Martial Tomb

Chapter 465

Martial Tomb Chapter 465


Every inch of flesh and blood is shining, shining like a piece of unpolished jade. Exudes endless dive splendor. There seems to be infinite power circulating in the flesh. Heaven and Earth can be destroyed on the spot at any time.

In the room, like an Unrivaled God, descended upon the mortal world! !

Whoosh! !

I don't know how long it took, Wu Mu slowly exhaled a long breath, the dive light on his body quickly disappeared at the speed of naked eyes, and the closed eyes also opened, and the eyes shot out. There was a compelling light, and his eyes were deep.

"Sure enough, my cultivation realm has reached the peak of enlightenment. Without breaking through to the Law Manifestation Realm, it is almost impossible to make an inch of progress. Fortunately, it is not without gain."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, the cultivation base has almost reached the peak of enlightenment, continue to cultivate, for itself, the cultivation base can no longer produce too much diligence, on the contrary, the World's Essence Qi, which is continuously engulfed by the eyebrows The orifice devoured it and turned into Innate Purple Qi, nourishing the seeds of the world.

Even the ancestral aperture space is constantly expanding.

This is to accumulate information for the future, Wu Mu is not discouraged, but everyday all must take a certain amount of time to run "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" to handle World's Essence Qi.

Look at the sky, it's already night.

"Finally it's time for the auction to start."

Wu Mu's eyes flashed, and he got up. The House has negotiated the time when the special auction will start. Perhaps because of Wufang Auction House's instructions, during this period of time, this ancient city, which is known as the most chaotic ancient continent, did not have any unsightly guys approaching the door.

Wu Mu had a rare few days of quiet time.

The past few days , nothing else was done. He just kept observing the changes in the wine insects and the Dionysian sacrificial treasures in his body, as well as the continuous brewing of spirit wine in the winemaking space, quickly consuming the spiritual medicine he had accumulated and turning it into a variety of rare spirit wines. The treasure house is piled up like a mountain. Each spirit wine has a huge inventory.

The past few days also detected some patterns. That wine insect is really amazing, almost like a human being, it has three meals a day, morning, noon, and evening. Have a drink of spirit wine. After drinking, he would fall asleep, and when he woke up, he would spit out the shreds of Wuji wine, and blend it into the Bacchus sacrificial treasure, which is the wine glass. Let the glass continuously transform into the substance.

Although there are not many Promise wine spit out each time, but perseverance, every day all can make a part of the wine glass directly become substantive, that kind of process is very wonderful. In just a few days, that wine glass already has a 2/3/2022 section. completely transformed into reality. Crystal clear and near-transparent like white jade.

Wu Mu estimates that it only takes three or four days for this wine glass to be completely transformed and completely condensed into essence.

"It's time to go to the Auction House."

Wu Mu raised his eyes to look at the sky and murmured to himself, this time is a special auction, Wu Mu naturally doesn't want to miss it, stay here like this It took many days, and the biggest reason was this auction.

As for the spirits to be auctioned. As early as yesterday, Feng Sanqian had already sent someone to escort him there, brought it into the Auction House, sealed it up directly, and. Clearly different categories, just wait for the auction to start.

"A lot of martial cultivators!!"

Stepping out of the living Inn, Wu Mu glanced all around, only to see, in the surrounding streets, a martial cultivator densely in the city Shuttle, originally at night, it should be the most terrifying and terrifying time period in the chaotic city. Countless killings and various crimes will happen in the dark night. Even if it is haunted, it will never blatantly wander on the streets.

That's almost an explicit telling.

Come and kill me, come and snatch me! !

But today is different. A martial cultivator wants to go out of the hidden area and shuttle on the street. The thieves will no longer steal, and the vicious murderers will no longer kill. Robbery, well-behaved, one by one becomes a normal martial cultivator, it is simply impossible to tell the difference from other ancient cities.

"Good guy, a group of used killers, they are pretending to be good people at this time, which is really interesting."

Xiaolu stepped out with Wu Mu and saw the scene outside, He also opened his mouth wide on the spot, looking shocked, and then sarcastically said with a sneer.

"Let me be more disciplined. This time, Wufang Auction House has already explained that if anyone acts recklessly and disrupts the order today, even Heavenly Sovereign Lao Tzu will not be able to save his life."

"This time it was a special auction for Sword Immortal, and all the big bosses ordered it personally. At other times, there are no rules in the city, but tonight, killing is prohibited, who dares to attack hands, and whoever dares to attack will never leave alive. This city. No one can keep him. According to the news from the Auction House, after the auction today, the Sword Immortal will announce the key method for brewing spirit wine."

"Whoever collides with the sword Sword Immortal , angering him, so that if you don't announce the method of making spirit wine, you are fighting against the whole world, and against many bloodline Aristocratic Family."

one after another vicious voice in The crowd resounded, constantly echoing all around, and such shouts were almost constantly resounding throughout the Chaos City. Warn those unruly martial cultivators. I am afraid that something bad will happen here.

