Martial Tomb

Chapter 809

Martial Tomb Chapter 809


[The story of the ancient continent has been written to the end, the next is All Heavens and Myriad Realms, endless void, the past few days are a bit stuck The text is very laborious to write, so take it easy. Recover as soon as possible. ]

The original body of forty-nine feet has grown and transformed, and suddenly, it has almost reached the size of the hundred zhang. Just look, outside the body, a blossoming body protection lotus blooms, the original Grade 5 body protection Pauline, in this brief moment, is all showing a somewhat illusory Grade 1. There is a ferocious law, the Divine Chain, which extends directly from the illusory corner and wraps around the whole body.

There are already quite a few, directly submerged in the flesh and blood, the law Divine Chain vibrates, a trace of Dao Rhyme follows the vibration, drilling into the flesh and blood, tempering the fleshy body, discarding impurities, body protection The lotus contains the origin, Fusion of Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, Heaven and Earth Spirit Object turned into the source, usually tempering fleshy body, attacking body protection, nothing is unsatisfactory, while tempering fleshy body, it is also like a towering ancient tree with a foundation, in Wu Mu At the same time as growing up, he also grows and transforms again and again.

Every time you upgrade a realm, the origin of these Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects is also equivalent to having undergone First Transformation. The formidable power will be greatly increased, and its origin will be more mysterious, just like the body protection Baolian that appears, if it reaches Grade 6, its own power is enough to sweep the realm of the atavistic realm. Infinite, invincible, not only the Law Manifestation Realm is invincible, even in the real Spirit Realm, it is still invincible.

Now that it has transformed to a level close to Grade 6, its formidable power is so strong that even if it is atavistic, it still has to shy away, endlessly afraid.

Wu Mu's fleshy body has transformed, and the flesh and blood of the whole body has completely transformed into a mixed blood crystal. He is hungry and thirsty. Now, in the Holy Pool of Ten Thousand Blood, he is constantly absorbing the power of holy blood. All of them naturally grow and expand rapidly, and their own skeletons also continue to grow and transform. The fleshy body is in this short time of less than a day.

Has reached the height of hundred zhang.

The limit of true Spirit Realm fleshy body. It can reach one hundred and eighty feet, which is the fleshy body limit of the true Spirit Realm, if there is no breakthrough realm. It is impossible to break this limit, except by casting the Divine Ability of Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation. But that is Divine Ability, how can it be compared with the real Martial Arts combat body. This is real flesh and blood, the Martial Arts combat body. No impurities at all.

And looking at Wu Mu's body, I can only see that in the sea of blood, the blood of azure produces ripples, and a lifelike Azure Lotus takes root in it, lotus leaves. petal. All are lifelike, a Grade 5 Azure Lotus, turned into a Taoist tire, sitting in the center.

On this lotus platform, it can be seen that a lotus seed appears. The whole body of the lotus seed is azure, shining with crystal clear light, and outlines the billions of Dao Rhyme. There are countless dao marks, the texture is like silk, and there is aura flowing. On it, it seems that you can feel all kinds of spiritual changes, such as water and fire, wind and thunder, time and space, civil engineering, etc., all kinds of inspiration alternate. But it is perfectly integrated into this lotus seed, as if it can change various Attribute Laws at will, without any flaws.

This is not a real lotus seed.

It is a drop of Supreme divine blood that is finally bred by the gathering of twelve bloodline divine blood in the body. It is the only True Blood, which can be called Azure Lotus Dao Blood, and contains the True Blood of Great Dao Law.

At the moment when this drop of True Blood was formed, the twelve ancestral witch bloodlines in the body conveyed an aura of surrender and pilgrimage.

It was a feeling as if facing the source.

It's really mysterious.

At the moment when the only True Blood condenses, it also means that Wu Mu is in the true Spirit Realm, and the First Heavenly Layer realm has been completely pushed up to the level of Great Perfection, and the next is the 2nd Heavenly Layer The cultivation of the realm of the gods.

At this point, where water flows, a canal is formed.

Take the Taoist body as the body, the only True Blood as the source, and the soul of its own bloodline as the nourishment. In the end, they gathered together to give birth to True Spirit in the dao embryo. In this process, the quality of the dao tire was looked at. The stronger the dao tire and the higher the quality, the faster the bloodline soul was extracted, and the true spirit was born. faster. Until the soul of Blood Soul is completely absorbed, a blank True Spirit is bred in the Taoist embryo. This process is Yunshen.

At this moment, I only see that, at the moment when the only True Blood condenses, I only see that the souls of the twelve ancestral witch bloodlines converge on the Azure Lotus Taoist embryo at the same time, as if they were directly engraved on the Taoist embryo. Same as the natural pattern on it. The only True Blood immediately fell into the Azure Lotus Dao tire. In the Dao tire, self becomes a space, filled with a trace of azure liquid, covering the Dao tire space. In the liquid, the only True Blood sits in the center, like a Supreme True Seed.

Emitting azure divine light.

And at this moment, the Dao Embryo is running, and suddenly, it can be seen that from the twelve bloodline souls, a trace of the Divine Soul origin, continuously forcibly deprived by the Dao Embryo, has been moved. It was integrated into the Dao Fei and directly into that drop of the only True Blood.

Plop! thump! !

After obtaining the source of Divine Soul, that drop of the only True Blood seemed to have life in an instant, and spirituality was born. Crisp sound. A trace of true soul is continuously integrated into it. Every time it rises and falls, a large amount of Dao Rhyme is naturally swallowed. Heaven and Earth Dao rhyme emerges from the bloodline, imprints it, and becomes nutrients.

