives behind, I don't know how many Human Race ancestors fought in blood and fell tragically.

In that battle, in the area where the Qianhe tribe was located, the entire tribe fought against the beast tide Nine Heavens Nine Nights. To the point where it can't be added.

And at the last moment, in the Thousand Crane Tribe, all the powerhouses, incarnated as thousands of Red-crowned Crane, together with countless ominous beast perish, the violent destructive power directly turned the entire tribe into a huge lake , That lake is Qianhe Lake.

Nine Heavens Nine Heavens also allows those old and weak women and children to arrive at a safe area safely.

Similarly, this battle also made countless Human Race people completely remember the name of Qianhe tribe and Qianhe Lake. This is the blood of Human Race, so that Human Race can prosper, inheritance is immortal.

The story of Qianhe Lake has been passed down through the ages since then.

Up to now, the Battle of Qianhe Lake is still a biography that is constantly being preached on the ancient continent, Legendary. For countless years, I don't know how many people have sung the Legendary story of the Battle of Qianhe Lake, and the thoughts related to one after another will continue to converge, and finally will fuse together with Chaos Small World, which will directly evolve into the fantasy Secret Realm.

Undoubtedly, once the evolution is successful, the fantasy Secret Realm is Qianhe Secret Realm, and various scenes of the battle of Qianhe Lake will be repeated in it. That is really going to repeat the terrifying scene of facing the boundless beast tide.

"It's really the Qianhe Lake Secret Realm." Wu Mu took a deep breath and asked with a very solemn expression.

If it is Qianhe Secret Realm, this fantasy Secret Realm is definitely extremely terrifying. The most powerhouse imagined in it is probably far beyond their current level. During the battle, the battle strength at the cream of the crop level has reached Paradise Realm, and atavistic powerhouses have emerged in large numbers. True Spirit powerhouses can be shaken, and Law Manifestation Realm has only just stepped into the powerhouse. As for the enlightenment realm , that is nothing but cannon fodder at the forefront of the war. plentiful and easily available.

And the martial cultivator in the enlightened state is not even qualified to participate in the battle.

If it is really this fantasy Secret Realm, if you go in with their cultivation base, you may not even be able to stir up a splash. If you are not careful, you will be buried in it. You must know that once the fantasy Secret Realm enters, , it is not so easy to come out, I can't say, you must meet certain conditions before you can leave.

"There is a 70% certainty that it is Qianhe Secret Realm. After all, it is related to cranes, and there are ancient legends circulating on the ancient continent. Qianhe Lake is the most famous one."

Iron said firmly.

Wu Mu himself guesses so too, after all, not too many anecdotes can lead to a fantasy Secret Realm. Each has its roots. Naturally, Qianzuru Secret Realm is the most likely existence.

"The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity. You must know that the thoughts of all sentient beings inspire the Divine Soul thoughts left by the ancient martyrs. In the Secret Realm fantasy, you may be able to learn the ancient Divine Ability method. Those ** are all real, and if you can really get them, you will definitely be able to accumulate a strong capital for your own rise."

Qin Miaoxiang's crisp words sounded, in the words, about this fantasy Secret Realm Also of great interest.

The legendary Battle of Qianhe Lake, if you can personally experience it and feel the heroic appearance of the ancient martyrs, will have a great impact on your life.

“Where is the Secret Realm, and who else knows about the Secret Realm here.”

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, imagining that the Secret Realm is always a great time The experience of being able to personally feel the terrifying of the beast tide in ancient times is an inestimable wealth in itself. For Marital Arts Path, there will be a clearer understanding.

I have already planned to go.

After all, the opportunity is rare.

“Secret Realm was discovered when the three of us went out to hunt the ominous beast together. The location was extremely secret, and after discovering it at that time, we made various means of concealment. Plus some Unremarkable little ban, It shouldn't be found out. And, at the time, all three of us swore an oath not to let anyone fantasize about Secret Realm unless all three agreed. No one dares to break the oath sworn by Heart Demon."

Western Invincible finally spoke.

It's just that, with that somewhat sissy tone, Wu Mu's brows jumped wildly. There is an urge to turn around and leave.

"Furthermore, the fantasy Secret Realm seems to be in the process of being reset. It is temporarily impossible to get in, and it will probably take some time. We have discussed it and plan to wait until all the breakthroughs to the Law Manifestation Realm are completed, and then we will join together.


Qin Miaoxiang said slowly. (To be continued.)

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