Wu Mu smiled indifferently when he saw it, without paying too much attention.

With the deer, they quickly walked through the street. Those who met Wu Mu, after seeing him and the deer beside him, the complexion slightly changed one by one, and then they moved to the sides. , no one stopped Wu Mu's footsteps.

Not long ago, I came to the five-way Auction House like a bird's nest.

At the door, you can see a silhouette in Tsing Yi standing in front of him. After seeing Wu Mu, he immediately laughed up to meet him and said loudly: "Brother Wu, the auction is about to start, I will bring you with me. You go to the VIP room."

The visitor was Feng Sanqian.

The current Feng Sanqian, with a face full of red light and a smile, saw Wu Mu and greeted him on the spot. Full of closeness, Wu Mu was pulled into the Auction House.

"Big Brother Feng, how are you preparing for the auction?" Wu Mu naturally entered the Auction House, followed Feng Sanqian, and walked up to the second floor. This Auction House is almost exactly the same as Dragon Gate Town, not much different. As he walked, he spoke.

"Yesterday, you escorted the batch of spirit wine, and immediately asked the appraiser of cream of the crop to appraise it and set the price for the spirit wine. So far, all arrangements have been made. This auction is to be auctioned in one series, one series. Moreover, the number of auctions is only a part, and the rest will be sold at the Auction House.”

Feng Sanqian said with a calm expression.

It has been agreed before that, part of this batch of spirit wine is used for auction, and the amount occupied is not too much, not too small, probably in the amount of one third. Then the other parts, Wufang Auction House will buy it directly, and the price will be purchased at the highest auction price.

The latter part will be directly sent back to the Phoenix Aristocratic Family, and the other part will be sold at the Auction House, which is a long-term business.

These Wu Mu are all clear and have no objection to these.

His purpose is to truly promote and develop the spirit wine together. Others, he doesn't want to overdo it. Anyway, he just takes the money.

"In those days, the price of Mortal Grade Martial Spirit was one hundred and fifty black iron coins, that is, fifteen bronze coins per kilogram. Now Martial Spirit is spirit wine, and the price has risen. The price set by the appraisers at Auction House is 40 bronze coins per bottle gourd low grade Martial Spirit, 80 for high grade and 160 for high grade. The price varies between each grade. Let's talk about it."

Feng Sanqian explained the auction price to Wu Mu.

"As for Bingji Salvia Wine, the auction reserve price for the low grade is: 100 bronze coins, after that, the price doubles for every 1 grade increase, and the high grade is 400 bronze coins. Shedding Mortality Realm spirit wine series, the reserve price is doubled for each type of wine, tiger bone flame wine, the reserve price of low grade is 200 bronze coins. As for Wushen Five Elements wine, the reserve price of low grade is 1,600. ”

“For the Blood Sea Realm series spirit wine, the reserve price we set is, Blood Ginseng Longevity Wine, low grade 500 bronze coins, Fire Date Burning Heart Wine, low grade 1,000 coins Bronze coins. Blood Spirit Immortal Wine, low grade 2,000 bronze coins.”

The reserve price set at Wufang Auction House was extremely expensive, so expensive that ordinary martial cultivators would be discouraged. It is even better than the medicine pill, which is the truth of what is rare.

"What about the Aperture Realm?" Wu Mu nodded and asked in a deep voice.

"Kaiqiaojing series, Millennium Vermilion Fruit wine, low grade base price, 1,000 bronze coins, Jinxi Shouwu wine, low grade base price, 2,000 bronze coins, as for Jin Snake Soft Rib Liquor, low grade Price, 3,000 bronze coins. Highland barley Jade-Spirit Wine, priced at 2,000 bronze coins."

"Special Spirit Wine, Baihua Immortal Wine, low grade 3,000 pieces, Manjianghong, low grade 5 1,000 coins, bezoar warding off evil spirits, low grade 4,000 bronze coins." Feng Sanqian quickly explained the pricing of all spirit wines.

This number looks a bit scary, but the currency used is bronze coins. In reality, the reserve price is only three-four hundred silver coins. For those bloodline Aristocratic Family, this The price is not too expensive.

Those children of the Aristocratic Family, if they buy any luxury goods, they are thousands of bronze coins.

Almost the top bloodline Aristocratic Family have their own crystal mines. The spar can be collected from the crystal ore and refined into coins with the unique Divine Ability of the mint.

His net worth can be said to be quite strong.

Wu Mu is not worried about them.

"Big Brother Feng, have my request been passed on?" Wu Mu didn't care too much, but immediately asked.

"Relax, the news has already been passed on, only Martial Spirit wine is traded in coins, and the auction price of other spirit wines will eventually need to be equal to Heaven and Earth Treasure, spiritual medicine seeds, rare and rare. Foreign objects are traded."

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