The speed at which the Azure Lotus Dao embryo absorbs the soul of bloodline is extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it is seen that that drop of the only True Blood has strangely transformed into a fetus, swallowing the soul of bloodline in the Dao embryo.

This fetus is growing at an incredible rate.

There is a unique power in the Holy Pool of Ten Thousand Blood, which makes this transformation not only amazingly fast, but also has a solid foundation and no impetuousness. It seems to just speed up this process a thousand times. In the Taoist embryo, there is a trace of holy blood blending into it.

Ah! !

I don't know how long ago, with the crazy absorption of Azure Lotus Dao Embryo, the souls of the twelve ancestor witches bloodline did not have any resistance, and they were absorbed without any hindrance, and in a blink of an eye, they were completely It is absorbed and devoured by the Azure Lotus road tire and integrated into the real True Spirit road tire.

That fetus in the canal fetus is transforming and growing almost at a speed visible to naked eyes.

For the fetuses conceived by others, in the Divine Rank section, the biggest possibility is the True Spirit condensed into a fetus. True Spirit and bloodline soul have a fundamental transformation, and the quality is the difference between Heaven and Earth, naturally impossible is as huge as the soul of bloodline. When completed, it is like a newborn baby. Moreover, most of the transformed True Spirits are related to their own bloodline, without exception.

If it is the Golden Crow Bloodline, the True Spirit fetus that is conceived is a newly born little Golden Crow. It's a Titan cow, and that bred True Spirit is a calf. To grow and transform step by step. However, that is the cultivation of Third Heavenly Layer, the realm of True Spirit. Yunshen is the womb that gave birth to this Spiritual God.

But Wu Mu is different. Twelve bloodline souls are gathered in one body, only to see that in the Azure Lotus Taoist embryo, the fetus grows at a speed visible to naked eyes, and in a blink of an eye Just stretch it out, and the huge Divine Soul Power is integrated into it. Even if the number drops sharply after tempering, it is still an extremely huge nourishment.

The body grows rapidly.

Three-dynasty babies!

Three year olds! !

Nine-year-old urchin! !

In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a statue with the exact same height as Wu Mu's usual size, more than 1.8 meters, before it stopped.

"The mind is connected, the will is mixed, True Spirit is one, True Spirit is me, I am True Spirit."

The soul of bloodline is completely absorbed and integrated, that divine embryo grows At the moment of adult size, this stage of Yunshen has been completely completed, but Wu Mu has not stopped, and his mind and will are directly integrated into this dive embryo. Perfect integration with divide embryo. In an instant, when Wu Mu opened his eyes, he was already in the Azure Lotus Taoist tire. He raised his eyes and looked all around. There were wisps of azure gas rising.


Wu Mu merged into True Spirit. After scanning all around, he jumped straight up. This jump seemed to take off his body, cut off the shackles, and soared into the sky, directly from the space inside the Azure Lotus Taoist fetus. , directly burst out of the air, instantly appeared in the sea of blood, and stood on the Azure Lotus road tire. All over the body, naked, no strands stick to the body.

Looking carefully, it is amazing that the appearance of this True Spirit is not the appearance of any ancestor witch, nor the appearance of any Demon God, but a real Wu Mu, almost exactly the same as the Wu Mu body. True Spirit.

This is True Spirit that the martial cultivator has almost impossible.

But, Wu Mu's True Spirit is himself.

Your Bloodline True Spirit is yourself.

This is very common to others, but for the martial cultivator who walks the bloodline Path of Martial Cultivation, this is the fundamental impossible thing to happen.

"In my body, I am True Spirit."

"The twelve ancestral witches gathered together to condense the real body of Pangu. Who is Pangu, I am Pangu, and I am True Spirit. I am my own Pangu. I am my True Spirit, my power is controlled by me. My bloodline is me."

Wu Mu stood on the Azure Lotus Taoist tire, exuding radiance from his body. Invisible majesty, with a wave of the hand, the natural phenomenon rising in the sea of blood, the ancestors gathered Divine Lightning, directly transformed into a ray of light, appeared outside the body, fell on the body, and turned into an azure robe.

On the azure robe, there is a natural phenomenon.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches gathered together to gather Heavenly God Thunder. Divine Lightning smashing void, evolutionary chaos, in chaos, Pan Gu was born, the appearance of Pan Gu, is Wu Mu, wielding a battle axe, splitting heaven and earth apart.

All kinds of pictures flash naturally on the azure robe.

Hiding the body of True Spirit, the natural phenomenon is naturally compatible with True Spirit.

The power of natural phenomenon can be driven by a gesture, which is True Spirit's Life Source Great Divine Ability, the truly irreplaceable Supreme Divine Ability.

"That's not enough, I have a deep heritage, and I have the Holy Pond of Ten Thousand Blood. I can directly break the confinement. Growth and transformation."

"The growth and growth of True Spirit must be nourished with qi and blood, nourishing True Spirit with its own qi and blood, strengthening True Spirit, gathering the rhythm of Heaven and Earth Dao, and turning it into nutrients for True Spirit , this process is a kind of warm nourishing method. However, I have no time to wait. If I want to go, I will follow the method of vigorous and straight forward.”

Heaven and Earth sentient beings have always been If the body is strong, the qi and blood will be prosperous. If the qi and blood are prosperous, the soul will be strong. The own qi and blood can strengthen the Divine Soul. Use essence to nourish qi, and energize spirit with qi. This relationship can be described as closely linked.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that ghosts absorb the yang energy of strangers.

The yang qi is actually essence, qi and blood. The qi and blood of a stranger is a great tonic for ghosts, and can greatly supplement the true soul. (To be continued~^~)

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